tendinitis type pain

im def have to watch this vid ^^^ going to PT actually in a minute to see if my gal does some sort of ART release, plus just need to see her and get some new stretches .. but i just started barbell squatting again , so ill def watch this vid and hopeefully they show there different grips your talking about.. im better at watching something then reading it , and visualizing...
Im having a hard time cutting & pasting the link . Theres alot of Mark Rippetoe video's. The one Im talking about is this one : Platform : the Squat - bar position . ~Ogh
Can't believe that I just saw this post. The starting post is like me typing all that info out. I have been dealing with this for months now on my right arm, I don't know what the heck it is. I wear Inzer elbow sleeves on both elbows and it helps a bit. If I curl a dumbbell over 20lbs I can only go up to midpoint on the right arm, I cant get it all the way up to where you can squeeze the muscle and make it contract. It looks like my right arm is starting to lose size because I cant work it good enough. All my biceps work are on machines, I don't do anything with dumbells at all.

This is what's helping me a bit. When I sleep I try to keep my right arm as straight as possible, whenever I bend the arm is when I have issues when I wake up. I used to wear an arm brace from the hand down to the forearm when sleeping, this way I don't lay on my arm or stress the muscle more. After a while I couldn't deal with the brace anymore, I think what I need now is something to go around my elbow like a cast this way my arm will not straighten out when I am asleep.

I also use an ice gel before I put the wraps on the keep the elbow cool. Warmth doesn't do anything for me on issues like these, ice seems to work better. I need to start using the muscle stimulator more on the arm because I really know something is up and I don't need it to get worse. Last year my left forearm went out (possible injury) it took months to heal, now this year my right forearm goes out without any warning, no injury indication or anything. Wake up one morning and the forearm is messed up.

What else are you guys doing and have you had any luck?
Brother go see a physio, that sounds like its been chronic for along time..
you need to be proactive about it at this point...
I am going to take my chances and let it heal as time goes on. I am doing everything I have been taught to do by others who have had many injuries. Last thing I want is to be cut open.
My wife told me that trying to swat fruit flies in the kitchen with such speed and power is the cause of mine, I am not buying that 100%
Maybe you should just give up tennis and golf if it's messing up your elbows! J/k!

I've been battling chronic tendinitis and I swear the pain just travels around my body. First it's the left shoulder then the right. You modify your training and increase lower body work and when you finally get your shoulders back you get patella pain. LOL FML damn you old age!

Anyway, I tried most everything except AAS, GH and PRP injections. I would avoid cortisone like the plague. And take it easy on the naproxen, I developed an allergy and went anaphylactic. Had to go to the er for Benadryl injections.

Honestly, the best way to beat it is a strict anti inflammatory diet. Literally cured all my joint pain like magic. Also had increased stamina, endurance, mental clarity, well being, and low bf.

Downsides of a strict Paleo diet are decrease in explosive and maximal strength, difficult to sustain without major lifestyle and willpower changes, and finally you are slowly becoming a cross fitter.

I was seriously looking into Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) and Stem cell injections. But I rather see what I can get from GH first because it's cheaper and you also get anabolic effects.

Laying off the injury and rest is the only other cure. But if you want to strengthen the area and are impatient, I would stick to doing negatives.

Aging is a bitch.