Steroid use decreases IQ and causes premature aging of brain.

"Participants were recruited through websites and forums targeting people partaking in heavy weight training or bodybuilding and through online forums (open and closed) directly addressing AAS use."

Oh, boy, I bet they got the cream of the intellectual crop by doing it this way. :rolleyes:
The Test Subjects:

Weightlifters who had never touched steroids.

115 IQ

That is a full standard deviation above normal.

Steroid users.

106 IQ

Eh, good enough to be a grade school teacher, but not high school trigonometry or calculus. Still close enough in IQ to communicate effectively with the non-steroid users, but you aren't likely to find these two groups in the same social setting for long, and they will be on different vocational tracks in life and engage in different intellectual pursuits.
"For instance, while previous users did not differ from WLCs, which could suggest part or full recovery after ceasing AAS use, larger follow-up studies of past users covering a wide age range are warranted to make plausible conclusions about recovery."

In other words, in the folks who stopped using AAS, we could not find a brain age gap difference.

OR were the brain damaged folks less like to stop and just keep abusing steroids even when they are suffering ill effects?

I don't have a lot of confidence that this study shows what it purports to show.

They claim that they controlled for the IQ difference. They have brain measurements.

Figure 2 shows tables that have measurements 3.5 years apart.

The folks that were "dependent" and "continuous use" seem to be the most affected. Previous users have quite a lot of overlap with the controls (see lower left chart in Figure 2, grey areas indicate all subjects-95% confidence intervals, with the dark grey being overlap).

The OP is worse than that clown Exister0 or Sworder even. His outlandish posts are more like troll posts to me.
The op IS sworder, that’s what you don’t understand.

Go look at sworders posts and you’ll notice that his holier than thou, nonsensical arguments spewing is consistent with this guy
The op IS sworder, that’s what you don’t understand.

Go look at sworders posts and you’ll notice that his holier than thou, nonsensical arguments spewing is consistent with this guy
Your hunch is as good as mine.

Sworder seems to have gone off the deep end now and his older posts were pretty darn entertaining but the posts he's making now seem to be so far off in left field that his mental state seems to be getting worse.

Such a creative username though LOL.
Your hunch is as good as mine.

Sworder seems to have gone off the deep end now and his older posts were pretty darn entertaining but the posts he's making now seem to be so far off in left field that his mental state seems to be getting worse.

Such a creative username though LOL.
The mental state of someone that spends his days on a steroid board posting shit to get hate can’t be very good in the first place, no wonder it’s only south from there.
Your hunch is as good as mine.

Sworder seems to have gone off the deep end now and his older posts were pretty darn entertaining but the posts he's making now seem to be so far off in left field that his mental state seems to be getting worse.

Such a creative username though LOL.
Sworder always came across as a high functioning autistic, bright but terribly out of sync, lacking totally in people skills. Just a high functioning odd ball.
Interesting, not one of you ( fill in the blank ) cares to talk about the study or the science behind it. But you are quick with the Ad Hom attacks.

Everyone has their bias, liberals hate conserveratives, vice versa, religious zealots think anything against their opinion is "of the devil". Seems many on here if you don't march to their beat call you a troll.

I'm not trolling, but even if you think I am, please don't reply. I've noticed all the idiots that respond to a "troll" is much more annoying than the troller himself. So... quit bothering me with your off subject responses.

God Bless
Guess Ill die 10102021004853.jpg
A group of university professors performed tests on 243 males, primarily college students
Yes, using steroids before the recommended age of 25 is in fact not good for a brain…which is why there’s a whole movement of people who actively dissuade younger potential users from starting before their brains are fully developed.
OP ... you didn't even correctly quote the study. What it actually says is that males who use anabolic steroids are more likely to have extant psychological issues and a substantially lower IQ to start with.

Now if you'll excuse me it's time for my bi-weekly shot of Test C/Tren E.

Wait ... what were we talking about? :confused:
Interesting, not one of you ( fill in the blank ) cares to talk about the study or the science behind it. But you are quick with the Ad Hom attacks.

Everyone has their bias, liberals hate conserveratives, vice versa, religious zealots think anything against their opinion is "of the devil". Seems many on here if you don't march to their beat call you a troll.

I'm not trolling, but even if you think I am, please don't reply. I've noticed all the idiots that respond to a "troll" is much more annoying than the troller himself. So... quit bothering me with your off subject responses.

God Bless

Go back in your mum and bake a little longer.
Interesting, not one of you ( fill in the blank ) cares to talk about the study or the science behind it. But you are quick with the Ad Hom attacks.

Everyone has their bias, liberals hate conserveratives, vice versa, religious zealots think anything against their opinion is "of the devil". Seems many on here if you don't march to their beat call you a troll.

I'm not trolling, but even if you think I am, please don't reply. I've noticed all the idiots that respond to a "troll" is much more annoying than the troller himself. So... quit bothering me with your off subject responses.

God Bless
Are you sure you're not AIC's "Man in The Box"?