Pack landed today from Stan. Gotta say, I'm liking that dragons blood the pack was missing something I ordered but Stan got back to me today saying he would ship it to me. No biggie. I plan to order more of his primo and hgh in the near future
I like the 150 primo better than the 200… the 200 crippled me and I can’t use it anymore
His 200mg stuff is hit and miss for me when it comes to PIP. If I mix it with other compounds I have way less issues. His 150mg stuff I can shoot on its own and I get no PIP.
I like the 150 primo better than the 200… the 200 crippled me and I can’t use it anymore
I’ve found that if I put it on a candle warmer with my vial of test, heat them both up, mix them in the same syringe, and pin while they are still warm I get zero pip…if I don’t heat it first it hurts like a bitch for several days. Give it a try
I’ve found that if I put it on a candle warmer with my vial of test, heat them both up, mix them in the same syringe, and pin while they are still warm I get zero pip…if I don’t heat it first it hurts like a bitch for several days. Give it a try
This is the way
I dilute the 200 primo a bit with sterile gso. Less pip that way. I used to inject 200 primo without diluting and it was debilitating some days. Warming it up helps but I feel like diluting it helps more. Just my 2 cents
I’ve found that if I put it on a candle warmer with my vial of test, heat them both up, mix them in the same syringe, and pin while they are still warm I get zero pip…if I don’t heat it first it hurts like a bitch for several days. Give it a try
Learned this idea from this forum. Pip on multiple things has damn near disappeared. Bought one for $8 great investment… just don’t forget to turn it off when you’re done XD
I’ve found that if I put it on a candle warmer with my vial of test, heat them both up, mix them in the same syringe, and pin while they are still warm I get zero pip…if I don’t heat it first it hurts like a bitch for several days. Give it a try
Not a noob, I been heating my gear since 2017

still PIP with the 200 no matter what I did

The 150 tho, is cake
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@Stanfordpharma1 Been ordering from you for quite a while and cannot complain, I appreciate your quality product. I didn’t read the last few pages, but will you have test e back in stock soon? Thanks
Test e in stock. Only thing not in stock is tren hex. Need to find time to brew. I have the raws. Tren hex will be back in the next few days.