Starting a cycle at 56 HELP!


New Member
I am in the second week of my first cycle. I am on Sustanon 250, 500mg a week for 12 weeks. I started after receiving my test. results which are low. I am also starting back at the gym as I was absent for 3 months due to shoulder problems. In my case, do I need to take any post cycle stuff to prevent estrogen build up? Any supplements I should take while on this cycle? Any advise is appreciated.
I'm not sure what the laws on steroids are in that asian country youre in, but if you want to keep this steroid use a secret you'll need to change that avatar.
If your numbers are already on the low side, you should be expecting to go on TRT after a cycle of steroids.
You'll want to read up on aromatase inhibitors, and start using one around the second week of your cycle. There is an enzyme in your body that converts excess testosterone into estrogen. IF your estro gets too high you could see a multitude of symptoms, things like man boobs, aka bitch titties.
What are your plans for after this cycle? have you got a doctor picked out for TRT already?
You'll also want to run some blood work mid cycle, check liver and kidney function, as well as hematocrit, globins, and platelets. Running a cycle at your age is hard on the body, so you have to monitor things. Don't want to have a heart attack or stroke.
I think you should halt this cycle asap and first determine a baseline. If not with a doc, then by yourself with blood work to support your future health related decisions. Jumping on the AAS train prematurely will only serve to complicate your life and endocrine system further. I strongly recommend you do this properly and take the time to educate yourself on combating low testosterone (andropause). In the meantime, continue to workout developing an exercise program, and also work on your diet too. Diet is extremely important element to weight training and using AAS effectively.
I agree with these guys, drop the cycle now.

Go see your primary physician and tell him what you want to do. At 56 you should have no problem getting prescribed TRT.
Thanks for your replies. To answer all your concersns, I started the cycle because I don't have the energy r stamina at the gym. I had a trainer for 6 months. Did well but could not get further ahead. I reached a plateau as far as stamina and muscle development test results cam back low and also some saliva tests to determine hormone and cortisol stress levels which are also low. The doctor has put me on these supplements to balance everything. He did start me on TRT. It is the cream. To me it doesn't work. Besides getting a few erections in the morning it didn't do anything else. Last visit he gave me an injection and said in 2 days will feel a difference. I didn't and grew frustrated and decided to start the cycle. Will tell him on my next visit.

He said he will also start me on HGH( results also came back low) once I have a second test to see if other hormone levels have improved.
I started the cycle because I don't have the energy r stamina at the gym. I had a trainer for 6 months. Did well but could not get further ahead. I reached a plateau as far as stamina and muscle development test results cam back low and also some saliva tests to determine hormone and cortisol stress levels which are also low. The doctor has put me on these supplements to balance everything. He did start me on TRT. It is the cream. To me it doesn't work. Besides getting a few erections in the morning it didn't do anything else. Last visit he gave me an injection and said in 2 days will feel a difference. I didn't and grew frustrated and decided to start the cycle. Will tell him on my next visit.

He said he will also start me on HGH( results also came back low) once I have a second test to see if other hormone levels have improved.
Just go on a TRT dose. maybe 160mg/wk, split it into 2 doses, and use just one ester, not sust. pick up some test cyp, and give it some time. Get off the cream, the cream sucks.
I think youre being impatient here. Continue to work with your doc and establish a baseline, this is extremely important to determine BEFORE you begin any cycle. This takes time to figure out, it wont happen over night. The human is a very complex organism. Be patient and establish a good dialogue with your doc.