
New Member
Hey guys, I've been using Deus Medical's Testomed E for 8 weeks now. The gains have been amazing, no complaining about that, the stuff definitely works.

However, pinning my glutes make my glutes swell A LOT. Injecting to delts make my delts hurt like crazy, to the point that it's impossible to train upper body for several days and and the area where I inject gets red. of the 16 pins I've done, something like 6 have been painfree and no problem.

Anyone know why this is happening? Is Deus Medical's injectables dirty?
Your problem could be for several reasons, solvents, sensitivity to the carrier or it's dirty. In either case I would not continue to use gear that caused pip and inflammation. Find a different source.
Your problem could be for several reasons, solvents, sensitivity to the carrier or it's dirty. In either case I would not continue to use gear that caused pip and inflammation. Find a different source.
Alright thank you. Trying to find a new source now. Got any suggestions? Looking for EU and stealth shipping to Scandinavia.

The deus stuff is miglyol oil base, heard that many get pip from it.
Hey guys, I've been using Deus Medical's Testomed E for 8 weeks now. The gains have been amazing, no complaining about that, the stuff definitely works.

However, pinning my glutes make my glutes swell A LOT. Injecting to delts make my delts hurt like crazy, to the point that it's impossible to train upper body for several days and and the area where I inject gets red. of the 16 pins I've done, something like 6 have been painfree and no problem.

Anyone know why this is happening? Is Deus Medical's injectables dirty?

I use it too -deus testo e , so far I have injected 20 ampo in the whole body and each time I get big pain and swellingI thought it was just happening to me..
I use it too -deus testo e , so far I have injected 20 ampo in the whole body and each time I get big pain and swellingI thought it was just happening to me..
Nice to hear I'm not the only one. Pain in the ass trying to find a new source who I trust to deliver the package to Scandinavia.
Nice to hear I'm not the only one. Pain in the ass trying to find a new source who I trust to deliver the package to Scandinavia.
I read now that voltaren gel helps after injec..
I don’t know, a lot of dealers are here but for the money what deus sells is hard to find..
I’d find a different source.

Finish your cycle if you want it to hurt less get some sterile grape seed oil and dilute your shots a bit. Should help with PIP and swelling. Good luck and let me know if that helps!
Don't use Test E anymore use Cyp instead.

E is now in the toilet and has been for several years, there's theories as to why the ester went to shit with regards to UGL, but it's not worth messing with.

There's nothing about E that C can't do even if its 50mg/ml less in concentration.
I have read this so many times in this forum and I just can't understand it. If I get such a strong reaction from something that I can no longer use the muscle and the injection area even turns red, why the hell do I want to inject myself with the stuff again?
Better to risk a stay in hospital than spend the few dollars on another product or what? I can't understand this mentality.

You obviously don't tolerate the carrier, like many others. I myself cannot use any mct oil.
I believe that everything is fine with Deus products. Your reactions are an individual intolerance to some of the components.
To the OP.

If the gear was "dirty" and you've already been using it for 8 weeks you would have far more serious problems than some PIP by now bro.

Also, you say you've done 16 shots and 6 were pain free so this indicates possible poor injection technique, or sensitive virgin muscle, or overuse of an injection site and scar tissue build up.

I plan to use some Deus products later this year and I'm confident it's not "dirty" gear but if you can't tolerate it you should try a different brand/different carrier/different solvent ratio.
I have read this so many times in this forum and I just can't understand it. If I get such a strong reaction from something that I can no longer use the muscle and the injection area even turns red, why the hell do I want to inject myself with the stuff again?
Better to risk a stay in hospital than spend the few dollars on another product or what? I can't understand this mentality.

You obviously don't tolerate the carrier, like many others. I myself cannot use any mct oil.
It's because there is so much contradicting information. When you ask "Is this normal? The muscle swells up huge and pain is bad it can't be used for days?" Some people reply oh you're a noob. Tough it out. Others say toss it out. When you're new you don't know what's normal PIP and what should be concerning.
I’d find a different source.

Finish your cycle if you want it to hurt less get some sterile grape seed oil and dilute your shots a bit. Should help with PIP and swelling. Good luck and let me know if that helps!
Yes I'm actively trying to find a new source. I'm very new to this so I won't try the brewing stuff. Thanks for the tip though.
Don't use Test E anymore use Cyp instead.

E is now in the toilet and has been for several years, there's theories as to why the ester went to shit with regards to UGL, but it's not worth messing with.

There's nothing about E that C can't do even if its 50mg/ml less in concentration.
Nice to hear, I've been thinking a lot about this to be honest, when I find a new source I will buy C instead of E.

Dues uses Miglyol as their carrier oil.
You may be sensitive to it. i sure am.
Yep, I've read about that too. I think it's the problem here. A lot of possibilities though.
I have read this so many times in this forum and I just can't understand it. If I get such a strong reaction from something that I can no longer use the muscle and the injection area even turns red, why the hell do I want to inject myself with the stuff again?
Better to risk a stay in hospital than spend the few dollars on another product or what? I can't understand this mentality.

You obviously don't tolerate the carrier, like many others. I myself cannot use any mct oil.
Yes I'm trying constantly to find a new source, it's not like I'm not trying but I do have a life too and I'm trying to evaluate the different sources. I do not have drugs for PCT as my plan is to BnC. Injecting to my glutes is not that big of a problem. I could easily live like this for years.
To the OP.

If the gear was "dirty" and you've already been using it for 8 weeks you would have far more serious problems than some PIP by now bro.

Also, you say you've done 16 shots and 6 were pain free so this indicates possible poor injection technique, or sensitive virgin muscle, or overuse of an injection site and scar tissue build up.

I plan to use some Deus products later this year and I'm confident it's not "dirty" gear but if you can't tolerate it you should try a different brand/different carrier/different solvent ratio.
Yeah I'm definitely new to this, I could be using improper techiniques. The technique I do is from youtube videos. Maybe I was over reacting saying it's dirty...

It's because there is so much contradicting information. When you ask "Is this normal? The muscle swells up huge and pain is bad it can't be used for days?" Some people reply oh you're a noob. Tough it out. Others say toss it out. When you're new you don't know what's normal PIP and what should be concerning.
Yep, after I find new stuff will see if it's just how my body reacts. Tryna find some other solvent than miglyol.
Good luck man. I'm dealing with the same issue. Bought a bunch of vials I can't use. I've tried toughing it out hoping it would get better. It's not. Currently looking for another source as well. After the last pin and within minutes was limping I said fuck this. Not going to do it again.
Not all gear is painful.

I have a rule. If it is painful, I toss it and order from somebody else.

It's a good rule. It works for me. I now have all sources with painless gear. If they change into painful gear, then I will stop using them and move on.
Not all gear is painful.

I have a rule. If it is painful, I toss it and order from somebody else.

It's a good rule. It works for me. I now have all sources with painless gear. If they change into painful gear, then I will stop using them and move on.
After the horrible experience I've had I totally agree. Went for months with nothing but normal PIP. 1 out of 10. Changed source and pain is 8 out of 10 for 5 to 6 days and BIG lumps and redness. Fuck that it's not worth it.
I don't put up with any PIP, no matter how low. No reason to do so.

But, yeah, redness and swelling, and I do not inject anymore of it.

Folks can blame carrier oil and such, but I typically blame solvent concentration, which means somebody is not being careful about how much of this or that goes in the bottle. If they are not careful about that, then I do not need to be injecting it.
I have had sources be good and then go bad (get sloppy). I dump them and move on.

There are too many good sources. Like I said, no reason to put up with it at all.