Test + Deca + EQ


New Member
What are your thoughts on a bulking cycle like the following:

500mg Test E per week
400mg EQ per week
300mg Deca per week
A lot of people would say that you should Chose between EQ or Deca when Stacking with Test but I know that Dan Duchaine, Dave Palumbo and several others actually like this stack. Believe it or not this was my very first cycle. 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate, 400mg of Deca and 200mg of EQ weekly. I actually like this cycle and may run it again. Unfortunately for me I have gained a bit of weight during the holidays and early this year so I have to lose some body fat before I decide to run a cycle. So I don't plan to run my next cycle till about late April or May.
litterbox said:
16 weeks. I'm looking for a slow and steady muscle accumulation cycle.

Looks fine. I too would recommend some sort of front-load.

Best regards,
MaxRep said:
Looks fine. I too would recommend some sort of front-load.

Best regards,

Isn't 16 weeks a but long? Because I'm in week 12 right now and when my bottles are empty soon I start pct.
My other option would be to run 10 more days of just test prop then pct but that would take me to 13 1/2 weeks.
Opinions ????
role model said:
My other option would be to run 10 more days of just test prop then pct but that would take me to 13 1/2 weeks.
Opinions ????

I would run the Test prop. Wait a week after your last shot and start your pct.

I've always found in myself and seen in others, a better long term gain with medium length cycles (12-16 weeks) as compared to shorter length cycles (8-10 weeks).

However, I do agree the shorter length cycles are easier to recover from. Be prepared, and I don't feel it's that big a deal if pct takes 8-10 weeks instead of 6. There are always pro's and con's to everything we do.

Best regards,
MaxRep said:
I would run the Test prop. Wait a week after your last shot and start your pct.

I've always found in myself and seen in others, a better long term gain with medium length cycles (12-16 weeks) as compared to shorter length cycles (8-10 weeks).

However, I do agree the shorter length cycles are easier to recover from. Be prepared, and I don't feel it's that big a deal if pct takes 8-10 weeks instead of 6. There are always pro's and con's to everything we do.

Best regards,

Good, That was my choice also, so thats what I'll do.
16weeks is fine. I go like 10-12, but 16 is the higher end for NORMAL people:D Prop is kind of fantastic! You can utilize it for so many things:D
deca/test for me last 12 weeks but i use something during the 2 weeks prior to pct so actually I am on like 14.(prop or oral var)I like max's advice very much..!
My first cycle believe it or not I actually ran for 20 weeks and still believe that with my experience, 14+weeks or more is best for me for keeping gains.

I also believe in experiementing. My last cycle I front loaded with 50mg of Mesterolone and 50mg of Clomid for 2 weeks. Then week 1-3 I used Test Prop at 100mg 3x weekly only. Week 4-7 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate and 300mg of Tren Enanthate. I couldn't go from there because I was arrested and rest of gear was taken, plus I was going to discontinue the Tren anyway because I couldn't handle the sides.

But my next cycle I will definitely consider 2 weeks of 50mg of Mesterolone and 100mg of Clomid daily. Week 1-2 Test Prop 100mg 3x weekly. Week 3-10 250mg Testosterone Enanthate x2 weekly, 200mg Deca 2x weekly.
week 11-18 500mg Testosterone Enanthate 250mg 2x weekly, 250mg Boldenone Cypionate 2x weekly.

Week 5-10- 20mg Tamoxifen Citrate daily and 50mg Mesterolone daily. Week 11-12 no ancilliary drugs. Week 13-18 2.5mg Letrozole eod, 50mg Mesterolone daily.
Week 19-20 30mg 17a-Methyl Drostanolone daily, 100mg Testosterone Propionate eod

Week 21 start of PCT for 4-6 weeks.
novicebb said:
My first cycle believe it or not I actually ran for 20 weeks and still believe that with my experience, 14+weeks or more is best for me for keeping gains.

I also believe in experiementing. My last cycle I front loaded with 50mg of Mesterolone and 50mg of Clomid for 2 weeks. Then week 1-3 I used Test Prop at 100mg 3x weekly only. Week 4-7 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate and 300mg of Tren Enanthate. I couldn't go from there because I was arrested and rest of gear was taken, plus I was going to discontinue the Tren anyway because I couldn't handle the sides.

But my next cycle I will definitely consider 2 weeks of 50mg of Mesterolone and 100mg of Clomid daily. Week 1-2 Test Prop 100mg 3x weekly. Week 3-10 250mg Testosterone Enanthate x2 weekly, 200mg Deca 2x weekly.
week 11-18 500mg Testosterone Enanthate 250mg 2x weekly, 250mg Boldenone Cypionate 2x weekly.
Week 5-10- 20mg Tamoxifen Citrate daily and 50mg Mesterolone daily. Week 11-12 no ancilliary drugs. Week 13-18 2.5mg Letrozole eod, 50mg Mesterolone daily.
Week 19-20 30mg 17a-Methyl Drostanolone daily, 100mg Testosterone Propionate eod

Week 21 start of PCT for 4-6 weeks.
Aren't you worried about your blood levels dropping between the prop (week 1 & 2) and the enan /deca (week 3 - 10)?
Or am I reading it incorectly?

No I am not. I have done a similar cycle before and Loved it. I had no real issues personally but I do see why some would be concerned. With Mesterolone and Clomid taken before any injections for me seems to prime my body for injections and I hold on to gains better and see gains quicker with this front loading of Clomid and Mesterolone.