MESO-Rx interviewed three health practitioners and asked them to address common questions women have about using steroids. This is an older article but the information is just as valid today as it was back then. I hope it can help our members.
Information on the use of AAS for women is less reliable and credible than that for men. Women have been coached on their use by their boyfriends or other men in their immediate circles of gym partners. Chatter amongst women relating experiences can be found in some usenet groups, but the issues are still vague. Much of the disseminated information is based on the use of AS by men without consideration and knowledge of the differences in physiology: the hormonal milieu of women is very different from that of men. Nevertheless, women using or considering using AAS are not likely to approach their family practitioner for advice or medical supervision. The stigma associated with AAS use is stronger for women than men and the medical aspects associated with them are also less known.
To provide women with credible knowledge about the health issues associated with using AAS, the author interviewed four physicians and academic authorities specifically addressing female concerns. The interviewees are from North America and Europe representing a cross-section of international experience with women athletes. The names of the interviewees are withheld and replaced with a letter designated by the author. Each offers their response to a series of questions that were based on concerns voiced by women or known medical concerns.
Steroid Use and Women’s Health - An interview with selected medical practitioners (Part 1)
The prevalent use of pharmaceuticals as enhancers of performance or appearance in the athletic arena is well-known. However, the legal and moral issues