Suboxone and Test levels

Im an ex addict as well . I was addicted to anything and everything. Heroin and morphine was my choice. i was on methadone on my first cycle. Still gained like hell. No bloods so cant really say the exact impact. Had a relapse and wont take anything now. I do take lexapro and temazepam. Helps with the tren . Got 2 months and 2 days!! I had almost a year and half and fucked up. But anywasy i went from 180 to 205.
I was an addict too. Still was while I was prescribed suboxone. IMO suboxone isn't really much better than the dope I was doing before. Just made me have withdrawals that lasted far longer than heroin, roxys, and my all time favorite oxymorphone. My suggestion? Just try to leave the drugs in the past entirely man. Suboxone isn't a cure it's just replacing a drug for a less euphoric longer acting one. But it's still the same shit. And yes opiates affect your natty test levels.
I am curious if there are any recovering opiate addict, bodybuilders out there who are on Suboxone? I have been on the medication for quite some time ,and it , with a few others things, weightlifting being one of them . Has saved my life.
A few years back, before any AAS my primary care physician, not the Suboxone doctor wanted to check my test levels because of the medication. He said it could drastically lower my testosterone. Results came back and they were "fine" according to him. Unfortunately blood work is something I have not been doing, but plan on. I guess I am asking a question and putting this out there to outher BB. Why would this medication (Suboxone) which is still a partial opiate have an effect on test levels, and does anyone have any experience with this.

While I was on opiates and subs I had no sexual desire and lost all muscle, just super fucking skinny. I was able to get off subs by tapering down to .25mgs and it took around a year to feel normal again. That shit is justbas bad as dope. Docs get a kick back to get you on that shit. Half life is horrible and it makes wd 10x longer. I didnt have sex at all while on dope or subs. Good luck.
So many of us here on meso. When I first got here I had no idea so many of us had lived that life. Crazy...
if you are on a semi hi dosage. 8-16 mg a day and you drop off to a small dosage for 3 days you will notice that you can bust a nut if the wind
This is spot on..I've also read it can effect sperm counts Too. I've got one child and one on the way.. I think subs are a miracle Drug if you can get right off. 5 days then done. The chances of it being done at home.are slim to none in 5 days, you must have support.
Pmac. You are spot on. I went from literally living on the street to driving a jaguar and making over $120,000 last year. I can honestly say they saved my life. But I have been on them for several years. I need to get off of them but i am so dependent on them. I am considering going back on opiates for a month just to get off the subs and then just get off the opiates. If i knew then what I did now I'd be a drug free mother fucker!!! I know I will never take another opiate recreationally. The only time I ever would again would be as I meantioned above. These little fuckers are hardcore. It is so hard. I move a lot with my job and finding doctors, dealing with dope heads at doctors is way over the top. I just need to figure out the best most withdraw free way and execute. If anyone has a better plan I am all ears. I know what it takes to kick off of subs. I can't be like that at my job for weeks. They would smell it in a second.
For many of you on this thread, I feel your pain. Ive been on the dope, methadone, subs rollercoaster for over 10 years.i am recently almost 2 years sober from everyrhing. The only way I was able to get off 16mgs subs a day this last time was by going to jail for 7 months and ill be damned if I wasnt still withdrawing when I got out. Its every bit as painful as methadone withdrawal but god gave me the strength to stay away this time. I agree with some of you that the physical addiction is every bit as bad but methadone and subs are a necessary evil for some and you just cant put price on the ability to live a functional existence after experiencing the chaos of heroine addiction. I wish all of you the best of luck and a fullfilling life.
Dam this is crazy i thought i was the only one on subs. I used to be addicted to Opana. Iv been on subs for 3 years im really scared to get off them. Just the other day I got prescribed Klonopin for my anxiety which helps alot. I know the subs mess with my test bc i had a blood test done and my doctor said i have test levels of a 50 year old man. Im going to get off subs this coming winter. It sucks opiates ruined my whole life. Its like it put my life on hold. Im 25 years old. Anyways hope all you guys get better and get your life back we all deserve happiness.
Pmac. You are spot on. I went from literally living on the street to driving a jaguar and making over $120,000 last year. I can honestly say they saved my life. But I have been on them for several years. I need to get off of them but i am so dependent on them. I am considering going back on opiates for a month just to get off the subs and then just get off the opiates. If i knew then what I did now I'd be a drug free mother fucker!!! I know I will never take another opiate recreationally. The only time I ever would again would be as I meantioned above. These little fuckers are hardcore. It is so hard. I move a lot with my job and finding doctors, dealing with dope heads at doctors is way over the top. I just need to figure out the best most withdraw free way and execute. If anyone has a better plan I am all ears. I know what it takes to kick off of subs. I can't be like that at my job for weeks. They would smell it in a second.

Dam this is crazy i thought i was the only one on subs. I used to be addicted to Opana. Iv been on subs for 3 years im really scared to get off them. Just the other day I got prescribed Klonopin for my anxiety which helps alot. I know the subs mess with my test bc i had a blood test done and my doctor said i have test levels of a 50 year old man. Im going to get off subs this coming winter. It sucks opiates ruined my whole life. Its like it put my life on hold. Im 25 years old. Anyways hope all you guys get better and get your life back we all deserve happiness.

As we all know, subs have a very long half life and the higher the milligram the longer the half life and longer the wd. The trick to getting off subs is doing a long and gradual taper. If your taking 16mgs a day, every two weeks reduce your amount by 10%. The two weeks will allow you to adjust and not wd like crazy. You need to get to a very low amount, like .5 or .25mgs to jump. This where a liquid taper comes into play, you dissolve the subs so you can accurately take a small amount. This suboxone forum link helped me get off and have me alot of info and support. Ive been off subs and opiates for 3 years.
Pmac. You are spot on. I went from literally living on the street to driving a jaguar and making over $120,000 last year. I can honestly say they saved my life. But I have been on them for several years. I need to get off of them but i am so dependent on them. I am considering going back on opiates for a month just to get off the subs and then just get off the opiates. If i knew then what I did now I'd be a drug free mother fucker!!! I know I will never take another opiate recreationally. The only time I ever would again would be as I meantioned above. These little fuckers are hardcore. It is so hard. I move a lot with my job and finding doctors, dealing with dope heads at doctors is way over the top. I just need to figure out the best most withdraw free way and execute. If anyone has a better plan I am all ears. I know what it takes to kick off of subs. I can't be like that at my job for weeks. They would smell it in a second.
My life is fucking amazing. The rooms of na has provided me how to live again. End of may I celebrate 3. I have a family I've always wanted and my career is really taking off.. I can piss in a cup and not try and wonder ,"Did I drink enough water?" Subs of course helped but we can't stay on forever? Its just like using again.. Give a straight person 1/4of a sub and watch how high they get...
OP as you already know, Suboxone is narcotic analgesic with partial agonist and antagonist activity. The former has been well established to decrease TT levels, especially when used on a chronic basis.

While this is a review is summarizes the potential mechanisms for lowered TT bc of opiate use, yet there are many more citations that support this synopsis!


  • OPIATES and TT levels.pdf
    177.9 KB · Views: 8
My life is fucking amazing. The rooms of na has provided me how to live again. End of may I celebrate 3. I have a family I've always wanted and my career is really taking off.. I can piss in a cup and not try and wonder ,"Did I drink enough water?" Subs of course helped but we can't stay on forever? Its just like using again.. Give a straight person 1/4of a sub and watch how high they get...

Hell yes, I was at 3mgs and decided to take an 8mg strip one day. Went to a meeting and had no idea I was nodding off until I was asked to stand up. Subs are a good way to break an addiction to whatever opiate you were on, but I dont see it as a long term answer at all.
@Matix, I feel the need to warn you about your klonopin perscription, especially since you are newly taking this medication and I may be saving you some pain and suffering down the road. If you think getting off subs is hard, try taking klonopin or any other benzodiazepine for a couple years and try to get off it. Benzo withdrawal is the most painful, protracted withdrawal there is and it makes any opiate withdrawal look like child's play. I know this from personal experience. I thought i was losing my mind. If it really helps, and you dont mind taking it for the rest of your life, fine. But I suggest you do some research and ask yourself if there is any other way cuz I wouldnt wish what I went through on my worst enemy. Good luck.
@Matix, I feel the need to warn you about your klonopin perscription, especially since you are newly taking this medication and I may be saving you some pain and suffering down the road. If you think getting off subs is hard, try taking klonopin or any other benzodiazepine for a couple years and try to get off it. Benzo withdrawal is the most painful, protracted withdrawal there is and it makes any opiate withdrawal look like child's play. I know this from personal experience. I thought i was losing my mind. If it really helps, and you dont mind taking it for the rest of your life, fine. But I suggest you do some research and ask yourself if there is any other way cuz I wouldnt wish what I went through on my worst enemy. Good luck.
Coming off benzos will kill you. I used to take them and a.few.times when j stopped it caused some serious seizures.
There is no reason to ever use more than 8 mg of bupe. If any of you guys haven't been on to long then start weaning now. I agree with Ozzy on the fact that subs are great way to beat addiction but use them as a tool not a cure. Saying that i also know some guys may need a longer time on to battle their demons.

Due to the long half life of the drug it tends to really build up in the system which is why after awhile some people can skip almost a week without withdrawal. Well that being said you can usually cut close to 25% of your dose every four days and if you want you can stay at doses for a little longer to help the mental battle.

Ideally one would want to get to .5-.25 a day before jumping to make the process as easy as possible. And towards the end you can start dosing every other day and you will actually stabilize and then try every two days until you are comfortable and finally go every third day and after that you are finished!
I have had a few good friends struggle with this and my best friend is actually going through it now. I am not a doc so take this however you please but I would try and dose twice a day for the guys really struggling to wean down. On your next day off just split the normal dose in two and take one in the morning and take the next at night.

And then when you see you can make most of the day off just half of your daily dose then when the night dose comes try and take only part of that half. Maybe half of the half. Then just continue the process!
No doubt there are different dosing protocols in different locations. Where I'm at there are loads of people on 16mg bupe and above. doctors seem to take one of two approaches. Start someone on as low dose as possible to see if it holds them, or start high to ensure their physical opiate needs are met and then look at a reduction
No doubt there are different dosing protocols in different locations. Where I'm at there are loads of people on 16mg bupe and above. doctors seem to take one of two approaches. Start someone on as low dose as possible to see if it holds them, or start high to ensure their physical opiate needs are met and then look at a reduction
Maybe the first day or two people need that much of a dose but these doctors are fucking money hungry. They will drag you out as long as your paying them. I was never able to find a Dr who took insurance to see me, they all wanted cash. I know so many people who will do the suboxene shuffle. Bang dope until it runs out and subs when it's gone. It's a vicious cycle for some.
As in anything,nothing is forever.Guys around here have been using subs for 5 years and i really think they should be weeing themselfs off to the lowest dosed possible imop;
A good way to get off subs? Loprimide. Look it up "poor man's methadone". It's the main ingredient in immodium. As we know opiates constipated yes immodium is an opiate but does not cross the blood brain barrier. You have to take a shit load of the like 50. I promise it works. Buy them at family dollar 4 bucks in the bottle. You go not want to punch them out of foil packs takes all day. Down 48 and zero withdraw. No shit it works, and no pun intended.

