TB-500 Cycle


Well-known Member
6 weeks into Tb500 and I wanted to throw my experience out there. I found that information was limited when I was doing my research so maybe this can help someone who is interested.

Almost exactly a year ago I tore my posterior shoulder tendon in two locations. Ultrasound showed the larger of the two tears was 7/8”. Bursitis was also discovered in the shoulder. The problem with the ultrasound was that it was 6 weeks after my original visit to the doctor. Initially I was sent for an x-ray and after that showed no break or bone spur I was in Physio within three days of my injury being treated without proper diagnosis. I returned to the doctor at that 6 week point and told him my symptoms, long story short, he meant to send me for an ultrasound immediately after the x-ray but neglected to.

Surgery was never considered as a path forward because the tears were not full and I still had about 60% range if motion. Strength loss was significant and certain movements crippled me. Now that my diagnosis was correct I was back in Physio doing the proper treatment. I made good progress for the next two months but then had stalled for the longest time. Next comes cortisone with limited results. One month after my 2nd cortisone shot I’m 10 months into an apparent moderate injury and still unable to work or do any of the activities I enjoy. At that point I’m at a loss on what to do so I started doing my research…Peptides looked like the winner.

Now with 6 weeks of TB behind me I can say I have made notable progress. Most experiences I came across seem to point to results being noticed in about 4 weeks. That I can agree with. I have made significant progress in my range of motion and strength. I can do things now that hurt my brain to think about doing just a month ago. After sitting at a stand still with this injury for so long I can definitely see that it is what it is claimed to be.

Side effects are very minimal as most profiles point out. Injection site pain and swelling is about it. Now this is no small thing, but a small price to pay for the results I’m seeing I must say. This is about the only side effect most profiles pointed out but none really described how significant it could be. For myself the redness and swelling is enough that I moved to my upper legs only as stomach injections would be too noticeable with it being beach season.

I plan run TB for a total of 3 months.
For the first 4 weeks I did 5mg/wk.
For the remainder of my program I will be doing 2.5mg/week.

I am very optimistic that TB, along with my physio protocol, will get me out of the other side of this difficult to heal injury. I will post updates moving forward.

A thank you to those in the community who shared their personal experiences with me as I was doing my research.
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Interesting side note.
I just clued into the fact that I no longer have the black floaters in my vision that a lot of people get, mainly immediately after blinking. I have almost always had them, and was noticing they were becoming more prevalent in the last year or so. Never to the point of concern though.

Possible benefit from the TB? Nothing I even thought about until realizing it’s been a while since I’ve seen floaters. I do remember seeing some anecdotal writing about tb500 healing eye injuries.
On Friday was in Physio for 3rd session of the week, healing time between sessions has be pretty quick. Throwing Friday for the first time since the injury and the shoulder held up very well. Was a week we worked into getting heavier prior as well, so a lot of volume.

I was surprised when an old, but lingering golfers elbow flared up, especially on Saturday. I kept active sense but nothing crazy on the elbow then back in Physio today. This elbow os already almost healed. Last time it acted up it took 10 days to be at this point.

*shoulder continues to improve.
What’s your dosing protocol? What does 5mg/week look like? Once a week? 5 times per week?

I got some BPC-157 and TB-500 from QSC. Eager to try it out.
What’s your dosing protocol? What does 5mg/week look like? Once a week? 5 times per week?

I got some BPC-157 and TB-500 from QSC. Eager to try it out.
I’m now at 2.5 per week with 1 dose per week. For the first month I loaded with 2 doses per week totally 5mg.

I didn’t notice much from it until week 4, which is on par with claims. I’m going to run for a total of 3 months.

Have you used either peptide before? Good luck with it
I’m now at 2.5 per week with 1 dose per week. For the first month I loaded with 2 doses per week totally 5mg.

I didn’t notice much from it until week 4, which is on par with claims. I’m going to run for a total of 3 months.

Have you used either peptide before? Good luck with it
Nope, just bought some from QSC and wondering how well it’ll work, how to dose, etc.
I got some BPC-157 and TB-500 from QSC. Eager to try it out.
Nope, just bought some from QSC and wondering how well it’ll work, how to dose, etc.
I’ve seen a lot of great feedback about 157’s results and will more than likely try it if I have a need in the future. For now I’ve decided to try just one compound so I know if it produces results.

Keep us informed about how it goes when you give this a try, just push your source elsewhere.
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I’ve seen a lot of great feedback about 157’s results and will more than likely try it if I have a need in the future. For now I’ve decided to try just one compound so I know if it produces results.

Keep us informed about how it goes when you give this a try, just push your source elsewhere.
In the name of harm reduction, I will always discuss sources for all products I try. We need to know if it's any good or not.

Increases in vascularity are becoming more noticeable. Not bulging veins, but more noticeable pathways under my pasty white skin.

Golfers elbow flare is all cleared up. In record time. On that note it may have contributed to pain in my bicep, or increases in volume have.

Other than the injection site pain I’ve mentioned before the only other side effect I seem to have is larger bags under my eyes than normal.
Bicep pain only stuck around for 2 days, was unnoticeable by Monday afternoon. Considering the level of pain and comparing similar…healing time was unreal. Similar strains would have probably affected me for at least a week.

TB still in the win column.
Bicep pain only stuck around for 2 days, was unnoticeable by Monday afternoon. Considering the level of pain and comparing similar…healing time was unreal. Similar strains would have probably affected me for at least a week.

TB still in the win column.
I got Zero recovery time on this shit, dude.
I got Zero recovery time on this shit, dude.
Do I remember correctly, you started not too long ago?
Everything I read, and my own experience now points to a few weeks loading period before you’ll start to notice much. Right around week 4 things started to shine for me. And it’s the only compound I’m on.

Have you also had an injury you’re trying to recoup from?
Do I remember correctly, you started not too long ago?
Everything I read, and my own experience now points to a few weeks loading period before you’ll start to notice much. Right around week 4 things started to shine for me. And it’s the only compound I’m on.

Have you also had an injury you’re trying to recoup from?
Yes and yes.
Gross, but right on. Ha, just playin’
Does not sound fun, so good to be out the other side of that.

This stuff sure seems to have a lot of potential.

Have recently discovered that I have been able to limit my injection site irritation and swelling slightly with Benadryl. It is still quite pronounced, but now gone in two days.

I am obviously having a bit of a reaction to the peptide. It has never been enough for me to be concerned as it has been limited to the injection site. I have had no allergic reactions elsewhere in the body. My girlfriend suggested Benadryl and it has helped.

Today marks 2 months from my start date.