TB-500 Cycle

I respect that. I wanted to answer just incase I was wrong Thought there was the chance you were messing with me. My ignorance there.

Hitting glutes subq is difficult for sure. I was just barely flexible enough for it. Bathroom mirror helped.
Inner thigh was also a good spot for me. Easy to reach and only spot on my legs with any fat. You could try that.

Otherwise Everything I came across says that IM injections are just as good as subq. If you can get some pins that are long enough that’s a good route too
What if I don't pinch the glutes and I just jam the slin needle in? If it doesn't reach the muscle wouldn't that be still a subq injection? That's my question... Do we have a land unknown between subq and IM?
What if I don't pinch the glutes and I just jam the slin needle in? If it doesn't reach the muscle wouldn't that be still a subq injection? That's my question... Do we have a land unknown between subq and IM?
It would be, yes. Considering the thickness of fat in relation to your needle length.

If you think you’ll be close to the muscle you can go in at an angle.

There isn’t a no mans land between, per se.

Are we on the same page now? Are you using the peptides for a specific injury?
It would be, yes. Considering the thickness of fat in relation to your needle length.

If you think you’ll be close to the muscle you can go in at an angle.

There isn’t a no mans land between, per se.

Are we on the same page now? Are you using the peptides for a specific injury?
Yes I'm using both trying to recover from a parsonage turner syndrome injury to my trap/dorsal nerves + a massive inflammation of my shoulder tendons (the second need to be properly diagnosed, I have an eco next week).
What is usually best for healing tendons/ligaments, BPC157 or tb500? Never ran tb500, its seems so expensive, with not much extra benefits compared to bpc?
What is usually best for healing tendons/ligaments, BPC157 or tb500? Never ran tb500, its seems so expensive, with not much extra benefits compared to bpc?
I believe tendons bpc, muscle tb500 is superior but I could be wrong
Yes I'm using both trying to recover from a parsonage turner syndrome injury to my trap/dorsal nerves + a massive inflammation of my shoulder tendons (the second need to be properly diagnosed, I have an eco next week).
Well good luck with the recovery man. The TB worked wonders for me. I think the trick is to stick with it for long enough.
What is usually best for healing tendons/ligaments, BPC157 or tb500? Never ran tb500, its seems so expensive, with not much extra benefits compared to bpc?
I’ve only run TB. Personally it worked very well for my tendon injury. BPC seems like it works very well from anything I’ve come across too.

All my research lead me to believe that TB could possibly be better for tough to heal/chronic type injuries. Then BPC looked a bit better for accelerating healing in more recent injuries. This is just speculative of course.

Whatever course you choose, although not cheap, you gotta get enough to stay on it long enough.
Floaters in my vision are back noticeably for a period of time now. Seems like the positive effects around that have diminished.

A while back I thought I noticed some new hair was growing at the edge of my hairline, but I couldn’t be sure, so I never mentioned it. Now that these hairs are longer I can definitely say they are new. Most interesting part about it is they are completely new hairs. Not hairs previously loss that have regenerated.

Otherwise, the shoulder has held up well after being off the TB for this long. Mobility and strength continue to progress.
It is recommended to go for 2x/week at a higher dose for the first month or so, then once a week. Seemed to work for me.
I did alittle bit of research, but I can’t seem to find any definitive answers on dose and pinning frequency. Where did you find this info?
I did alittle bit of research, but I can’t seem to find any definitive answers on dose and pinning frequency. Where did you find this info?
No one place in particular. Just researching multiple websites and forums, then I adapted my protocol around the information I came across.

My dosing and frequency is laid out here. I was a first time user and around 225lbs. You could consider adapting your own around that. I personally would have changed nothing based on the experience I had.
6 weeks into Tb500 and I wanted to throw my experience out there. I found that information was limited when I was doing my research so maybe this can help someone who is interested.

Almost exactly a year ago I tore my posterior shoulder tendon in two locations. Ultrasound showed the larger of the two tears was 7/8”. Bursitis was also discovered in the shoulder. The problem with the ultrasound was that it was 6 weeks after my original visit to the doctor. Initially I was sent for an x-ray and after that showed no break or bone spur I was in Physio within three days of my injury being treated without proper diagnosis. I returned to the doctor at that 6 week point and told him my symptoms, long story short, he meant to send me for an ultrasound immediately after the x-ray but neglected to.

Surgery was never considered as a path forward because the tears were not full and I still had about 60% range if motion. Strength loss was significant and certain movements crippled me. Now that my diagnosis was correct I was back in Physio doing the proper treatment. I made good progress for the next two months but then had stalled for the longest time. Next comes cortisone with limited results. One month after my 2nd cortisone shot I’m 10 months into an apparent moderate injury and still unable to work or do any of the activities I enjoy. At that point I’m at a loss on what to do so I started doing my research…Peptides looked like the winner.

Now with 6 weeks of TB behind me I can say I have made notable progress. Most experiences I came across seem to point to results being noticed in about 4 weeks. That I can agree with. I have made significant progress in my range of motion and strength. I can do things now that hurt my brain to think about doing just a month ago. After sitting at a stand still with this injury for so long I can definitely see that it is what it is claimed to be.

Side effects are very minimal as most profiles point out. Injection site pain and swelling is about it. Now this is no small thing, but a small price to pay for the results I’m seeing I must say. This is about the only side effect most profiles pointed out but none really described how significant it could be. For myself the redness and swelling is enough that I moved to my upper legs only as stomach injections would be too noticeable with it being beach season.

I plan run TB for a total of 3 months.
For the first 4 weeks I did 5mg/wk.
For the remainder of my program I will be doing 2.5mg/week.

I am very optimistic that TB, along with my physio protocol, will get me out of the other side of this difficult to heal injury. I will post updates moving forward.

A thank you to those in the community who shared their personal experiences with me as I was doing my research.
So Ive been using 5 mg of TB500 per week via 2 separate injections for the last year. I started taking it with 500 mcg of BPC157 per day when I tore my bicep tendon last year. The doctor told me my tendon was hanging on by a thread and not to train for up to 7 months until it healed fully. I have a legit source for peptides, so immediately started this protocol. I took 10 mg of TB for the first 6 weeks (loading phase). After 3 weeks I was back in the gym lifting (slowly and cautiously).

I was shocked as to how fast everything healed. I was even able to get back into doing muscle ups after 6 months, and Im 255 lbs and almost 40 years old. I actually tore my other bicep (brachialis actually) 2 months ago doing muscle ups (done with those for now...) and got right into my peptide protocol again. The doctor told me not to train or inject anything into the injury, but I didnt listen. I got an MRI on it 2 weeks later and it had significantly healed to where my doctor thought there was barely a tear left. I trained the entire time, but avoided pulling exercises for 3 weeks. Now Im back to the heavier pulling exercises and feeling totally healed.

I take TB500 weekly for healing purposes and to mitigate left ventricle hypertrophy from PED use. I now take BPC at 500 mcg per day orally to improve my gut health as I needed a complete gut reset recently, and followed Vigarous Steves Gut health protocol, and its worked wonders for my damaged gut. I use 500 mcg intermittently as needed when I tweak a joint in the gym, which usually happens weekly, and after 2-3 days of administrations I find the injury to be pain-free and healed for the most part.

After my experiences with both peptides, I recommend them to my coaching clients, and literally everyone I meet who complains of any chronic and/or acute injury. I have not heard back one negative review, side effect or experience from over 100+ people thus far.
No one place in particular. Just researching multiple websites and forums, then I adapted my protocol around the information I came across.

My dosing and frequency is laid out here. I was a first time user and around 225lbs. You could consider adapting your own around that. I personally would have changed nothing based on the experience I had.
BPCs half life is short, so you can take daily, or even twice per day (injected site specific, or swallowed orally for GI issues). 250-500 mcg is ideal, I go higher as Im 260 lbs. TB has a long half life so you only need to inject twice per week. 5-10 mg/week (subQ as its systemic and will go where its needed) for the 5-6 week loading phase and 2-5 mg after the fact for maintenance.
BPCs half life is short, so you can take daily, or even twice per day (injected site specific, or swallowed orally for GI issues). 250-500 mcg is ideal, I go higher as Im 260 lbs. TB has a long half life so you only need to inject twice per week. 5-10 mg/week (subQ as its systemic and will go where its needed) for the 5-6 week loading phase and 2-5 mg after the fact for maintenance.
For gut issues, do you mean ulcers? BPC closes those holes? or does TB closes those holes? ide have to check out the vid but im asking before i do lol
BPCs half life is short, so you can take daily, or even twice per day (injected site specific, or swallowed orally for GI issues). 250-500 mcg is ideal, I go higher as Im 260 lbs. TB has a long half life so you only need to inject twice per week. 5-10 mg/week (subQ as its systemic and will go where its needed) for the 5-6 week loading phase and 2-5 mg after the fact for maintenance.
This is how I rolled out my TB use. Worked well.
Sounds like you have had a lot of success with it as well. I was very impressed; probably around 4 months since my last shot and the benefits remain.

Becoming interested lately in all the reported gut healing effects of BPC for a family member. When you take it orally, are you taking the pill form, or reconstituting and drinking?
This is how I rolled out my TB use. Worked well.
Sounds like you have had a lot of success with it as well. I was very impressed; probably around 4 months since my last shot and the benefits remain.

Becoming interested lately in all the reported gut healing effects of BPC for a family member. When you take it orally, are you taking the pill form, or reconstituting and drinking?
Same process, reconstitute and ingest 250-500mcg on an empty stomach 1-2 times per day. Ive been running it for almost a month closer to once per day and using a few other supplements like glutamine, and I feel like my acid reflux is getting better, and looking to go off my medication I take for it (Rabeprazole @ 20 mg/day). Ill give it a few months and see how it goes, but its worked great for every injury Ive had and many clients.
For gut issues, do you mean ulcers? BPC closes those holes? or does TB closes those holes? ide have to check out the vid but im asking before i do lol
TB affects contractile tissues, BPC affects more tissue. BPC is ideal for GI issues as its naturally synthesized in the gut and is the only bioavailable peptide, and is used for ulcer prevention and treatment, IBS, Chrones, etc. There's a protocol you'd have to follow to first correct the cause of the ulcer (ie. acidic food, alcohol abuse, etc.) then incorporate BPC (and TB if you have the $$$) to help expidite the healing.
Bit of an update.

I’ve noticed the new hair growth I observed from TB seems to continue, even though it’s been 7 months or so since I last used it.

All the hair outside of my hairline is new growth, not restored hair that had previously receded. Seems interesting enough to add. I had read anecdotal reports about this, but I can’t say I expected it to continue long after use.


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