Can not combine. The suspension wouldn't mix both products evenly. You wouldn't know what you are getting. 2 products in one suspension isn't a good idea. Not that I don't appreciate your ideas, lol. I can make a 10mg or 20mg suspension of either or.
Ok interesting, I only got the idea from symbi when he had the “diamond cutter” he had that mix but then again he’s no longer here for a reason lol, I would def buy Cialis suspension 20mg. Just throwing it out there I know I’m just one dude
Just request whenever you order. Suspensions are easy. I can do them on demand.
that’s really good to know, I do remember a comment a while back you talked about you also being able to do the dosing more accurate that way against capsules, Since then I always wanted the susp whenever possible lol, anyways thanks
Make sure you are checking stans email before making a purchase. I got this email unsolicited last night. Obviously not StanView attachment 284052
Scammers trying to get me many times a day. Bit of advice to anyone who cares. Never, ever open an attachment. That's how the scammer a number of years ago took down a bunch of sources and posted everyone's personal info.
Make sure you are checking stans email before making a purchase. I got this email unsolicited last night. Obviously not Stan

@gmail LOL

Deleted that fucker asap.

More concerning someone got your proton and how?

Was wondering that as well but not too worried.

Gonna start another new email anyway. If an old source wants to confirm I've ordered before, I have the necessary info to prove it's me.