Subq vs IM


I did a lot of research about subq testosterone and based on everything it seemed like an amazing alternative to IM with benefits of using smaller needles, more frequent injections to spread it out, and supposedly can have more stable levels.

I have been using IM in the glute once per week for TRT and decided to us sq in my abdomen 2x per week for blast, max 0.5 ml. I used a 30g 5/16 the first time and I took about a minute to inject but pushed pretty hard. That led to a bruising and a swollen node that was painful. After a few days it got better and smaller. Did the other side of the abdomen it a 29g 1/2 inch and injected slower, about 2.5 minutes. No bruising no immediate node but then the next days one grew larger and large pinkness around it that lingered for over a week.

Started reading more about this side effect and found countless people that had a similar issue of varying severity. Some people no matter what they did it always happened. Others said if you deeply massage it for a couple minutes after, take a hot shower and rub it, massage it throughout the day it makes it better. I tried massaging it as well.

I liked the idea of less IM but after my experience and reading all the similar reactions as well as all the things people do to make sq work I would caution others before doing it. Peptide injections, hcg subq no problem but oil based off pass. I’ll take the few minutes of IM discomfort of that BS anyday. Just look up the poor reactions and take stock of that before going subq. It may work for you but I felt the info was very much one direction, that it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
I subq when I cruise. Use to get lumps in the beginning, not so much anymore.
.3-.4 through 29g 1/2" takes probably 20 seconds if that. 2.5 mins seems like waaaay more time than I'd be willing to wait.
I do warm my vials up on a coffee warmer, not sure if that helps.
I’m using UGL test cup for blast. I warmed in the syringe under hot/warm water for a little under a minute, with the slower injection time no bruising but node was just delayed and the pink hue kept getting bigger for a couple days I assume it’s either the oil spreading or the tissue not liking it. Starting to get better. Probably going to do delts and quad or ventroglute for rest of blast. After maybe I’ll try sq again and warm it more. Not sure if my body just doesn’t react well to sq in abdomen or perhaps the oil was more in the dermis vs the fat.
I’m using UGL test cup for blast. I warmed in the syringe under hot/warm water for a little under a minute, with the slower injection time no bruising but node was just delayed and the pink hue kept getting bigger for a couple days I assume it’s either the oil spreading or the tissue not liking it. Starting to get better. Probably going to do delts and quad or ventroglute for rest of blast. After maybe I’ll try sq again and warm it more. Not sure if my body just doesn’t react well to sq in abdomen or perhaps the oil was more in the dermis vs the fat.
for blast subq is far from ideal unless you want to pin multiple places..there's too much oil.... subq is better suited for trt or cruise
I have a long time, daily several ml s.c. injected. it was easy and i had no problems but after a while i got a fat belly from the unbroken down oil. it took a long time for the oil to go away. not recommended only for a TRT with 1ml per week.
I've had some bad reactions subq, I'll always do all oils IM. Even TRT rotated thru two muscles should be fine long term.
I recently started pharma test c in gso subq. Doing daily so it's a small amount of oil. Smooth and easy so far. No lumps or redness. We'll see how it goes over time.
I did a lot of research about subq testosterone and based on everything it seemed like an amazing alternative to IM with benefits of using smaller needles, more frequent injections to spread it out, and supposedly can have more stable levels.

I have been using IM in the glute once per week for TRT and decided to us sq in my abdomen 2x per week for blast, max 0.5 ml. I used a 30g 5/16 the first time and I took about a minute to inject but pushed pretty hard. That led to a bruising and a swollen node that was painful. After a few days it got better and smaller. Did the other side of the abdomen it a 29g 1/2 inch and injected slower, about 2.5 minutes. No bruising no immediate node but then the next days one grew larger and large pinkness around it that lingered for over a week.

Started reading more about this side effect and found countless people that had a similar issue of varying severity. Some people no matter what they did it always happened. Others said if you deeply massage it for a couple minutes after, take a hot shower and rub it, massage it throughout the day it makes it better. I tried massaging it as well.

I liked the idea of less IM but after my experience and reading all the similar reactions as well as all the things people do to make sq work I would caution others before doing it. Peptide injections, hcg subq no problem but oil based off pass. I’ll take the few minutes of IM discomfort of that BS anyday. Just look up the poor reactions and take stock of that before going subq. It may work for you but I felt the info was very much one direction, that it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
You should read my recent post. When I switched to SubQ recently there was little information regarding people possibly not doing well with SubQ. In fact, I only vaguely remember one single post of someone mentioning their body didn't agree with SubQ. Well, recently I had a horror story. I won't reshare the story here, as it is on my recent post, but I've got what feels like rock hard, purple slabs of skin in my stomach, love handle, shoulder, and thighs -- only from SubQ -- every single injection sight. The same substance, same material, same carrier, same oil, even say day (for experiment sakes) -- when used in Deep IM in my glute, is perfectly fine. When compared to no reaction, the SubQ/Shallow IM turned rock hard, rejected, and I had to go to the ER, Urgent Care, and Doctor's office for this.

It's not the gear as it was a reputable source AND as I said, it worked fine in my glutes. It's purely having to do with SubQ. Also, the rejection of my body to the SubQ started about 5 weeks into doing it SubQ, which is crazy. Nevertheless, SubQ isn't for everyone. People will freak out and say "It's your gear!" or, "You aren't pinning deep enough", or whatever else they want to believe. However, from Ultrasounds, blood tests, doctor's visits, my experience, and also trial and error with testing varieties of oils on myself after, it simply comes to down... My body does not agree with SubQ or Shallow IM. It rejects it flat out. You will start to find other people saying the same thing.

My solution for now is to pin small amounts, high mg/mL rotating glutes and injection sites on the glutes themselves, EOD. Sucks that this happened mid-cycle for me.
Just to add my personal experience, I am currenlty pinning 0.6ml Test E 2x week. At that amount I have seen no difference between SubQ and Intramuscular in terms of "lumping" or pip at ~13-14% bf. From blood tests, I have confirmed that I do get similar effect on various blood markers regardless of the injection method used. I do realise that everyone's body is different but as always, blood testing can give a reasonable answer to many questions.
carrier oil and test ester and BA% is going to make a difference on the size of lump and redness that you get when doing subq.
you have to experiment to figure out which oil works best for u and also if using UGL gear stay away from test e, Go for test cyp or better yet test undecanoate.
Spot on
i use subq only in trt, and in many years i have seen that i need less amount of mg to reach same Test value, around 20% less.
My trt clinic pins me in the glutes weekly so I had hoped to use subq to give the muscles a break on blast. My first subq caused a node the size of a quarter even though I massaged the area well for a few mins after pin. Luckily it went away after about 4-5 days. The one I did in my right abdomen area swelled to be the size of my middle finger, about 2” long and 0.5” wide. I started icing it multiple times per day the last couple days and it stopped growing in size and redness is gone. Hopefully now it will start to shrink and disappear like the other side but it’s been a week. Needless to say not doing the abdomen again any time soon for me. I might try again in the future in the hip/butt area to see if it’s different and if not it won’t be as noticeable and then I’ll know it’s not for me. For now im just pinning in the delts might do vglute too.
My trt clinic pins me in the glutes weekly so I had hoped to use subq to give the muscles a break on blast. My first subq caused a node the size of a quarter even though I massaged the area well for a few mins after pin. Luckily it went away after about 4-5 days. The one I did in my right abdomen area swelled to be the size of my middle finger, about 2” long and 0.5” wide. I started icing it multiple times per day the last couple days and it stopped growing in size and redness is gone. Hopefully now it will start to shrink and disappear like the other side but it’s been a week. Needless to say not doing the abdomen again any time soon for me. I might try again in the future in the hip/butt area to see if it’s different and if not it won’t be as noticeable and then I’ll know it’s not for me. For now im just pinning in the delts might do vglute too.
how much ml did you injected? i avoid more then 0.2 ml
how much ml did you injected? i avoid more then 0.2 ml
For subq I was injecting 0.3ml. I found it odd that even the left abdomen had a node but a lot smaller and gone within 3-4 days and the right one got a lot bigger and still hanging around after a week.
In my personal experience doing subq with pharma grade test c at a trt dose in the abdomen I have received lumps and they were uncomfortable and took up to a week to resolve. After injection I would apply a warm pack and massage the area and this seemed to help so the nodules were not so painful the following days. After 3 months I couldn’t find a good resolution and I abandoned subq and returned to IM. My bloods were very similar when administering subq or IM.
I pinned just .2 iu of test sub q and had a lump and tenderness for a week. Decided that would be the first and last time. Seems it works for some and doesn’t for others. It’s a great option for cruising if ur agrees with you.
I once pinned 0.2 mL of test (might've been 0.25mL) and I had what looked like a festering spider bite on my upper though for 2 weeks. Never tried pinning oil subq ever again.