Still heavily shutdown after cycle and PCT, to which I responded positively in the past


New Member

I got blood work done two weeks ago and my total test came at a sorry 124 (I'm in my mid-20s). My last blood work before this one was two years ago following PCT after a similar cycle (Ostarine and Epistane, for 6 weeks, at 25mg and 20/20/20/30/40/40mg respectively, I did not have a chance to use a test base back then from a trustworthy source). I clicked at >900 for TT, E2 on point, LH slightly above range. I used Tamoxifen exclusively for the PCT, along with ZMA and other supplements (Triazole and Lean Extreme).

However this time I don't seem to have recovered as well, after a similar 6 week cycle of Epistane and two weeks of Ostarine before (same dosages), and running a Clomid and Nolvadex PCT (200mg first day, then 100 for a few days, then tapered down to 50mg and now 25mg, 40/40/20/20 for the Nolvadex). The only previous cycle before the one two years ago and this one was a Dienolone cycle, for which I also ran a Clomid and Nolvadex PCT. I don't have blood work for that one, but I did not experience some of the psychological symptoms I have now (mostly lack of drive and general grogginess).

The ancillaries were sourced from a friend (who's not using anymore and provided them for free essentially) with access to legitimate pharma RX and they are the real deal (not UGL).

I visited an endo and that was a forgettable experience. The doc reacted very obviously with personal prejudice against me as a AAS user, being judgmental and dropping questions about sources and such, until I finally told him (since it is a private clinic and I was paying out of my pocket) to stick to medical practice and quit asking questions irrelevant to treatment (he doesnt need to know specifics of . Disregarding of the fact that this guy was essentially saying every now and then that "he didnt have to treat me" and that very obviously having a negative view on PED users, his consult amounted up to telling me to 'wait it out' for two months before running another batch of tests worth a few hundred... plus consult fees.

I understand the basis of waiting until the SERMs clear out but not if quality of life is at stake and the wait can be reduced to 30 days, which is a good compromise to let the Clomid and Nolva clear out.

He refused to read into any of the studies I brought him on Clomiphene to prescribe me Clomid, and he also claimed I should not be using anything due to "elevated liver enzymes" (I can post values later, but they are only slightly elevated and not a source of immediate worry, I could run another two weeks safely of SERMs and keep take TUDCA/UDCA for liver support). No symptoms of real liver stress so far.

Right now I'm running the rest of the Clomid I have for a full week at 25mg and Nolvadex at 20mg. Supplementing with D vitamin, a decent multi, Zinc and Magnesium at night and generous amounts of fish oil and upping the fats in m diet (which was a problem: I was calorie deprived during PCT and the fat amounts way under the macros I have respected before).

If anyone has suggestions, feel welcome.
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Bro, it looks like you're a classic case of starting too young and now fucked up your Endocrino system! Time to go see a Endocrinologist and hope that you're not on TRT for life!
Started at 24. Definitely not the earliest some people start, but also not late enough (I agree on that one). I'm trying to convince a few younger mates to be careful, but they aren't listening. Two of them already well on to their second cycle of injectables with fairly large doses, and barely 21. After a while I just stopped telling them they should at very least wait enough time between cycles. Who knows what's in store for them, since they are trusting the wrong people.

I think the most sensible course of action is to check in one month, and get blood work done for E2/TT/FT/FSH/LH/Prolactin/liver values. Then figure out whether to try a short run of hCG (500 weekly for two weeks perhaps) and another course of clomid/nolva. It's just hit and miss with endos. You can get lucky and come across one willing to help and that truly cares, or one who doesn't give a f*ck and just wants the easy route (TRT).

Let's see if anyone else has any more comments.
Well im not gonna tell you that you shouldn't have cycled so young, your past that point now, so i would suggest running more tests in a month as planned, if results come back still low then if i were in your shoes i would try Doc Scally's power pct. I dont know the exact protocol off the top of my head but you could use the search engine to find it( thats what i did long ago) and give that a run. Of course pharm grade on everything.
I know of guys that were shut down hard from 2-3 year runs with no break that have used this successfully, hopefully you'll have the same results.
Good luck!!
Pre Blood-work--I say blast 1000hcg e3d for couple of weeks. Let it rest for 2 weeks and then re-start Clomid and Nolva for 4 weeks. Re-test 4 weeks after and see where you're at.. Just make sure your PCT stuff are pharma grade!
Pre Blood-work--I say blast 1000hcg e3d for couple of weeks. Let it rest for 2 weeks and then re-start Clomid and Nolva for 4 weeks. Re-test 4 weeks after and see where you're at.. Just make sure your PCT stuff are pharma grade!

The ancillaries I got from my mate are legit pharma, he is beyond obsessive about gathering real PCT meds and usually sources them over the course of months. His philosophy is "trust no one for ancillaries". Never orders from UGL, etc. Downside is, the clomid costs him a pretty penny and comes in 10 tablet boxes (at 50mg).

I could run hCG for two weeks, since it is impossible for me to source it locally. I have read protocols including 500 IUs weekly and higher dosages. Should I be concerned about E2? How about suppression/desensitizing the Leydig cells? Feel free to PM too.
Well im not gonna tell you that you shouldn't have cycled so young, your past that point now, so i would suggest running more tests in a month as planned, if results come back still low then if i were in your shoes i would try Doc Scally's power pct. I dont know the exact protocol off the top of my head but you could use the search engine to find it( thats what i did long ago) and give that a run. Of course pharm grade on everything.
I know of guys that were shut down hard from 2-3 year runs with no break that have used this successfully, hopefully you'll have the same results.
Good luck!!

The PCT protocol from Scally meaning the one involving hCG at high doses and Clomid+Nolva at 100/50/50/50 and Nolva at 40/20/20/20? Should Nolva be tapered down? There seems to be no consensus about dosages. Where is the original protocol from Mike?

And we aren't going to see the effects of AAS use in young men in their early 20s until one or two decades fly by. The entertainment biz has done a great f*cking deal of damage with imprinting unrealistic expectations of what the male physique naturally looks like, since they have yet to admit the use of AAS by actors. But there are way too many young fellows hitting serious cycles recklessly.
The PCT protocol from Scally meaning the one involving hCG at high doses and Clomid+Nolva at 100/50/50/50 and Nolva at 40/20/20/20? Should Nolva be tapered down? There seems to be no consensus about dosages. Where is the original protocol from Mike?

And we aren't going to see the effects of AAS use in young men in their early 20s until one or two decades fly by. The entertainment biz has done a great f*cking deal of damage with imprinting unrealistic expectations of what the male physique naturally looks like, since they have yet to admit the use of AAS by actors. But there are way too many young fellows hitting serious cycles recklessly.
Yup thats the one. As far as tapering nolva , if thats what it calls for thats what i would do, although i thought it was 40/40/20/20 but i could be misremembering.
I agree, far to many young men are taking steroids far to early. Seems to me the younger generations dont want to put in the time and effort but would rather take the easy road to them gains not understanding the long term implication that wait for them. Sad really
Yup thats the one. As far as tapering nolva , if thats what it calls for thats what i would do, although i thought it was 40/40/20/20 but i could be misremembering.
I agree, far to many young men are taking steroids far to early. Seems to me the younger generations dont want to put in the time and effort but would rather take the easy road to them gains not understanding the long term implication that wait for them. Sad really
I don't taper my pct at all. I've never understood why to taper?

I run clomid at 50mg the entire way. I also run torem at 90mg the entire way. I run an extra 1 week peroid off tapering down the dosage while extem the entire time

I agree that young men are in over their heads. But, we have to look at our society. They are tought that without big muscles and being lean, you are ugly and not a man per say. They see all these fake natties on youtube and around the gym thinking they can obtain that, but once they learn everoyne is on steriods, they decide to say fuck it.
I don't taper my pct at all. I've never understood why to taper?

I run clomid at 50mg the entire way. I also run torem at 90mg the entire way. I run an extra 1 week peroid off tapering down the dosage while extem the entire time

I agree that young men are in over their heads. But, we have to look at our society. They are tought that without big muscles and being lean, you are ugly and not a man per say. They see all these fake natties on youtube and around the gym thinking they can obtain that, but once they learn everoyne is on steriods, they decide to say fuck it.
I assume tapering for most is because they start at higher doses like 100mg clomid ED for a kickstart, then taper down so to avoid unwanted and unnecessary side effects from these drugs.
I assume tapering for most is because they start at higher doses like 100mg clomid ED for a kickstart, then taper down so to avoid unwanted and unnecessary side effects from these drugs.
"kick start"...Steady dose over a longer period of time makes more sense then heavy dosages and then dropping quickly and only running for a mer 4 weeks
"kick start"...Steady dose over a longer period of time makes more sense then heavy dosages and then dropping quickly and only running for a mer 4 weeks
Im not disagreeing with you, i see logic in the longer steady pct. And if its what you've done in the past, and worked then your on the right track and hopefully others can learn from your experience.
"kick start"...Steady dose over a longer period of time makes more sense then heavy dosages and then dropping quickly and only running for a mer 4 weeks

50mg of clomid is a frontload. An effective dose of clomid is 25mg. The 50mg is just to bring blood levels up quicker while also trying to minimize the side effects.
50mg of clomid is a frontload. An effective dose of clomid is 25mg. The 50mg is just to bring blood levels up quicker while also trying to minimize the side effects.
forgive my posting on clomid dosages, I have been out of the game for awhile now..

I understanding why frontloading works, and it's been working for a long time and still does.

I agree the guidelines for pct are correct and effective.
I also never stop trying to find the best way for me, and let others know of what I do, and why. Never apposed to learning something new.
50mg of clomid is a frontload. An effective dose of clomid is 25mg. The 50mg is just to bring blood levels up quicker while also trying to minimize the side effects.

So far clinical studies seem to prove this:
(and others, easy to find through pubmed)

I believe the idea behind the large doses is to ensure a steady level of clomiphene in plasma so that it continues to impact the body for up to 28 days (maximum halflife x5-7). That way your testes have time to catch up...

I can't respond to everybody right now but I read through all your responses. Riding this one out for now, I have five days worth of clomid left at 25mg. I have my systolic blood pressure slightly elevated, around 140. Diastolic is normal. Anyone else experienced this on clomid/nolva (at 25mg and 20mg)? I'm using PES Erase as well, and finishing Lean Extreme, which does work for me to control cortisol. I had Erase around and, like all other OTC stuff, I'm skeptical of its usefulness, but coming off Clomid/Nolva to wind up with high E2 is not something I want to go through. If I really need to control E2 and Erase is bunk, I have Arimidex around.

As for the situation with younger bbers: so as long as the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the entertainment business continues (or the "icons" who claim to be natural), young people will have a completely inflated idea of what physiques are attainable by natural means in such short amounts of time. Then again what can you expect from society when these people are elevated to god-like status...

Thanks for all the comments!

I got blood work done two weeks ago and my total test came at a sorry 124 (I'm in my mid-20s). My last blood work before this one was two years ago following PCT after a similar cycle (Ostarine and Epistane, for 6 weeks, at 25mg and 20/20/20/30/40/40mg respectively, I did not have a chance to use a test base back then from a trustworthy source). I clicked at >900 for TT, E2 on point, LH slightly above range. I used Tamoxifen exclusively for the PCT, along with ZMA and other supplements (Triazole and Lean Extreme).

However this time I don't seem to have recovered as well, after a similar 6 week cycle of Epistane and two weeks of Ostarine before (same dosages), and running a Clomid and Nolvadex PCT (200mg first day, then 100 for a few days, then tapered down to 50mg and now 25mg, 40/40/20/20 for the Nolvadex). The only previous cycle before the one two years ago and this one was a Dienolone cycle, for which I also ran a Clomid and Nolvadex PCT. I don't have blood work for that one, but I did not experience some of the psychological symptoms I have now (mostly lack of drive and general grogginess).

The ancillaries were sourced from a friend (who's not using anymore and provided them for free essentially) with access to legitimate pharma RX and they are the real deal (not UGL).

I visited an endo and that was a forgettable experience. The doc reacted very obviously with personal prejudice against me as a AAS user, being judgmental and dropping questions about sources and such, until I finally told him (since it is a private clinic and I was paying out of my pocket) to stick to medical practice and quit asking questions irrelevant to treatment (he doesnt need to know specifics of . Disregarding of the fact that this guy was essentially saying every now and then that "he didnt have to treat me" and that very obviously having a negative view on PED users, his consult amounted up to telling me to 'wait it out' for two months before running another batch of tests worth a few hundred... plus consult fees.

I understand the basis of waiting until the SERMs clear out but not if quality of life is at stake and the wait can be reduced to 30 days, which is a good compromise to let the Clomid and Nolva clear out.

He refused to read into any of the studies I brought him on Clomiphene to prescribe me Clomid, and he also claimed I should not be using anything due to "elevated liver enzymes" (I can post values later, but they are only slightly elevated and not a source of immediate worry, I could run another two weeks safely of SERMs and keep take TUDCA/UDCA for liver support). No symptoms of real liver stress so far.

Right now I'm running the rest of the Clomid I have for a full week at 25mg and Nolvadex at 20mg. Supplementing with D vitamin, a decent multi, Zinc and Magnesium at night and generous amounts of fish oil and upping the fats in m diet (which was a problem: I was calorie deprived during PCT and the fat amounts way under the macros I have respected before).

If anyone has suggestions, feel welcome.

Fella stop all the supplements they are of no proven benefit and are just emptying your wallet.

Let's get rid of all the esoteric narratives so we can follow along much easier, but NO DOC should be asking about "source" info except perhaps to ensure the PCT related drugs are GTG. Dump him or her NOW!

Try to summarize your post mate.
When did your last cycle begin and end?
What AAS or PEDS were included and a what dosages?

When did you begin PCT at what dose and for how long? It's just not clear to me when your PCT began, ended, and what relationship that has to the blood work posted.

What are the most recent lab results?

What do mean by "controlling cortisol"?
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Fella stop all the supplements they are of no proven benefit and are just emptying your wallet.

Let's get rid of all the esoteric narratives so we can follow along much easier, but NO DOC should be asking about "source" info except perhaps to ensure the PCT related drugs are GTG. Dump him or her NOW!

100% agreed to both of these statements. The Erase I had from earlier and never used. Like I said, this particular hack was making no effort to mask or hide his judgmental attitude. That's exactly why after the insistence I asked him if he was aware of the consequences of violating patient confidentiality and crossing certain lines... I talked directly to the manager of the clinic after this and made it clear I was already checking with my embassy (me and "ancillaries man" are currently away from our home countries) whether his attitude had been according to the law here. The hack had a box of the clomid on his hands (empty and with the serials removed by me) and he saw it was all legit pharma, not UGL.

As a precaution I have given the little gear I had to a mate for safekeeping. The clinic called me asking if I wanted a bill sent to my house and I told them that I am a man of the sea with a different endo at every port and have no home. "Nice try".

Try to summarize your post mate.
When did your last cycle begin and end?
What AAS or PEDS were included and a what dosages?

When did you begin PCT at what dose and for how long? It's just not clear to me when your PCT began, ended, and what relationship that has to the blood work posted.

I would need to check the exact dates in my notebook but:

PCT started Sunday 13th Sept, blood was taken 3rd of October.
Cycle started 6 weeks before 13 Sept, I ran a short run of ostarine at 25mg for two weeks before (which might not have been a wonderful idea), and one week into the Ostarine I started the Epistane from Havoc at 20mg, increased to 40mg by the last week of the cycle. These are ED dosages.

What are the most recent lab results?

What do mean by "controlling cortisol"?

Blood work taken 3rd of October, during PCT:

ALT 99 (10-70)
AST 42 (15-45)
AFS 64 (35-105)
Bilrubin 14.1 (5-25)
Alb 47 (36-48)
FSH was 3.2 SHBG was 9 nmol/l.
TT 137

The last blood work before this was taken two years ago and TT was >900, LH>8, E2 on point (38 I believe), FT on the high end too. My TT has always hovered between 600 and 900 on its own.

Cortisol: as far as I know during PCT our cortisol levels raise, which can account for much of the potential fat gain and LBM loss during PCT, until we reach homeostasis. Lean Extreme might or might not be bunk but in the same blood work I had two years ago my cortisol was lower than it had been tested before (I'm usually under stress with work).

One of the things I'm concerned with is the elevated liver values. I have TUDCA coming in soon but have run out this week.
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