TB-500 Cycle


Have recently discovered that I have been able to limit my injection site irritation and swelling slightly with Benadryl. It is still quite pronounced, but now gone in two days.

I am obviously having a bit of a reaction to the peptide. It has never been enough for me to be concerned as it has been limited to the injection site. I have had no allergic reactions elsewhere in the body. My girlfriend suggested Benadryl and it has helped.

Today marks 2 months from my start date.
Benadryl cream applied on injection site?
Recovery time between Physio sessions has been pretty amazing. Especially more noticeable in the last 2 weeks. Going every other day still.
Im surprised how little muscle soreness I’m getting from workouts, especially considering how limited I’ve been for the last year so there has been no lifting in my life at all.

Shoulder continues to improve and have been able to continue to add weight/more technical exercises progressively. This is huge considering how long I’ve been outta commission.
6 weeks into Tb500 and I wanted to throw my experience out there. I found that information was limited when I was doing my research so maybe this can help someone who is interested.

Almost exactly a year ago I tore my posterior shoulder tendon in two locations. Ultrasound showed the larger of the two tears was 7/8”. Bursitis was also discovered in the shoulder. The problem with the ultrasound was that it was 6 weeks after my original visit to the doctor. Initially I was sent for an x-ray and after that showed no break or bone spur I was in Physio within three days of my injury being treated without proper diagnosis. I returned to the doctor at that 6 week point and told him my symptoms, long story short, he meant to send me for an ultrasound immediately after the x-ray but neglected to.

Surgery was never considered as a path forward because the tears were not full and I still had about 60% range if motion. Strength loss was significant and certain movements crippled me. Now that my diagnosis was correct I was back in Physio doing the proper treatment. I made good progress for the next two months but then had stalled for the longest time. Next comes cortisone with limited results. One month after my 2nd cortisone shot I’m 10 months into an apparent moderate injury and still unable to work or do any of the activities I enjoy. At that point I’m at a loss on what to do so I started doing my research…Peptides looked like the winner.

Now with 6 weeks of TB behind me I can say I have made notable progress. Most experiences I came across seem to point to results being noticed in about 4 weeks. That I can agree with. I have made significant progress in my range of motion and strength. I can do things now that hurt my brain to think about doing just a month ago. After sitting at a stand still with this injury for so long I can definitely see that it is what it is claimed to be.

Side effects are very minimal as most profiles point out. Injection site pain and swelling is about it. Now this is no small thing, but a small price to pay for the results I’m seeing I must say. This is about the only side effect most profiles pointed out but none really described how significant it could be. For myself the redness and swelling is enough that I moved to my upper legs only as stomach injections would be too noticeable with it being beach season.

I plan run TB for a total of 3 months.
For the first 4 weeks I did 5mg/wk.
For the remainder of my program I will be doing 2.5mg/week.

I am very optimistic that TB, along with my physio protocol, will get me out of the other side of this difficult to heal injury. I will post updates moving forward.

A thank you to those in the community who shared their personal experiences with me as I was doing my research.
Are you pinning the TB locally? Or wherever?

I have dropped the Benadryl for my last two injections and my reaction has been minimal.
I have also switched to the glutes.
On Friday I had a day completely focused on the back, so a lot of pulling. Prior to the shoulder injury this type of work really flared up my golfers elbow. Pain was non-existent even with there being a lot of volume throughout the week.
A true testament to the idea that this shit works. I’m starting to see recovery in an area that has given me problems for 7+/- years.

I had one flare up of the elbow close to a month ago, the first day we incorporated some throwing. That lasted 2 days in comparison to my usual 10 days and has not be noticeable since.

I will try to get my therapist to put me through another day with throwing again soon to see how that compares to last time.

Otherwise another injection without a reaction and I took no benadryl so I’m really not sure what was going on there for a while. Stomach and thighs were not liking the injection I guess. Pinning in the glutes now is my only change.
Final pin of my run with TB today. All in all I am very happy with the results and lack of side effects. For those interested in the peptide and hoping to gain some incite from my experience I will point out a few points of interest to me along the way. I know that during my research I would have liked to see more personal experiences. I’m gonna call this my last post in this log but will update in the future after seeing how well some improvements hold up over time and without recurring injections.

I took TB-500 solely for it’s supposed healing properties. I have been on it for just over 3 months and it has been run solo.

Key take aways:

Patience is required with this stuff, it does not work over night. I personally didn’t notice anything from it until a month in. I see a lot of people say it doesn’t do shit but then they only bought a couple vials.

It is not a miracle drug, as in you still have to put in the work, but it has proven to be very effective in aiding my healing. I took it to in hopes to help heal a shoulder injury that I had 14 months ago. My recovery was at a complete standstill.

3 months ago when I started TB, which was 11 months from my injury, I could still only dumbbell press with 10lbs and lateral raise with 3lb dumbbells. Each for about 5 reps.
As an example of my progress, I have maxed out my therapy clinics dumbbells pressing 45lbs for 12-13 reps. Lateral raises were somewhere around 11-12 reps with 18lbs the last time I did them.
Mobility is vastly improved and technical work that I couldn’t even think about doing is now done quite easily after warming up the shoulder.

Besides the shoulder, which was the main focus of recovery, I have experienced healing of my golfers elbow Tendinopathy without any specific exercises for that. That has lingered for over 7 years. Unfortunately a moderate lingering groin strain (unsure of exact diagnosis) from a few years ago has not made the same type of recovery. It is probably about 50% better though.

Another interesting thing I’ve noticed is some improvements in vision. For the last 15 years I’ve had black floaters in my vision after blinking. Even though they were never a concern, they were getting more noticeable in recent years. They are now all but gone. I think I’ve noticed a couple on 2-3 occasions in the last month.

Developments in vascularity were noticeable. Newly visible Veins in the shoulders and arms, even the dick. Hah.

There is not much to note on the negative end of things. That does not rule out the chance of some long term side effects, but as of now side effects have been minimal. Injection site irritation, redness and swelling. Pain was not an issue but the visual effects were enough that I had to pin in areas that were not visible. Just over a month ago, after switching to areas near the glutes I have had zero issues. All injections have been sub-q. My only anecdotal take away from this is that recent injections are in an area with less fat and potentially the peptide reacts to fat for me.
Only other thing I noticed personally is I sweat a bit more.

Not really much else worth noting. I am a believer in this stuff and would not hesitate to use it again in the future. As of now, I think I will try bpc-157 in a couple months for my groin strain and see how that does.

All the best and happy lifting.
Update: Follow up to Aug.23 post

I did finally manage to get my therapist to put me through a day of throwing here in my final week of treatment so I could see if the elbow has held up to my claims that it has seen vast improvements.

I am happy to say that I experienced NO flare up of the golfers elbow after repeated throws. This was on Wednesday, I experienced general soreness which only improved after a heavy and high volume day yesterday for my final day in sports therapy.

Also of note. The shoulder held up beautifully after the throwing session and a heavy day yesterday. I am finally out the other side of this 14+ months later.

Elbow is of particular interest because I have experienced issues with it for over 7 years. Heavy pulling days in the gym, throwing, and of course golf all left me in a bad way for over a week each time.

12 days since my final pin of TB500.
I've run it for 3 weeks at 2mg/w and got no pain nor swelling nor redness. Only lots of yellow bruises couple of days after every injection. Maybe my shit was fake?
I just got some more from a different source. Can't wait to see what happens
I've run it for 3 weeks at 2mg/w and got no pain nor swelling nor redness. Only lots of yellow bruises couple of days after every injection. Maybe my shit was fake?
I just got some more from a different source. Can't wait to see what happens
Hard to say fake or not with your experience.

Should I have experienced the things I did at my injection location? Maybe, maybe not. Could have been my own reaction. All I know is that from my extensive research, injection site irritation is a common side effect from peptides. That in itself is person to person so my experiences with that side effects don’t necessarily prove that mine was real and yours may be fake.
As for your bruising, sounds more like that could have been from the pin itself.

Another factor that’s going to make it hard to determine if it was fake or not is the dose and length of time you took it.
TB didn’t kick in for me until week 4 and that was @5mg/week.

I would recommend you up the dose for a loading phase of a few weeks, then run the dose you are, as a maintenance.
So I'm starting soon bpc and TB.

Do you think guys I can pin both together in the same pin? Can I just jam my slin pin in my glutes like a normal IM injection? The needle of the insulin syringe is super short so it will probably go subq. Do you think it's safe? Would save me a lot of pain because stomach is already pinned ED for HGH.

So I'm starting soon bpc and TB.

Do you think guys I can pin both together in the same pin? Can I just jam my slin pin in my glutes like a normal IM injection? The needle of the insulin syringe is super short so it will probably go subq. Do you think it's safe? Would save me a lot of pain because stomach is already pinned ED for HGH.

I have a funny feeling you know the answers to all these questions based on your # of posts and all. If I’m wrong my apologies.

But for the sake of anyone with that question…
I think you’d be totally fine with both since there are quite a few products that come with both peptides together already. I’ve only done TB myself.

You can inject subq or IM. I would just commit to one or the other. If you’ve only got short slin pins and don’t think you’ll make a successful IM injection, just go for subq.
I have a funny feeling you know the answers to all these questions based on your # of posts and all. If I’m wrong my apologies.

But for the sake of anyone with that question…
I think you’d be totally fine with both since there are quite a few products that come with both peptides together already. I’ve only done TB myself.

You can inject subq or IM. I would just commit to one or the other. If you’ve only got short slin pins and don’t think you’ll make a successful IM injection, just go for subq.
You are wrong, my % of posts doesn't mean I have expertise in everything even some basic things like this, especially if I was never interested in it until now.
Never dabbled with peptides except HGH.

So my first question was legit as it was my second but you didn't answer it or probably I wasn't clear enough.

Pin subq I have to pinch my skin and inject, on the other hand pincing my fucking ass skin and injecting is a lot more difficult compared to just jamming the slin pin anywhere on the ass and shoot it there.

I'll probably not reach any muscle as the pin is short and I'm not super lean on my glutes so can I assume that I'll be shooting it in the fat same as if I was doing it subq? Or that would be very different compared to pinching my skin like I do everyday on my belly for my HGH pin?
You are wrong, my % of posts doesn't mean I have expertise in everything even some basic things like this, especially if I was never interested in it until now.
Never dabbled with peptides except HGH.

So my first question was legit as it was my second but you didn't answer it or probably I wasn't clear enough.

Pin subq I have to pinch my skin and inject, on the other hand pincing my fucking ass skin and injecting is a lot more difficult compared to just jamming the slin pin anywhere on the ass and shoot it there.

I'll probably not reach any muscle as the pin is short and I'm not super lean on my glutes so can I assume that I'll be shooting it in the fat same as if I was doing it subq? Or that would be very different compared to pinching my skin like I do everyday on my belly for my HGH pin?
I respect that. I wanted to answer just incase I was wrong Thought there was the chance you were messing with me. My ignorance there.

Hitting glutes subq is difficult for sure. I was just barely flexible enough for it. Bathroom mirror helped.
Inner thigh was also a good spot for me. Easy to reach and only spot on my legs with any fat. You could try that.

Otherwise Everything I came across says that IM injections are just as good as subq. If you can get some pins that are long enough that’s a good route too
So I'm starting soon bpc and TB.

Do you think guys I can pin both together in the same pin? Can I just jam my slin pin in my glutes like a normal IM injection? The needle of the insulin syringe is super short so it will probably go subq. Do you think it's safe? Would save me a lot of pain because stomach is already pinned ED for HGH.

Just put it in your body. IM subq IV or whatever you prefer and can
It will work either way once it is in you