Test/deca/dbol classic cycle bulk.

Yup lol. Tbh I do think in some area my mind muscle connection feels better

The science siggests for 2 weeks or so after psychedelics like mushrooms the brain forms new neuronal connections, i think they refer to it as neuroplasticity, basically it increases the connections in your brain. You would probably be totally correct in anecdotally believing it has improved your mind muscle connection.

One of the strangest drugs ive used is Phencyclidine or as you would better know it as PCP. I lifted weights while under the influence of PCP and i noticed all weight loads felt effortless like i was lifting pillows, until i reached weight loads that i physically could just not move. But basically a 1RM load felt the same effort level as a 5RM load, then the muscle would fail and i simply couldnt lift it again but there was no pre-indication that the muscle was feeling fatigued prior to the point of absolute failure. It was strange to say the least.
I love mushrooms.

Watch guardians of the Galaxy on it. You won't regret it.
So from what I can tell shrooms hit me differently. Like I get the vivid life part. But I feel way more physically and i let myself stay in more of a half awake not fighting the mental parts. Hard to explain still for me but touch becomes hypersensitive but the veil is very weak on shrooms so it takes just slight suggestion in the right way to break the illusion. I'll take whatever dose seems to work well. Rn 1g seems the perfect place. I have done 6 before. 6 gets me too sensitive the last 3hrs and I'm restless. But 1 I can sleep the last few hrs. I'm always with the wife when I do them so when they kick in I tend to spend like an hour just touching her slow af(like crazy slow i dont know how i even can do it tbh lol i cant mimic it off shrooms because the movement is so slow and consistent) all over. We will fuck and I just kinda let it bring out whatever my ID likes which she seems to appreciate alot.
When it starts to wear off is when the muscle connection starts to kick in crazy. I have way way way more controll over each fiber even. Dumb sounding af but if I hit the bathroom and pass a mirror I have noticed on shrooms I can do that alien muscle shit joesthetics(is that the guy? ) does. My legs especially feel stupid heavy and takes alot of oxygen to move.
The next day I typically get way better pumps and just have a better time mentally when lifting because I can feel those fibers actually working still.
If it didn't slow me and the veil wasn't so weak I would workout on them.
Did go to a theater and watch a movie on some(sonic 2 with my boys) and it was eh for me. First scene made me laugh in irony.

Oh also the chocolate bars hit way dif than just shrooms. The bars are Way softer and mellow trip but worse physical come down. I end up itchy like a Crack head lol except its always my back and I can't reach. And I become the princess and the pea with my bed I feel every wrinkle it's annoying.
I wouldn't do just shrooms and go anywhere. The bar if I'm gonna be done in around 3hrs sure.
Training update. Today weight has been moving very fast. Hitting 265 on bench for 5 and it moves smooth each time until very last rep.
Also second shot of eod plan. I do want to get smaller syringes now since I'm not blasting 2.5ml each shot lol. It's 1.21 roughly so getting a 1.5ml syringe vs 3 will probably be helpful. I may have a few just need to find them. Also did opposite cheek. Pip is not bad at all but no need to double down on same spot lol. Maybe next shot it will be gone or I'll finally have to do delt or something I just don't want a repeat of my 500mg/ml test e issues.
I took an average of 20mg a day. For a short split I tried upping to 40 and just got worse insomnia and sweats. Don't think any gyno.
It's a good pre. Maybe it helped add some lbs or strength but I think the nandrolone and Test doing that eod has been more efficient.
I'd like to try a dbol only but also will prob just do a adrol. Or if I'm feeling dumb when I order halotestin
Last few days been kinda sick. Yesterday pretty much fasted. Hoping tomorrow I feel better but still hitting chest today.
Bench 135x10 225x5 225x5 265x5 drop to245x3 drop to225x2. Still going just taking longer rests. Benefit of home gym I'm not hogging equipment or training sick in public. Just hate the feeling I'm loosing gains and I can't control even if anything a few days of fasting is fine.
Dunno if the physique is necessarily changing much but thats just me maybe not seeing. I'll have to see if I got updated pics. Def feel wider thicker and overall bigger
Do you always train in such an extremely low rep range, or was this because you are feeling sick?
I alternate one lower rep range heavier per week and one lighter more reps. But also I definitely was feeling a bit weaker today so I didn't go up to 275 or 295 like usual.
Feeling weak af today. Spent last 3 days kinda sick ans not able to eat as much. Prob hit protein macro at best. Truly detrimental but depressing.
My endurance is fine at lowee weights but pressing over 245 just was too much stress on my body overall. 225x10 for 10 sets sure. 245x2 lmao.
Did alot of accessories with lighter weight like Flys and pull-ups. Hope in the next day or two my stomach gets back to good.
Here is a flat iron steak I Beat and brined for a day
Had a big life stress event recently so blood pressure finally got high on me so I'm backing down the dose for the rest of the cycle and doing a one or two week diet cleanse to try and stabilize it. If I don't get my levels down in time I will end up calling this cycle short and maybe my only. Went to the Dr and it read about 190/105 reread and same thing. Stayed a few days and did get some high blood pressure mess but it has lowered to around 130/80 which is still high and has done only difference is its not going much lower often.

I had not been paying attention to my watch or checking as I should but my home bp cuff is reading what the Dr's was when I was released so it's accurate still. But the stress came on sudden and I don't believe it was AAS dependant but I'm sure they won't help in that state.
Had a big life stress event recently so blood pressure finally got high on me so I'm backing down the dose for the rest of the cycle and doing a one or two week diet cleanse to try and stabilize it. If I don't get my levels down in time I will end up calling this cycle short and maybe my only. Went to the Dr and it read about 190/105 reread and same thing. Stayed a few days and did get some high blood pressure mess but it has lowered to around 130/80 which is still high and has done only difference is its not going much lower often.

I had not been paying attention to my watch or checking as I should but my home bp cuff is reading what the Dr's was when I was released so it's accurate still. But the stress came on sudden and I don't believe it was AAS dependant but I'm sure they won't help in that state.
Sounds like cardio and DASH diet would do you some good.
So not big update. Training has been feeling really good. Actually getting better results on bench going lighter than heavier. My chest always has been hard for me to gain on its about slowly following the movement pattern that works for me.
Been almost 3 weeks since my last drink of alcohol and don't plan on drinking again. I was doing it too much and def hurting progress and damaging cns without recovery.
Found a bottle of rad140 I had though and been doing 10mg a day just to throw in til it's empty. Prob get a week or two at most out of it which is fine just throwing things out and figured I'd finish it.

Should have total t and free t bloods today
awesome log and doing same cycle as you right now! excited to see rest of your progress

I just completed my first week of deca 300mg / test 500mg / dbol 40mg (per day)

- how long till the deca kicks in and I feel something? I generally feel a bit more hungrier than usual and don't feel the need to rely on weed

- how long till the strength gains of dbol kick in? At 40mg I was hoping for something dramatic. My 1 rep max bench was 315 on test/tbol first cycle but it went down to 275 after the cycle and hasn't improved thus far

I've noticed some glycogen retention and I do look bigger but not experiencing any feel good or strength gains yet

my gear is from a hilma distributor Internet-shop ThebbPower – buy steroids. Sales of sports pharmacology with delivery - ThebbPower.com which i think is pretty legit and hopefully not under dosed
Deca for me kicked in fast cause I used a blend with prop nand. Couldn't say exactly when but within 3 weeks probably is safe. Dbol didn't give me massive strength gains tbh but my training was based around different goals. My endurance pushing heavy weights that I could only 3x went up fast to 10x but overall max has not crazy. My deadlift is up to 550lbs so that's huge. I curl 135 for reps lol. But I'm still benching around 275x8 or 10 vs 3.

Def more of a feel good stack added weight and size, my joints feel better and if they do hurt some they recover fast.

I like to be strong but I realize at 33 that's subjective I'd just rather look huge and strong and lift moderate. Also my back always just grows fast so alot of my growth could be attributed there. I can throw around 100lb to 120lb db like no other rn though lol so that's my biggest marker for strength rn