Subq vs IM

People are odd. Conversation is beneficial but do you I guess

If you have reasoning behind your stance I'd listen or read something on it
To some hardliners, who've never read a book, with massive muscular scar tissue in their glutes, stance is "Real men go IM"
I tolerate castor oil subq very well.

MCT on the other hand causes me subq big problems (inflammation and lumps).
This is generally the issue with Sub-Q not hormone. (Unless high dose which again requires solvents and could be argued it is still not the hormones)
Been doing subq daily for about a month now. Lumps are completely random. It's a MCT test-e oil I'm using. Sometimes zero pain zero redness, sometimes a little redness and lump that lasts a day or two and then randomly I've had a couple big lumps that last about a week or so. The kinda sides of my hips near my butt is where I've had the best luck, I've kinda been trying all over. Thighs were the worst and right on the butt was bad too, basically the spots you do IM it's not a great idea to do subq right there, you are better off finding some fatty tissue somewhere else, if you get a lump right on top of a large muscle group you are feeling it all day long.

I was fairly sold on the daily injections due to stability and less peaking and dipping. IM is not practical for daily IMO, I've had my own issues with IM hitting blood vessels randomly which can cause bruising. If you are going to do IM I think it's gotta be like every three days or so or otherwise it's too much jabbing.
I’ve experimented a lot with both at various dosages of testosterone (in different carrier oils) and am convinced that for myself subq results in higher aromatisation.

This is all anecdotal as I’ve never done bloodwork on subq but at equivalent dosages subq seems to cause me to suffer from higher water retention, nipple sensitivity and I also get the mental side effects that my e2 is higher in comparison to my T, as crazy as it sounds…

I know there’s a study of two which supports this and also some that oppose this view but I’ll run some blood work later this year after sticking to subq for a while hopefully and see if it’s not just a placebo effect.

I’ve spoken to a guy who works at Marek Health who has seen this in some patients though for what it’s worth.
I agree with the sentiment what’s right for you is the correct answer. I’ve done both forms in various muscles and various parts of the body subq. They both work, I use subq sometimes to give the muscles a break. In blast when taking 4-5 injections per week I do both. I’m never going to go daily, having stable levels is great but I’ve tried various numbers per week and I feel no different from getting daily versus 1-2x per week. So for that I’ll skip the extra pins on cruise.
When you guys are doing sub q in belly fat.. are you releasing the pinched fat before you inject or after your finished injecting? I've read medically literature to do it both ways. I'm experimenting both ways to see if one way possibly disperses better? Either peps or oil..
When you guys are doing sub q in belly fat.. are you releasing the pinched fat before you inject or after your finished injecting? I've read medically literature to do it both ways. I'm experimenting both ways to see if one way possibly disperses better? Either peps or oil..
Another case where it all works, just whichever you prefer. Dr. Crisler did not pinch at all, claiming this caused more damage to the tissue. I have always done a wide, slight pinch which I let go of after insertion and before injection. Others inject into the pinch. At the end of the day, just get it it with minimal disruption to your tissue
I subq my trt, primo, and NPP. Never injected more than .7ml in one spot and always rotate butt cheeks. No lumps and the only PIP i get is when I forget to warm the vial prior to injection. It has always worked well for me and blood work is very nice.
I subq my trt, primo, and NPP. Never injected more than .7ml in one spot and always rotate butt cheeks. No lumps and the only PIP i get is when I forget to warm the vial prior to injection. It has always worked well for me and blood work is very nice.
Is Primo and NPP ok subq? I'd read it's better to go IM with non-test gear, but not sure if there's any logic to it.
Is Primo and NPP ok subq? I'd read it's better to go IM with non-test gear, but not sure if there's any logic to it.
where did u read that? makes no sense... unless we are talking about blast levels and than yeah you can't subq 2ml+ of gear...
Is Primo and NPP ok subq? I'd read it's better to go IM with non-test gear, but not sure if there's any logic to it.
Perfectly fine as long as you keep it under 1ml per injection. I also recommend warming the oil prior to injection and inject as slow as possible as subq primo (and sometimes NPP) kicks like a mule.

I prefect subq due to slower absorption into the body and less spikes to cause sides.
where did u read that? makes no sense... unless we are talking about blast levels and than yeah you can't subq 2ml+ of gear...
I don't remember specifically, but several forums seemed to advise against it when I initially researched. My 200mg/ml NPP was crashed and looked kinda scary too, so assumed IM was the way to go haha. It's fine after heating but have been doing IM.

For some reason I have been getting crazy PIP from my test cyp subq recently, The same oil used to give me no issues at all and now I get hard painful lumps every time. This is despite heating it and injecting really slowly. Instead, I've tried shallow IM in delts with 1/2 inch slin needle but seem to get some muscle pain from that which is annoying for sleep. Tried shallow IM ventroglute earlier this week and no pain at all with 1/2 inch and tried a 1 inch today with 25g which was less fun.
I don't remember specifically, but several forums seemed to advise against it when I initially researched. My 200mg/ml NPP was crashed and looked kinda scary too, so assumed IM was the way to go haha. It's fine after heating but have been doing IM.

For some reason I have been getting crazy PIP from my test cyp subq recently, The same oil used to give me no issues at all and now I get hard painful lumps every time. This is despite heating it and injecting really slowly. Instead, I've tried shallow IM in delts with 1/2 inch slin needle but seem to get some muscle pain from that which is annoying for sleep. Tried shallow IM ventroglute earlier this week and no pain at all with 1/2 inch and tried a 1 inch today with 25g which was less fun.
200mg npp is practically guaranteed to be painfull....
yeah I tried subq same as you after a while got pain... i concluded that some kind of accumulation happens in the fat... maybe rotating sites works but I dont have enough accesible fat places to. do that so I stick to shallow IM.
Has anyone here had trouble with seepage with subq? Every-time o try it I don’t get any lumps but it’s a little alarming to see how much oil comes out after injecting. Maybe there’s a certain technique to avoid this?
I get such bad swelling and pip on .2ml shots when I go subq on my stomach.

I can shoot .2ml IM anywhere and get zero pip or swelling.

I just stick to IM.