Superdrol or Ment?


10+ Year Member
I haven’t ran a bulk cycle In years, I’ve just been on TRT and occasionally blast some tren/Var to play around a little….

A buddy of mine lately has been swearing by Superdrol & Ment…….

I have zero knowledge of these two compounds, other than what I’m reading and hearing about off YouTube….

Does anyone have any experience with either of these? If so, which do you prefer and what can be ran with them?

I’m planning to blast a bulk run here shortly and want get freaky…….6’6 275 currently and have plenty of experience, just not with either of these
MENT is a helluva drug if you can tame it. Acetate ester is shit though. You really gotta pin it every 6 hours. Look at trestolone enanthate or deacanoate and pin every day will take the wild peaks/valleys of serum blood levels
I like trest but yeah managing sides can be a bitch, I haven't tried enanthate yet but I think I'll go with that from now on too. Start low and work up.

Superdrol is awesome while you can tolerate it but it makes you feel like shit and is not conducive to a good long bulk. Maybe at the end or if you just want to look extra freaky for a couple weeks.
Honestly I have probably ran currently trestolone more than mainly anything other than testosterone which to my recollection was always in acetate ester and only injected once daily with crazy good result no clue where you got that every 6 hours can you give a link to read up on please?
Honestly I have probably ran currently trestolone more than mainly anything other than testosterone which to my recollection was always in acetate ester and only injected once daily with crazy good result no clue where you got that every 6 hours can you give a link to read up on please?
Dude goes by trenemy #1 (he's an acquired taste but has good info) on YouTube did a recent video where he found a TRT/HRT human trial/study where the physicians described the clearance rate of trest being so fast it needs to be injected every 6-8 hours. I don't know if he linked the actual human trial.
What would be a decent cycle involving Trest or Superdrol?

I hear ment bloats the hell out of you, is that true?
So along deca sound wild….

Either of these work well with primo?
Really interesting I may check that on my next bulk cycle on topic pardon OP:

Trestolone is pretty much everything in one, makes you great emotionally, crazy strength, endurance, body composition, only requires tiny dosing (personally 10mg/daily). Also yet good on blood work...

Superdrol is lethargy and just a bit more potent than oxandrolone imo considering you going to bulk and I personally have low appetite on that compound.

Only suggesting to you get methyltrienolone rather than superdrol it tremendously changes you much quicker and with similar side effects profile.
Which would yield more keepable gains after cycle?

I’m on TRT, so in a blast/cruise situation……no PCT
Dude goes by trenemy #1 (he's an acquired taste but has good info) on YouTube did a recent video where he found a TRT/HRT human trial/study where the physicians described the clearance rate of trest being so fast it needs to be injected every 6-8 hours. I don't know if he linked the actual human trial.
Mike is in this forum also. I haven’t seen him post lately though.
Superdrol is fun for two or three weeks, at which point the toxicity catches up with you, and the lethargy slaps you across the face hard. I usually bail around week 3, even on 10mg or 20mg dosage, but some do the full four weeks. It Starts affecting my workouts and my work too much around week 3. Im just constantly sluggish and tired

Now the results are amazing. Strength, fullness, vascularity, pump, it's all amazing. It's good for building glycogen in the muscles and the scale usually increases quickly. It's a potent compound, just very very toxic. Don't run it more than 4 weeks. Seriously.

Oh.. and it'll probably destroy your appetite too which might be slightly counter productive for a bulk.
For short term blasts, do you want Ment at chronic mediocre exposure 24/7 (with dosing every 6 hours) or daily bigger peaks to get the ball rolling on other higher anabolic processes? Maybe bigger peaks above a certain plateau provides an edge (so once daily dosing of the same total 24h dose).

I don't know. But I question applying the microdosing TRT mentality to all anabolics for all purposes.
For short term blasts, do you want Ment at chronic mediocre exposure 24/7 (with dosing every 6 hours) or daily bigger peaks to get the ball rolling on other higher anabolic processes? Maybe bigger peaks above a certain plateau provides an edge (so once daily dosing of the same total 24h dose).

I don't know. But I question applying the microdosing TRT mentality to all anabolics for all purposes.
There's definitely two trains of thought here and I as well contemplate which method may be better. I usually have generally better response (strength and lbm gain over the full period) with orals when I attempt to keep blood serum levels stable. IE anavar 25mg 2x per day vs 50mg once per day. This may not be true for everyone but I generally feel better and so does my stomach.
How does any acetate only last 6 hours?
From what we know about reading the TRT studies trestolone metabolites break down fast. Also it doesn't "only last 6 hours". The majority of it breaks down and spikes blood serum levels in a wave of hormone metabolites in this 6 hours. These cause the mental sides and downstream ripple effects of metabolites spiking blood concentration in a wave. What's true of one hormone attached to the acetate ester may not be true of another. Take the breakdown and metabolizing timing of nandrolone deacanoate vs testosterone deacanoate... Also, i'm not the brightest so everything above could literally be the ramblings of a simpleton.
It depends if the superdrol is oral or injectable and if you aromatize alot.

Superdrol is very underrated, as far as cosmetic effect (and probably muscle building) its the strongest oral.

With that of course its toxic, some people say injectable is less toxic for your liver, some say it isn't. I'm going to be getting bloodwork 3 weeks into ~20mg injectable on training days to prove it once and for all.

I like superdrol because it doesn't cause acne or estrogen problems , for me, only increase in blood pressure. " The anabolic/androgenic ratio" if you will, is very skewed towards anabolic.

It makes you look larger in just a few days, the pumps are amazing , you get the strength from the increase in glycogen/water. probably better work capacity during your workouts aswell.

If I have a bad day, I can take 15mg oral superdrol about 3 hours before working out, start pounding carbs and get a full upperbody pump doing arms.

I would not take oral superdrol on consequtive days, for weeks, when injectable exists

It is important when discussing superdrol to make the disctinction between oral and injectable. As many of the side effects including lethargy, liver , appetite are usually attributed to the oral version.

I only hear good things about ment from people who aromatize very low, like the guys who dont get gyno from 750mg test. I get gyno from 10mg of dbol so I will never waste the money on even a vial for giggles.
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Anyone have any input on a cycle involving either of these compounds?

Aside from test, what would make for a good
Cycle? Or are other compounds not necessary?
I think you go by the regular testosterone/nor19/dht combination or in your case testosterone/trestolone/dht of personal choice good options imo:
Probably best is oxandrolone as you have one wet and one dry compound, then masteron or primobolan. You can try superdrol I personally intend to check going with injectable (my experience is oral). I have ran trestolone with halotestin great choice though you going to bulk which makes it suboptimal. Methyltrienolone while not dht is the ultimate strength, composition, glycogen chemical though you must tread carefully. Dosing in my case 20mg testosterone, 10mg trestolone, 50mg oxandrolone. I have read people running much higher trestolone can only think why side effect reports.