Suboxone and Test levels

A good way to get off subs? Loprimide. Look it up "poor man's methadone". It's the main ingredient in immodium. As we know opiates constipated yes immodium is an opiate but does not cross the blood brain barrier. You have to take a shit load of the like 50. I promise it works. Buy them at family dollar 4 bucks in the bottle. You go not want to punch them out of foil packs takes all day. Down 48 and zero withdraw. No shit it works, and no pun intended.

Lol lope by itself cannot cross the blood brain barrier, the trick is you have to drink grapefruit juice and tagamet with it. I personally call bullshit. If youre wding that aint gunna do shit.
Lol lope by itself cannot cross the blood brain barrier, the trick is you have to drink grapefruit juice and tagamet with it. I personally call bullshit. If youre wding that aint gunna do shit.
Agreed. That won't do a damn thing. Only way to stop is to stop. Drop your doses and stop.
I'll tell ya what doesn't mix, xanax bars and bench pressing, pretty sure I dozed off on the bench a few years back
I was in a serious car accident in 2002. Got hooked on pain meds... I've been on suboxone over 7 years.. Yes it definitely does lower your test levels...3 years ago I had mine checked by my Dr. Due to low energy etc. My numbers were so low he asked me how I could get out of bed. Gave me a shot of enanthate right away. Within a week I was feeling much better... Obviously he took other test to verify the cause of low t was suboxne... Now that I am on gear done a few shows . and can say in the best shape of my life at 38. I'm trying to be done with suboxone... Yes it did save my life. My question is is it also a life sentence.... Or can u get off of these things?
I was in a serious car accident in 2002. Got hooked on pain meds... I've been on suboxone over 7 years.. Yes it definitely does lower your test levels...3 years ago I had mine checked by my Dr. Due to low energy etc. My numbers were so low he asked me how I could get out of bed. Gave me a shot of enanthate right away. Within a week I was feeling much better... Obviously he took other test to verify the cause of low t was suboxne... Now that I am on gear done a few shows . and can say in the best shape of my life at 38. I'm trying to be done with suboxone... Yes it did save my life. My question is is it also a life sentence.... Or can u get off of these things?
It is only a life sentence if you want it to be. I'll tell you this, the longer your on it the longer it takes to get off it. Look at it like this, if you take test all the time without stopping or doing pct your body probably will create little to no test naturally. Some people have and it can bounce back, and for some it never will. Same with dope, subs, methadone, and whatever opiates you take. Your supplementing your bodies natural opiates with synthetic ones, so the longer your doing it the longer it takes to bounce back if it ever does. Sure the withdrawals will go away eventually, they always do, but you could be depressed and lazy for the rest of your life. The sooner you quit, the better of you'll be.
I was in a serious car accident in 2002. Got hooked on pain meds... I've been on suboxone over 7 years.. Yes it definitely does lower your test levels...3 years ago I had mine checked by my Dr. Due to low energy etc. My numbers were so low he asked me how I could get out of bed. Gave me a shot of enanthate right away. Within a week I was feeling much better... Obviously he took other test to verify the cause of low t was suboxne... Now that I am on gear done a few shows . and can say in the best shape of my life at 38. I'm trying to be done with suboxone... Yes it did save my life. My question is is it also a life sentence.... Or can u get off of these things?

Getting off subs depends on your will power. Go back a page or two and you can read how I got off.
When I was on opiates I lost all sex drive, couldnt even get hard. I know some women have no desire either. Makes me wonder if the main culprit good be dopamine.
It's interesting man, I see dopamine gets plenty of attention in relation to use of stimulants, but not so much with opioids. Seems though it plays a key role in the reward pathway, and needs to be considered when trying to get off heroin, Oxys etc
While I was on opiates and subs I had no sexual desire and lost all muscle, just super fucking skinny. I was able to get off subs by tapering down to .25mgs and it took around a year to feel normal again. That shit is justbas bad as dope. Docs get a kick back to get you on that shit. Half life is horrible and it makes wd 10x longer. I didnt have sex at all while on dope or subs. Good luck.
Same with interest at all
.wife thought it was her fault...really bad bad time...I'd love 3 mins in a room with Every pain clinic doc in US...bring a truck with a bunch of body bags..cuz that's what these guys deserve. They killed thousands and ruined millions of lives.
I quit with sub's but only used em for a month...tapered off to less than a quarter strip/day. Then delt with being lethargic and slo motion for a few weeks....I did start using 250 mg/week test e about a week after the sub's...3 weeks later felt like superman....wife now looks like this:p
No doubt there are different dosing protocols in different locations. Where I'm at there are loads of people on 16mg bupe and above. doctors seem to take one of two approaches. Start someone on as low dose as possible to see if it holds them, or start high to ensure their physical opiate needs are met and then look at a reduction
There u go...these docs are in it for the money and to keep em coming back...I was at 5 Roxi 30s and two 20 opanas a day and got off everything in a month with sub's...first day did 12mg..11/2 strips next day 1/2 morning 1/2 after lunch....fucking docs and in Knoxville has had my buddies daughter on methadone for 7 fucking years:eek:...all about the $.
There u go...these docs are in it for the money and to keep em coming back...I was at 5 Roxi 30s and two 20 opanas a day and got off everything in a month with sub's...first day did 12mg..11/2 strips next day 1/2 morning 1/2 after lunch....fucking docs and in Knoxville has had my buddies daughter on methadone for 7 fucking years:eek:...all about the $.

Ive heard of the month taper with subs but never in detail. Good thing it was only for a month, subs were harder to kick that the more traditional opiates.
Anybody else use test to speed up recovery? I saw some rehabs do offer trt while in recovery but also saw some data that argued it would make WD worse.
Ive heard of the month taper with subs but never in detail. Good thing it was only for a month, subs were harder to kick that the more traditional opiates.
Well the month taper off was not by the time sub's were very hard to find on the street here. Still had the old stop sign shape pill....I ran into a guy with strips and got 7 or 8 from him...he was prescribed 3 per day! Did 1 1/2 day 1, 1 day 2, 1/2 morn and 1/2aft day3, day 4 and 5 same as 4 more from my guy then we went to myrtle beach from Sunday (had 1/2 in morning) to Friday and I forgot the sub's at home! time we had in years...kept waiting for w/d to hit...none...till friday ....thankfully we got back friday night late. I took about a quarter of one cuz didn't want to be up all night. So I had like 4 3/4 strips left. Got up still felt pretty good so had a 1/4. Found out my connect was gone for a while...jail. So just kept it at a 1/4 in morning till I got to the last strip and cut it into 1/8s and that was it.
I wish I would have started test e inj about 2 weeks before I ran out instead of a week after...I think it really would have helped.....