But Xnoobx I feel you and agree that Naps should be somewhat held accountable for continuing to sell shitty brands.
I know bro i get it I'm just saying as an American if you don't like something then simply don't buy it
So are you going to say, hey go buy from naps, some of his stuff is good? Sounds like a great sales pitch....Meanwhile im out over 100 dollars because naps had a specific sell on Maha gear, it was splashed all over the naps page with a pop up specifically for Maha at 50% off. As an uninformed American, I didn't know any better at the time....

I tried to find anyone saying anything good or bad about Maha and found nothing. Like it never existed. Am I the only dumb ass that baught it? or maybe info of it being bunk was deleted off of the paid source boards.....

When I first purchased gear it was from naps, including maha test, orals from eminence dbol and winny. Javent tried. I also purchased gp test and aromasin. Havent tried the test, the aromasin worked for me though.

I've also purchased modafanil, cialis and maxalt. All worked fine.

The point is. He doesnt know what he is selling because he sells others stuff. So if you are not in the know, you may be purchasing stuff that works or you may not. I dont want to be happy with 3/4 of what Im getting.

However, if you know of a reliable source, with a better reputation, that has customers submitting good bloods. Who would you rather buy from? Use some fucking common sense.

I made the mistake of thinking everything on naps was gtg but thats not the case. I didnt do enough research. I learned my lesson.

After joining here and learning things. Not being able to find anything regarding Maha from Naps. I figured it was bunk. But I wanted to test it out so I could back that claim so that if anyone else who purchased it from Naps would know as well if they had some and had not used it yet. They still have Maha listed as a lab, none available but all say coming soon. If Naps knows its shit, why do they leave it on there?

Maybe because they are are so big they dont care if they sell good or bad product, just that they have product to sell.
Understood Fair enough.
I kinda see it like a mall though. The mall is one thing inside many shops. The mall can't really control what the stores sell wether it's good or crap. If a store fails I would hope the mall would shut it down and hope for a better store to take its place in the beautiful jungle of capitalism.
But I feel you.
You would feel diffferently if what you purchased from Naps was bunk.....

If theh know its bad, they shouldnt carry it. If they dont know one way or another, they shouldnt carry it.

As soon as someone buys shit gear from them, they have lost their trust and a customer. Its bad bussiness.

Many repeat purchases over time, plus positive word of mouth is worth more than constant one and done customers......
I just got bloods back on Maha test E brand they were selling. Its pretty much complete shit. Think NAPS is going to make it good? I will not be ordering again even though my estrodial was kept in check with GP aromasin 12.5 mg 2 x a week and cialis I ordered from them works fine as well. But ordering from a source where only 2 out of 3 products I ordered from them works is not a smart choice for me. No more money for them.

Ran my TRT Watson Cyp at 160mg a week on saturdays and Maha Test E at 250 mg on Tuesdays. Labs were drawn 48 hours after my 250mg Maha Test E pin. 5th week in of adding Maha Test E. My Total T was 1643 and free was 32. I dont believe the Maha is contributing much if any to these numbers. My last 160mg pin of Watson cyp was 5 days before labs.

Previous labs on my TRT watson test Cyp alone were 1580ish 7 days after last pin. You do the math, it doesnt add up. I should have been closer to 3200 with the way I respond to test but nope.

View attachment 64571

I think you need to run the MAHA alone to get accurate results. Those numbers may not be that bad if you do. But, I dont think you will get in the 3000's off 400mg/wk IMO.
Do you have any previous bloodwork showing that you should be in the 3k's off of 400mg wk of Watson?
I think you need to run the MAHA alone to get accurate results. Those numbers may not be that bad if you do. But, I dont think you will get in the 3000's off 400mg/wk IMO.
Do you have any previous bloodwork showing that you should be in the 3k's off of 400mg wk of Watson?
No but I do have bloods on my watson test cyp alone at 160mg a week, split dose. I skipped 2nd dose of the last week and it was 7 days from last pin of 80mg and I was at almost 1300 TT.

On 200mg a week split dose of watson test cyp I was at almost 1600. I dont have a pic on me but Im happy to post later.20170120_120203.jpg

Below is my labs from the 160mg a week. I react fairly well to test. So yeah, I think it should be considerably higher than what I just got.

Ill be doing a 6 week trt run on tsl test e (and maybe 25 of his anavar) only because I have faith there is some test in his stuff but didnt want to crash my estrogen and test using just Maha. So I kept my base dose of Watson test Cyp. If you want, I would be more than happy to send you some left over maha and you can run it. I have 50ml in vials left over....Ill keep it incase anyone else wants to take me up on tjat offer eventjally. Free bunk gear to whoever wants to run it and do bloods.

Ill save up my watson test cyp and do a blast at 400mg a week starting in late may if you would like to see what my labs would be on an actual higher dose. Im willing to bet it will be in the high 2k to 3200.

Unlike the hulkster and supermariod, Im willing to back up my claims by actually doing bloods.
Unlike the hulkster and supermariod, Im willing to back up my claims by actually doing bloods.
I don't remember making any claims that needed backing. The viagra worked good how would you like me to back that up? [emoji23]
No but I do have bloods on my watson test cyp alone at 160mg a week, split dose. I skipped 2nd dose of the last week and it was 7 days from last pin of 80mg and I was at almost 1300 TT.

On 200mg a week split dose of watson test cyp I was at almost 1600. I dont have a pic on me but Im happy to post later.View attachment 64579

Below is my labs from the 160mg a week. I react fairly well to test. So yeah, I think it should be considerably higher than what I just got.

Ill be doing a 6 week trt run on tsl test e (and maybe 25 of his anavar) only because I have faith there is some test in his stuff but didnt want to crash my estrogen and test using just Maha. So I kept my base dose of Watson test Cyp. If you want, I would be more than happy to send you some left over maha and you can run it. I have 50ml in vials left over....Ill keep it incase anyone else wants to take me up on tjat offer eventjally. Free bunk gear to whoever wants to run it and do bloods.

Ill save up my watson test cyp and do a blast at 400mg a week starting in late may if you would like to see what my labs would be on an actual higher dose. Im willing to bet it will be in the high 2k to 3200.

Unlike the hulkster and supermariod, Im willing to back up my claims by actually doing bloods.

Looks like a lot of inconsistencies with your dosing or am I the only who thinks that?
Hemoglobin is high have you donated blood since?

Aug 6
Posting naps gear just to show it off as advertisement.

Aug 20
Posting pic of 9 vials of Test E.
• The brand that Naps carry's.

Posting gear pics of Var and Viagra.

Sep 15
March Pharma Tren Ace
• Just more pictures posted and nothing said.

Sep 24
Pics of Orals posted with no comment on first post. Just left there to be seen.

Oct 21
Geno pens
• Warned by Cdnguy that you posting all these pics looks bad.
• Member Bigger Ben jokes and asks if your saying that you got the hook up. You then acknowledge it being well aware of the image your casting her after already being warned.

Feb 22
Geneza and QDL
• Pictures of vials (all brand Naps gear sells once again!)

April 10
Some of the stash
• Again, more gear pics all brands that Naps pushes hard.
• Random unknown member thanks you for help.

You are all over naps!
You also mentioned that you found a new source that's domestic that sells Test E at $25? Who's that source? YOU?!

Now, some of this could be nothing or its all set up just right. This is projecting an image to the noobs that they can go to you for help and gear which is WRONG!! YOU MY FRIEND ARE A SHILL! You were warned and ignored those warnings. Your time is up my friend. Go back to the other boards. You don't belong here.
Aug what year.
I don't homebrew so no I'm no source too risky.
If I got it from naps I specifically said I got it from them.
I buy alpha Pharma and dragon and bought eminence and maxtreme from another source same brands different source dumbass genos to different source Naps HGH prices suck. Warned years ago when i didn't know meso rules. Long ago dipshit once again you morons hanging on to old shit that means nothing.
Looks like a lot of inconsistencies with your dosing or am I the only who thinks that?
Hemoglobin is high have you donated blood since?
Dosing is as it has been stated. Gave you all the info you need.

Im aware of my hemoglobin and hematocrit. Donated a month ago and hematocrit was at 56, now 52. Ill be doing some self letting this weekend.

I like how you deflect by trying to throw shade at me. Typical shill move. Related to kellyanne conway? Her whore mouth is good at that shit too.
Aug what year.
I don't homebrew so no I'm no source too risky.
If I got it from naps I specifically said I got it from them.
I buy alpha Pharma and dragon and bought eminence and maxtreme from another source same brands different source dumbass genos to different source Naps HGH prices suck. Warned years ago when i didn't know meso rules. Long ago dipshit once again you morons hanging on to old shit that means nothing.
It doesn't matter how long ago. It just means you wander back over here pushing labs after you think someone's forgotten. Your an idiot. Mario's in the same boat as you! He's a gear posting whore too. Give it up.