

I made a mistake by not getting baseline bloodwork before I switched from GL’s Masteron to Stan’s Masteron at the same dose of 400 mgs a week, and also adding Stan’s Anadrol at 50 mgs a day.

A touch more than two weeks in and the Anadrol has fucking SMASHED my appetite - a great sign if you are wondering if your Anadrol is legit.

Another unexpected surprise is that my diet is unchanged, yet I am getting noticeably leaner while gaining weight. I’m up from 255 to 261 in the last two weeks and my abs are actually starting to pop as I get leaner. I’m not waterlogged at all.

I’m actually getting even freakier vascularity through my quads and calves as they get leaner. Like baby Nick Walker veiny legs. A super nice and unexpected surprise.

My strength is markedly improved, as well. So far it’s been a really nice experience using Stan’s gear. I have never gotten bigger AND leaner while I’m cutting. This is absolutely nuts.

Thank you Stan. You’re doing God’s work out here my man.
So what do you think the 6 lbs you gained in 2 weeks could be ?
It's taking about a week to get packs out the door. I'm pretty up front about that. I'm so extremely slammed right now. Sorry for the wait, but it's just insane. Please order a bit ahead of time.
No worries at all man! If anything I'll have my girlfriend express it or just wait. I'm only gone for 12 days. I get being slammed, I've worked in the online vending side of nootropics, it gets hectic.
Got my first ever purchase with Stan. Obviously without testing can't comment on quality, but all arrived within 10 days, well packed. Great comm.
Now , let heal my old injuries!

Another beautiful touchdown! Loving the Var. my pack landed a bit later then it usually does but I don’t mind. That’s why you should order ahead of time and not last second. Great communication from Stan, quality is definitely there.
My point was he didn’t gain 6lbs of tissue in 2 weeks from anadrol , it’s water, glycogen, intracelluar fluid etc. Maybe starting to build new fibers.
Ya def not 6 lbs of muscle in 2 weeks. I remember my first cycle I gained like 26 I thought it was all muscle lol. Boy was I wrong lost a ton off water after that. Thought every cycle I’d gain that fast lol