sweat odor change on test+npp and ethyl oleate

white couch

New Member
Started my cycle 4 weeks ago on about 450 test E + 400 npp weekly (eod pinning). It is the first time I use a synthetic oil based test E (250mg/1ml) and npp (100mg/1ml) and it is also the first time I notice my sweat odor change after 1 week. My natural sweat is odorless except for the armpit which rarely smells; after I started this cycle my BACK/lats sweat started smelling/stinking. Being the first time I smell it took me a while to figure out it was me and in fact the sweat on my back...kept looking around the car/wherever I was asking myself wtf keeps smelling like that.

It's not dead flesh bad, only my gf noticed after I specifically asked her to sniff my lats lol...but it is still annoying.

Anyway, is there anyone here who went through the same thing and has some advice? besides the obvious shower more/change tshirts more often.

Is it the ethyl oleate at fault? is it the test or the npp?

Can I do anything to get rid of it? eat more carbs?

My last cycle I was on some bayer testoviron depot and npp (can't remember which, but some pharma one as well). Don't recall the same odor change

Anyway, is there anyone here who went through the same thing and has some advice? besides the obvious shower more/change tshirts more often.
Never used your combo but I thought I smelled like hot garbage the first time I used Tren. No one else could smell it though (and I asked several folks). Was just my perception.
Be kind and shower more often on cycle.
It’s the NPP for me. When I sweat, I typically don’t stink but when ever I am using NPP I get the same stink every time. Also sweat way more at night.