SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

The best primo I've used to date. No PIP. And at only 200mg a week it's doing a solid job for me. Not looking for massive gains. I mainly use AAS for TRT. Incorporated Primo for some synergistic benefits. Have tried Primo from two other sources here. His Primo is above and beyond their quality.

How can you tell it’s really good primo?
I've doing Test Phenylpropinate, with Deca Phenylpropinate both from Sym, with great results. Next week I'll be dropping or reducing the Deca & adding in Anavar 100 mg per week.
Placed an order yesterday myself. Sym is not only on pont, but has been patient with me, as Btc, & secure mail are relatively new to me.

Yep. Secure email was really mentally challenging for me at first too. After figuring out a service and signing up for free I had to type just like any other email. I was exhausted but I think I pretty much have the hang of it now...
Yep. Secure email was really mentally challenging for me at first too. After figuring out a service and signing up for free I had to type just like any other email. I was exhausted but I think I pretty much have the hang of it now...

I keep getting stuck on this finger to key pad bullshit.

Fuckers know what I want just gimme
Secure mail was easy Bitcoin a little more complicated. People who find any reason to try to drag another down are suffering from low self esteem or a Napoleon complex. Are you suffering ?

Funny. I always suffer. But as Big knows, his shit makes me laugh. And laughter is good for low self esteem. I thank Big often for this.
As for the Napolean complex, hardly. I have had 3 TBI's and am borderline retarded now due to it. Went from making $225,000 a year to disability income.
That can bring anyone's self esteem down. Wouldn't you agree Mr. Sullivan?
I have made some good friends on here and received great medical advice as well.
Your attempt at diagnosing my psychiatric drawbacks were 50% correct with exception to the Napolean thing. That is pretty damn impressive for one that doesn't possess that degree. Are you certified in the psychiatric field? If you are, and if you don't mind, I may have some more questions for you.
Secure mail was easy Bitcoin a little more complicated. People who find any reason to try to drag another down are suffering from low self esteem or a Napoleon complex. Are you suffering ?

Easy and relax. I was just joking. You don’t have to get so uppity and start with the psychoanalysis shit.

But if you wanna do that... I would argue that a grown man that has to make this kind of post is crying out for attention:

Placed an order yesterday myself. Sym is not only on pont, but has been patient with me, as Btc, & secure mail are relatively new to me.

Try to keep it light because people can pull apart anything they want to. Plus everybody is sooooooo super-sensitive these days. You can’t laugh at yourself a little bit?? Fine, we’ll laugh AT you! [emoji1787]

