!!! SALE !!! 20% off everything with this CODE HSCNJXX6 !!! SALE !!! until October 23, 2021 (discounted items excluded)
!!! SALE !!! 20% off everything with this CODE 329SBH8Y !!! SALE !!! until October 31, 2021 (discounted items excluded)

!!! SALE !!! 20% off everything with this CODE
CHNZLVGA !!! SALE !!! until November 21, 2021 (discounted items excluded)

Is it possible for their pharma grade test to be so cheap ?
Don't buy from him, he is a well known scammer, literally every single product he sells is a fake. Janos test are probably bought. Go some pages back. I ordered different product from different labs from him, and every single product was fake.
I still use some of his products like dapoxetine, mesomorph preworkout and DMAA geranabol or whatever it's called. All legit. Never had any issues with quality product or shipping.

Used to buy a lot of aas back in the day and it was all legit. Just found another source with quality products a lot cheaper, bulk orders crew.
I used Stuff from harmony and phd remedies and they were really good. PHD in general was really good. Only thing that was not nice was coffee stains (or something) on some harmony vials. Saying he sells only fakes is not true

!!! SALE !!! 20% off everything with this CODE JWLZD8ZP
!!! SALE !!!

until November 30, 2021 (discounted items excluded)

Last edited: , do you still have Harmony Pharma Testosterone Cypionate 250mg lab analysis? You don't have it on stock anymore and I didn't save the file. Just curious to see what it was, if I remember correctly it was 300 somethings. Thanks. , do you still have Harmony Pharma Testosterone Cypionate 250mg lab analysis? You don't have it on stock anymore and I didn't save the file. Just curious to see what it was, if I remember correctly it was 300 somethings. Thanks.
hi my friend,

Unfortunately, I can't find an analysis of this product anymore because we don't currently offer it, but we will be offering new harmony products in the new year and then there will also be new analyzes

Thank you