Subq vs IM

Subq is nice for cruise.
And for oral injects in blast.
This. Sub-Q for low dose cruise or TRT. Gives muscle tissue a rest. Yep. You will deal with itchy swollen and warm injection zones, but it isn’t that bad. Plenty of area to rotate. More level absorption rate. I actually like it a lot for this purpose.
I pinned just .2 iu of test sub q and had a lump and tenderness for a week. Decided that would be the first and last time. Seems it works for some and doesn’t for others. It’s a great option for cruising if ur agrees with you.
I’ve been on trt sub q for about a year. Started getting the lump and tenderness, maybe every other time. Talked to my doc today. She said I got hypersensitive to it. Only option is to go IM. I even asked if I was doing it wrong, to deep, to shallow, wrong spot, basically if there was anyway it was my fault. She said no some people just aren’t able to do SubQ
I’ve been on trt sub q for about a year. Started getting the lump and tenderness, maybe every other time. Talked to my doc today. She said I got hypersensitive to it. Only option is to go IM. I even asked if I was doing it wrong, to deep, to shallow, wrong spot, basically if there was anyway it was my fault. She said no some people just aren’t able to do SubQ

Same here, except my body became hypersensitive after 3 weeks. I did daily sub q with no issue for 3 weeks, then suddenly every sub q pin would become a fat raised welt, bright red, and itch like all hell. It's odd how seemingly overnight my bodies reaction changed drastically. IM it is for me!
Started trt doing subq on my belly. Got bruising and lumps. Doing shallow im with 25g 5/8. I am afraid of pinning with 1 1/4 inch so my sister in law pins me in the glute (she is a nurse)

I pin quads, delts, glutes. Would like to test ventro glutes but they don’t teach them ventro glutes in the underdeveloped country I live in
I tolerate castor oil subq very well.

MCT on the other hand causes me subq big problems (inflammation and lumps).
Same here, except my body became hypersensitive after 3 weeks. I did daily sub q with no issue for 3 weeks, then suddenly every sub q pin would become a fat raised welt, bright red, and itch like all hell. It's odd how seemingly overnight my bodies reaction changed drastically. IM it is for me!
Yeah I was fine for a while. Then it basically changed overnight. Also wanted to add the doc increased my trt. From 160 a week to 200. I was doing .4ml twice a week. Now it’s .5ml twice a week. IM apparently takes a little more for the same result.
Just rotate subq everywhere EXCEPT the belly. Subq is easy as pie in the thigh, delts and even the buttocks. These are the only sites you need. I agree that for some reason oil in the belly doesn't work so well. Water based (GH) yes, but not oil.

29, 1/2"
Is there anything wrong with this? I've been trying .5inch shallow intramuscular I guess I would call it. I pin glutes, delts. Pecs, rotated. I have gone up to 1ml, always with a 27 gauge insulin lately with no problem. .5 ml 2x wk is my trt though. I know it's not sub q per say, I am at a 90 degree when injecting but don't care if I hit muscle or fat
If its working with no issues it is fine. Subq is done at 45 degree angle. The reality is many people who think they are pinning IM with 1" or less needles are actually subq, especially if they have higher bodyfat and especially in the glutes. But studies show it really doesnt matter
If its working with no issues it is fine. Subq is done at 45 degree angle. The reality is many people who think they are pinning IM with 1" or less needles are actually subq, especially if they have higher bodyfat and especially in the glutes. But studies show it really doesnt matter
What I assumed. Bloods came back fine so I recently tried the 1ml. No problems, 2, 1ml pins so far, no pip. I like it 10x better than any large gauge.
I mean Test intended use is IM….so I’ll stick with that
Newer studies how sq efficiency to be just as effective.

Just rotate subq everywhere EXCEPT the belly. Subq is easy as pie in the thigh, delts and even the buttocks. These are the only sites you need. I agree that for some reason oil in the belly doesn't work so well. Water based (GH) yes, but not oil.

29, 1/2"
how the hell do you do subq in the delts? u need a third arm to hold the skin fold... and if you are on this board you should not have 1/2" of fat on your freakin shoulders
how the hell do you do subq in the delts? u need a third arm to hold the skin fold... and if you are on this board you should not have 1/2" of fat on your freakin shoulders
It's intra m I would guess. There is almost no fat on my shoulders at 15 ish percent bf. Probably what I do with what I call shallow im
The point with delts is its a very shallow injection, 1/2 or even 5/16. Anyone that feels more like a man using 16 guage 2" pins be my guest but it makes no difference
Newer studies how sq efficiency to be just as effective.

Nope. Thats been debunked. Subq roughly equivalent, easier to administer, safer and no scar tissue in the muscle
I appreciate the healthy discussion but I personally I prefer to stick to IM. I think everyone responds different. IM works best for me. A study isn’t going to take account for my individual response.
I appreciate the healthy discussion but I personally I prefer to stick to IM. I think everyone responds different. IM works best for me. A study isn’t going to take account for my individual response.
No problem there. If it isn't broken don't fix, but I personally have great bloods with the way I administer. Just food for thought