Starting New Cycle (Help)


New Member
So im buying a cycle a test 250 and Winny

not sure how to cycle it correctly but im gonna start at .5cc for both about 1 day a week and warm up to 2-3 days around week 3 or 4?

I dont know, so i came here looking for advice!
What kind of test 250? 1 time a week isn't enough for most esthers. And Im a big fan of starting with low doses, but 250 is pretty low. I wld probably go at least 3-350
In my opinion, I know there are enough threads on Meso to read and understand about a first cycle a little anyway. I'm not busting your balls, but rather giving you some good advice. Try looking under the cycle log threads and read much more before you start. I hate to see you go about this the wrong way and hurt yourself.

No reason not to do 2 pins/week @ 250mg's each. Your bloods will remain more stable and and Test C takes a while to ramp up. Please do yourself a favor and read, read, read. Tell us your stats, age, weight, diet, exercise program, experience in the gym and have you even done pre cyle blood work yet? Do you have an AI on hand just in case, your pins, PCT needs and drop everything but the Test. No need to go overboard on your first cycle. 500 mgs/wk of test, with the roper training and diet will give you great results for a first cycle. How old are you? Please, please make sure you have everything on hand before you start... Keep us posted and GL...