Synthesis. Making Raws. We should be focusing on this much more.


New Member
I don't see many posts about synthesis here and I'm eager to learn this and dodge the suits knocking on my door for ordering raws. Is anybody else making their own? PM me!!!!
I just want techniques.
Also, you can only ever seem to find testosterone structures, I don't mean to get ahead of myself but how about a formula for Tren lol
Am I talking to the wall or is everybody actually that comfortable order int or dome taking your chances? That's lazy. I'm just shocked there isn't more info available on here, I can't be the only one.
I don't think you're going to find many with the equipment or interest in investing in the set-up to synthesize raws here.

The ROI would be non-existent and the risk/reward ratio upside down by anyone's standards.

It's not exactly brewing bathtub crank, growing shrooms, or distilling DMT level stuff.
I don't see many posts about synthesis here and I'm eager to learn this and dodge the suits knocking on my door for ordering raws. Is anybody else making their own? PM me!!!!
I just want techniques.
Also, you can only ever seem to find testosterone structures, I don't mean to get ahead of myself but how about a formula for Tren lol
Am I talking to the wall or is everybody actually that comfortable order int or dome taking your chances? That's lazy. I'm just shocked there isn't more info available on here, I can't be the only one.

When you can purchase the shit for dirt cheap domestic... why in earth would you even consider this?

Also, probably a chance that you may need a license for certain chemicals required in the process of synthesis. Good luck with that when you can purchase raws dirt cheap. Why risk getting a target put in you and investigated for possession of some weird substance that you need a license to purchase?

Cool idea for fun, but zero real interest will be found.
It's never been about saving money, domes get the raws from China with risks of metals, right or wrong? Is there a way to extract the metals? Lmk. If you want something done right do it yourself, even if you have to kill a few rats. Most of the supplies don't require a license. Dea do watch some but there are alternatives. At first I thought you need extensive lab equipment but if you read the link it looks like the guy was using lab glasses, milk frother and coffee filters lol I'm paraphrasing but is this really that extreme? Esterifying seems like more work. Idk I'm just doing what everyone does which is research. Raws are illegal. Home Chemistry is not illegal. Sure, probable cause. Have a plan b. Dhea is not illegal. Cholesterol is not illegal. Distribution is. Again, being frugal isn't the motivation. Control is

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More thorough research
It's never been about saving money, domes get the raws from China with risks of metals, right or wrong? Is there a way to extract the metals? Lmk. If you want something done right do it yourself, even if you have to kill a few rats. Most of the supplies don't require a license. Dea do watch some but there are alternatives. At first I thought you need extensive lab equipment but if you read the link it looks like the guy was using lab glasses, milk frother and coffee filters lol I'm paraphrasing but is this really that extreme? Esterifying seems like more work. Idk I'm just doing what everyone does which is research. Raws are illegal. Home Chemistry is not illegal. Sure, probable cause. Have a plan b. Dhea is not illegal. Cholesterol is not illegal. Distribution is. Again, being frugal isn't the motivation. Control is.

You can just buy domestic Pharma Test...

Or get a script... lots of clinics out there that will prescribe.
You can just buy domestic Pharma Test...

Or get a script... lots of clinics out there that will prescribe.
Do docs prescribe more than trt doses? Maybe I'll try alpha pharma.. lol I don't have any interest frequently buying illegal substances in the mail, been on drug court in 2011, had my felony expunged and never bought so much as a dime from anybody even if I knew them since childhood
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I discussed this with Patrick Arnold many years ago ( prior to the Balco scandal ). I suspect he didn't want any competition as he was very negative about the idea.
Understood, but if I buy the chems 5 months before the raws? And avoid buying before "September"

So to avoid getting caught for buying meth you want to open a meth lab to avoid the risks of getting caught??? I mean steroids... :rolleyes:

Makes no sense...
So to avoid getting caught for buying meth you want to open a meth lab to avoid the risks of getting caught??? I mean steroids... :rolleyes:

Makes no sense...
Lol no son it's just roids not meth, some of the Ingredients are used In meth but there are alternatives, nonetheless were talking about 1 kilo raws test e, if that
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If they’re knocking for buying raws, they’re kicking the door in when all the shit you need to synthesize raws gets you on a few high profile lists..
no need to retype it. This.

The heavy metal contamination issue, afaik, is largely debunked, could be wrong. @janoshik @Weights & Measures do you guys have experience with this? Testing for metals, general heavy metal exposure in raws, etc?
no need to retype it. This.

The heavy metal contamination issue, afaik, is largely debunked, could be wrong. @janoshik @Weights & Measures do you guys have experience with this? Testing for metals, general heavy metal exposure in raws, etc?
No heavy metal contamination ever detected in anything but industrial grade dnp.

Anybody who ever claimed otherwise never provided anything that could be considered proof
Good luck sourcing reagents for even simple bromination reactions. That shit will get you on a list way more intense than you can imagine.

Even IF you got the supplies, LAH and LiBr are not to be fucked with.

Want to add a methyl group? You're going to pull a Heisenberg and divert Methylamine? Rob a train?
What I’d like to see is how to create Primo starting with test or mast or whatever. If that’s even possible.