Test 600mg EQ 900mg a week


New Member
Has anyone tried Test cyp 600mg with 900mg of eq per week and what AI dose did you take on this cycle? How did it go?
Has anyone tried Test cyp 600mg with 900mg of eq per week and what AI dose did you take on this cycle? How did it go?
Maybe just a little higher of an so dose you usually would use on 600mg test alone. Eq doesn't aromatize much. Keep an eye on your rbc
I'm thinking Adex .5 EOD
Yeah man I'd say the same dose you'd usually use on that much test alone and if you have to adjust it, it won't be by much. Eq will raise your red blood cells like I said so plan on donating some blood. High rbc isn't safe.
Yeah man I'd say the same dose you'd usually use on that much test alone and if you have to adjust it, it won't be by much. Eq will raise your red blood cells like I said so plan on donating some blood. High rbc isn't safe.
Donating Wednesday and again closer to the end of the cycle
I don't think that high of eq maybe 750 test cyp and 600mg eq would be a better bang
900 is nice
you will be happy with that run for 20-25 weeks Maybe add anavar or winny at the end of cycle. Or 4 weeks of winny fowwoloed by 4 weeks of anavar from week 17-25
Perfect. I'm not a fan of front loading but if you don't already have eq you could try to get your hands on some bold cyp if you want the effects quicker.
I dont like fropnt loading there is no reason. I would kickstart with oral and end with oral. Or kiskstart with test proo until test kicks in. Let the EQ buil up natrually. You will gain better. If you front load EQ it will mess up bloods to much in the beggining of your cycle.
Plus its a waste of gear.