Honestly brutha, the most Effective way for me to take orals is to space them out twice a day. That is why I prefer a suspension because I can does it accordingly versus putting a capsule of powder. I get phenomenal results if I take 30 mg of the ball in the morning and then 30 mg at night. Same goes for supercasua effective way for me to take orals is to space them out twice a day. That is why I prefer a suspension because I can dosing accordingly versus splitting a capsule of powder. I get phenomenal results if I take 30 mg of T-ball in the morning and then 30 mg at night. Same goes for sdrol 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg at night. Since I’m too lazy to split the capsules up when I get Stanford Orioles are usually do a 50 mg tablet at four in the morning and a 50 mg tablet at night. However that is not the case right now because I’m running a mild dose and I’m only taking 50 so I take it once a day. My preferred method would be twice a day