Agreed, it’s a wonder how he makes any gains, if any since everything he uses he accuses of it being bunk cause he can’t “feel” anything

You should honestly get the hell off this forum.

You are a clown and a scammer. Stating everyone is selling fake crap. whether cialis or testosterone.

Thats pretty much the drift I got also, Stan is pretty much “i dont have time for this dumbass, get out of my hair”

I could see @KoreanGuy's behavior resulting in a shadow ban by vendors.

You can only complain without Jano testing for so long, and this is the 3rd vendor he's called out based on feelz or crashed vials?
I'll tell ya what. Just email me and I'll refund your entire order. You keep the product and no hard feelings.
Don’t do that. I think he’s autistic. He threw a tantrum in Pharmacoms thread saying their stuff is underdosed because his bloodwork was low. He’s going to do the same to you I bet. Send it to Jano or shut the fuck up.
Don’t worry I won’t say anything else until I get blood drawn
You’ve already ruined any credibility you ever hoped to have. You’re literally questioning one of the most reputable sources here because you don’t “feel” anything. And on top of that you say if it’s real, you hope you don’t get too many sides???
I bet you walk into a restaurant and tell them your food was awful before its served just trying to get something for free.
I rarely comment but you’re so far out of line it’s ridiculous
Decided to give Stan a try after going through a few different places.

Ordered Apr 29th, Touched down 8 days later.
Ordering process streamlined and professional.
Well Packaged and labeled. Each Item is clear as Crystal and looks fantastic. I have no doubt in my mind this stuff will do wonders.

Thanks Stan.
Don’t do that. I think he’s autistic. He threw a tantrum in Pharmacoms thread saying their stuff is underdosed because his bloodwork was low. He’s going to do the same to you I bet. Send it to Jano or shut the fuck up.
Honestly I wouldn’t even press that, this is the type of guy that may send a fucked up sample of something he already knows is off stating it’s Stans (but not Stan’s) just to now get a shit show started. The real ones clearly know who we got on Meso who are pretty much get what you pay for type of guys. Dont even entertain this clown.
@Stanfordpharma1 you must be on that Tracy Tren lol !!! Kudos to you my friend for being an asshole in your own way :) That made me smile !! The longest most reliable guy around and you’re faking test you S.O.B !! Dammm you lol
It's not tren. I'm just tired... so very tired, lol. I'm just sitting here in a daze answering emails just thinking "I don't care. Just leave me alone" haha. Fact is, I'm not as stupid as my wife would claim I am. I see what it is, but it's not worth the few bucks spent on dealing with the guy.
It's not tren. I'm just tired... so very tired, lol. I'm just sitting here in a daze answering emails just thinking "I don't care. Just leave me alone" haha. Fact is, I'm not as stupid as my wife would claim I am. I see what it is, but it's not worth the few bucks spent on dealing with the guy.
Completely get it !!!