Stopped trt

I’m on .5 cc hcg twice a week. Actual mgs is have to go look. No AI although before I stopped November 3rd my e2 was rising and the doc was gonna prescribe me arimidex.

I stopped trt nov 3rd and it’s really these last 2 weeks I’m just fucking miserable. The anxiety, depression and lack of interest/energy is unreal. I never expected to feel like this from just 4 months of trt. I assumed it would take much longer on this dose to shut me down. Man I was wrong.

Does anyone know if I have to pct off hcg?? Or do you just stop that?

No reason for me to be on it for now.
You can run hcg indefinitely as a form if hormone treatment but you need to know how many units a week you are using. Could be too much, too little, who knows. Also halflife of hcg is 48 hours give or take. EOD or even ED injections are best. You need to get bloods done to find out what you tt and E2 levels are. these are going to be the biggest indicators of feeling like shit if it has anything to do with your current protocol.
I would bet the HCG has raised your estrogen levels to high, like poster above said. Your testes are likely fine, id cut back or cut out the HCG and let your pituitary recover, see how it goes after that.