t3 dosage


New Member
ive been taking t3 for four weeks now. Started with 25mcg, went to 50mcg. Ive done blood work the other day. My t3 levels are 4.12 pmol/L. Before t3 they were 3.69 pmol/L. Seems more of a replacement dose, so i was thinking of upping the dose to 75mcg a day for the next two to four weeks. Need some advice about it. Would it be okay to do so?
First to your question :
No. 50mcg are more than enough, in my eyes even overdosed. Normally you stay at 10-30mcg.

Now my questions:
Why t3?
Competition or j4f diet?
Better said facts in general. You can't give a good advice to your question.
First to your question :
No. 50mcg are more than enough, in my eyes even overdosed. Normally you stay at 10-30mcg.

Now my questions:
Why t3?
Competition or j4f diet?
Better said facts in general. You can't give a good advice to your question.

Do you measure t3 levels while on exogenous t3? Where do you like to see your free t3?
Do you measure t3 levels while on exogenous t3? Where do you like to see your free t3?
I measure it before I start my preparation and after it when I start the reverse diet.
My T3 is anyways a little bit lower than it should be but everything is ok and 25mcg is more than ok to take.
Haha no.
It's lower anyways in nature but not that much.
When using t3 it's higher ofc

So you are saying that you're hypothyroid otherwise? Because 25mg seems like is just barely enough to give you bottom reference range T3. She is on 50mg and her free T3 levels are just slightly above of what she had before supplementation ...
So you are saying that you're hypothyroid otherwise? Because 25mg seems like is just barely enough to give you bottom reference range T3. She is on 50mg and her free T3 levels are just slightly above of what she had before supplementation ...
Not that much may 1% under so not much.
A women never needs 50mcg except she is sick... That's why I ask WHY DOES SHE NEED T3.
Not that much may 1% under so not much.
A women never needs 50mcg except she is sick... That's why I ask WHY DOES SHE NEED T3.

All I was referencing was blood serum T3 numbers. I don't know much about thyroid supplementation so this is why I'm asking. Like with testosterone, you can say that 250mg is enough for a low dose cycle, but that is blanket statement without knowing, where those 250mg's actually put you at in terms of total test blood serum numbers. 250mg's puts me around 2700 ng/dl, somebody else might be around 1200 ng/dl, which is off course not adequate for a cycle. So using just mg's for reference is not a good method in regards of determining proper dosages with androgens. And I'm trying to translate this logic to T3 supplementation, know what I mean? And do remember reading this post Clen and t3 female cutting where @GearGodess said she titrates people up to 100mg's ...

@Type-IIx any thoughts on this matter? And what free T3 levels are usually achieved with 25, 50, 75mg's of T3 - what should one aim for really?
All I was referencing was blood serum T3 numbers. I don't know much about thyroid supplementation so this is why I'm asking. Like with testosterone, you can say that 250mg is enough for a low dose cycle, but that is blanket statement without knowing, where those 250mg's actually put you at in terms of total test blood serum numbers. 250mg's puts me around 2700 ng/dl, somebody else might be around 1200 ng/dl, which is off course not adequate for a cycle. So using just mg's for reference is not a good method in regards of determining proper dosages with androgens. And I'm trying to translate this logic to T3 supplementation, know what I mean? And do remember reading this post Clen and t3 female cutting where @GearGodess said she titrates people up to 100mg's ...

@Type-IIx any thoughts on this matter? And what free T3 levels are usually achieved with 25, 50, 75mg's of T3 - what should one aim for really?
My view on Cytomel/liothyronine is that an optimal dose is <= ~25 mcg/d (sufficient for replacement; aiming for ~4.3 pM fT3) in order to make up the decrement to free T that occurs by dieting/low energy availability. I don't believe in supra-physiologic dosing of T3 because of its effects on protein turnover (Peter Bond Article).

Indeed, I could be readily swayed by the rationale that the (in fact, prevailing) hypothesis on the nature of the fT3 decrement as an adaptation to low EE -- that the diet-induced adaptation to lowering fT3 is rationally a protein-sparing adaptation (because T3 is protein catabolic, the body likely reduces thyroid output to spare muscle protein) -- supports inaction in increasing fT3. This is logically an adaptation that has arisen and been shaped by evolutionary processes, and so, therefore, the use of clen (to ↑SNS output [sympathomimetically] & to ↑EE/RMR [provide for thermogenesis/core temp. regulation]) given its opposite effects on protein turnover (net protein accretion) can stand in T3's place functionally.

That is, I could be swayed that the "bioidentical" nature of T3 is inessential if its functions are stood in for by clen, as it would appear, and given that clen confers superior muscle anabolic & muscle contractile effects.

Dose-response is too individualized to say X mcg yields Y pM fT3 for liothyronine, but aside from this fact, it's folly in my view to use exogenous thyroid hormone to enhance lipolysis (because these hormones preferentially catabolize hypertrophied muscle tissue; and clen almost certainly stands in its place functionally, but with opposite [i.e., beneficial] effects on muscle size & strength & power).
Dose-response is too individualized to say X mcg yields Y pM fT3 for liothyronine,

Yeah, that was my rationale as well, and seeing how most don't actually check their blood serum levels for fT3, it's kinda funny how everybody is talking about this and that mg dosage ...

My view on Cytomel/liothyronine is that an optimal dose is <= ~25 mcg/d (sufficient for replacement; aiming for ~4.3 pM fT3) in order to make up the decrement to free T that occurs by dieting/low energy availability. I don't believe in supra-physiologic dosing of T3 because of its effects on protein turnover (Peter Bond Article).

Yeah, I also agree with this. But again, one would need to measure their serum T3 levels before and during T3 supplementation.

I understand your preference for beta agonist's over T3 supplementation, but for me personally, I can't sleep from albuterol yet alone clen. So no way for me to use them in any meaningful dosages, which leaves T3, or in my case, rHGH, which also upregulates conversion T4 -> T3. I would be remised if I didn't say, that feeling low and sluggish on the last weeks or months on the cut, amongst other things due to low thyroid, isn't better alleviated with T3 supplementation then beta agonists or maybe stimulants or NRI's, or what have you ... basically adrenergic mechanisms

Would you say that a hefty dose of albuterol/clen would negate some or most of the catabolic action of T3, using your referenced blood serum numbers (or maybe even higher ...)?

My view on Cytomel/liothyronine is that an optimal dose is <= ~25 mcg/d (sufficient for replacement; aiming for ~4.3 pM fT3)

So app somewhere around OP's current numbers ... I'm guessing you'd call this a conservative number, heh? In a scenario where no beta agonist's or androgens are being used ...
ive been taking t3 for four weeks now. Started with 25mcg, went to 50mcg. Ive done blood work the other day. My t3 levels are 4.12 pmol/L. Before t3 they were 3.69 pmol/L. Seems more of a replacement dose, so i was thinking of upping the dose to 75mcg a day for the next two to four weeks. Need some advice about it. Would it be okay to do so?
Sorry if im wrong but im gathering your a chick. My wife uses sigma t3. She uses 25 twice a day. The progress was slow for her. Sorry she is 58. Had low t3 and t4 since teen years but not low enough for scrypt. She has built her levels up to high normal and has backed off to 25 once a day. She says it is increadible. She has always had low iron too. Needed monthly shots. That went up to high normal too.