

What do you think about this combination for bulking? Have you run it before and can share any experiences?

I'm running it at 250 Test C 250 Deca 600 Primo per week, injecting monday wednesday friday since last week.
Feeling pretty good so far. Dick is still working, already noticed that i need longer to cum, which is a nice side effect for me and actually one of the reasons why i decided to try deca, as retarded as it might sound. First time running deca and first time running test low-dose, looking forward how it plays out.
hey bro, I love test and deca for mass and i have ran the three together at these doses, test 750mg, deca 300mg, primo 300mg and i maxed out my gains meaning i couldnt possibly gain any more effectivly i know this because i would train so hard i would only stop once i started cramping and i never got sore just recovered so freaking well because eveything was on point with my nutrition so you will love this stack. i literally added 30lbs to my body in 4 weeks idc if no one believes that cuz i did that my training partner can vouch cuz he saw my weight everyday. I did however tho kick start with 50mg dbol. so If I may suggest upping your test id say at least 500mg the synergy between the three will be amazing but even better with more test, and maybe throwing in an oral to kick start this blast?
id try this
test 500mg (im a big believer in high test for mass, nothing builds thickness and just sheer mass like test especially when you get up to 750 or higher the fucking mass and thickness is unreal for me, test is king)
deca 300mg
primo 300mg
kickstart dbol or anadrol 50mg daily before training
arimidex 1mg eod or e3d
edit: if you up your test, which i highly highly think will be greatly benfit you with this stack, and add dbol or anadrol to kick start her you will need to add and AI i personally love adex at 1mg eod my e2 is always perfect and i feel great. AIs very a lot peron to peroson so make sure to find one that you feel good on.
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already noticed that i need longer to cum, which is a nice side effect for me and actually one of the reasons why i decided to try deca, as retarded as it might sound.
They say sex is good cardio, but who does cardio for only 30 seconds?
hey bro, I love test and deca for mass and i have ran the three together at these doses, test 750mg, deca 300mg, primo 300mg and i maxed out my gains meaning i couldnt possibly gain any more effectivly i know this because i would train so hard i would only stop once i started cramping and i never got sore just recovered so freaking well because eveything was on point with my nutrition so you will love this stack. i literally added 30lbs to my body in 4 weeks idc if no one believes that cuz i did that my training partner can vouch cuz he saw my weight everyday. I did however tho kick start with 50mg dbol. so If I may suggest upping your test id say at least 500mg the synergy between the three will be amazing but even better with more test, and maybe throwing in an oral to kick start this blast?
id try this
test 500mg (im a big believer in high test for mass, nothing builds thickness and just sheer mass like test especially when you get up to 750 or higher the fucking mass and thickness is unreal for me, test is king)
deca 300mg
primo 300mg
kickstart dbol or anadrol 50mg daily before training
arimidex 1mg eod or e3d
edit: if you up your test, which i highly highly think will be greatly benfit you with this stack, and add dbol or anadrol to kick start her you will need to add and AI i personally love adex at 1mg eod my e2 is always perfect and i feel great. AIs very a lot peron to peroson so make sure to find one that you feel good on.

Thanks for your experience, sounds interesting. It's tempting to add an oral, but I dropped the idea because i tend to have heartburn and less apetite on dianabol and anavar so it's probably a bad idea on a bulk, for me at least. I want to play it safe this time and don't experiment too much, since it's my first time adding nandrolone/deca.

About upping the testosterone dose, i'm trying to avoid adding an AI. Last time i was running 500/500 and even 500/600 Test/Primo and still needed AI. Also i want to see what's possible with a low test base and adding other compounds. So far i can't complain at all, feeling good and looking fuller. Maybe it's placebo, will see in a few weeks. :D
Any more experiences with this stack?

Also wondering if i should expect any prolactin sides at 250-300 mg Deca besides delayed ejaculation?

I've also noticed something going through the boards, it seems that some people confuse "deca dick" with delayed ejaculation. So there are quite a lot reports about "deca dick" but it seems it's not always about not getting it up, but taking too long to finish. Which is not bad in my book.
Just be aware of primo acting to reduce estrogen. I know very few people who have prolactin sides in just 250 deca.

This is my go to (primo/mast sub in and out) for offseason.
Can you tell a bit about your ratios of test deca primo? Do you think my dosages are alright if i don't get low estrogen symptoms soon?
I wouldn't put primo higher then 50% of test to start. For reasonable cycle dosages, 500T, 350 deca, 250 primo is a solid total final dosage. I've never been a huge fan of low test high everything else. But to each their own
Actually I am running this cycle in September, Cool to see somebody else bring it up. I too am wondering how the cycle will Go. I have never ran primo. Ran Deca and NPP several times.

My planned doses were:
Test SUST 350mg
Deca 250mg
Primo 250mg
3iu hgh Split AM/PM
IGF LR3 40mcg ED

I am hoping this will yield good results rather than just higher doses of androgens.
Thanks for your experience, sounds interesting. It's tempting to add an oral, but I dropped the idea because i tend to have heartburn and less apetite on dianabol and anavar so it's probably a bad idea on a bulk, for me at least. I want to play it safe this time and don't experiment too much, since it's my first time adding nandrolone/deca.

About upping the testosterone dose, i'm trying to avoid adding an AI. Last time i was running 500/500 and even 500/600 Test/Primo and still needed AI. Also i want to see what's possible with a low test base and adding other compounds. So far i can't complain at all, feeling good and looking fuller. Maybe it's placebo, will see in a few weeks. :D

As much as I wanted to add Anadrol, I agree. I have never been able to eat on an oral. I think you can take mk677 to bypass this, as that will make you so hungry it's almost scary... But I prefer regular hgh.
Just be aware of primo acting to reduce estrogen. I know very few people who have prolactin sides in just 250 deca.

This is my go to (primo/mast sub in and out) for offseason.
Do you sub primo for mast in the same cycle?
I’m currently running:
-Test C 700mg/wk
-Primo 315mg/wk
-NPP 280mg/wk

20 week blast

Started with Test at 525 and decided to up it to 700 2weeks in
Odd numbers on Primo and NPP is because of daily injections on everything
0.5 Test, 0.3 Primo, 0.4 NPP daily

I’ve run this blast before with excellent results and health markers were good
Running higher Test this time and lower Primo.
I am a low aromitizer and have run Primo a bunch, at lots of different doses, with consistent bloodwork. My E2 takes a hit if Primo is too high and Test not high enough.

Also HGH currently at 3 IU daily
Started at 2 IU, titrating up to 4IU over a few weeks and will continue at 4 IU

Adding Anadrol 50 last 2 weeks
Always like an A-bomb finisher 2-4 weeks, no more than 4
50mg daily 1-2 hours pre workout
If it’s a rest day I’m doing cardio so I still take it pre workout
Actually I am running this cycle in September, Cool to see somebody else bring it up. I too am wondering how the cycle will Go. I have never ran primo. Ran Deca and NPP several times.

My planned doses were:
Test SUST 350mg
Deca 250mg
Primo 250mg
3iu hgh Split AM/PM
IGF LR3 40mcg ED

I am hoping this will yield good results rather than just higher doses of androgens.

As much as I wanted to add Anadrol, I agree. I have never been able to eat on an oral. I think you can take mk677 to bypass this, as that will make you so hungry it's almost scary... But I prefer regular hgh.
That looks like a nice choice for a blast
Dosages look wise
I think you will enjoy it for sure
I’m currently running:
-Test C 700mg/wk
-Primo 315mg/wk
-NPP 280mg/wk

20 week blast

Started with Test at 525 and decided to up it to 700 2weeks in
Odd numbers on Primo and NPP is because of daily injections on everything
0.5 Test, 0.3 Primo, 0.4 NPP daily

I’ve run this blast before with excellent results and health markers were good
Running higher Test this time and lower Primo.
I am a low aromitizer and have run Primo a bunch, at lots of different doses, with consistent bloodwork. My E2 takes a hit if Primo is too high and Test not high enough.

Also HGH currently at 3 IU daily
Started at 2 IU, titrating up to 4IU over a few weeks and will continue at 4 IU

Adding Anadrol 50 last 2 weeks
Always like an A-bomb finisher 2-4 weeks, no more than 4
50mg daily 1-2 hours pre workout
If it’s a rest day I’m doing cardio so I still take it pre workout
I like this a lot
This has become my go to cycle. I just started a new one.

I like to run Test / Primo at 1:1 usually 600mg each. 300 mg Deca / wk

I do EOD injections due to the volume of oil.

My current cycle the only change is 100 mg Deca / wk to see if i get the same benefit with less compound. Only pinning the Deca weekly too.

I will fuck around with DBol usually mid cycle post bloodwork, and again at the end of the cycle. I like 50mg ED for 2 weeks. I train for powerlifting / power building and saw great overall gains in all lifts, as well as great muscle growth that I was able to maintain. It’s slow growth, but around week 10 you’ll see it pop.

The Primo is a great AI, I’ve never needed one with this ratio.