Steroid use decreases IQ and causes premature aging of brain.

Just putting this out there, how could benzyl benzoate, heavy metals or benzyl alcohol be good for our brains? We all know gear causes fibrosis in our organs. Simple math would tell us it harms our brains. More work needs to be done in the realm of delivery methods and further AAS research. One very relative problem, drug makers, clearly, don't mind putting a harmful delivery system in place. Big pharma is not our friend.
Steroid use decreases IQ and causes premature aging of brain.

I was wonder what the fuck was wrong with me.
This is like the anti smoking Chewlys gum rep guy from the movie Clerks.
Agree. I hate to say it, but my personal experiences don’t sync up with this.

My mental acuity and retention increased greatly after I went on TRT and not only did it increase greatly, but it stayed high on blast doses. No more amygdala hijacking during public speaking events or in front of high level C-Suite folks and Board members.

Best memory sharpening experience of my life.