TEST E, dianabol & Winstrol cycle?

Should I stay away from the t3? Also should I start with Winstrol the same time as dianabol and test or later on in the cycle ?
That's why I'm asking M questions .

Should I include t3 then? Others say no because it will burn muscle too. But not sure about it when included in this cycle
That's why I'm asking M questions .

Should I include t3 then? Others say no because it will burn muscle too. But not sure about it when included in this cycle
Have you done any reading about t3? Start there.

Doing a cycle is all fun and games until your 12 weeks is over, then the depression, loss of appetite, loss of sexual function, loss of energy and loss of sense of well being takes place. Without a proper post cycle therapy you could be in for a shitty ride. Still want to jump right in without knowing what to do?

No one is going to sit here and type out a manuscript on what to do, you have to spend the hours reasearching and learning just like anyone else if you want to have first hand knowledge at your dispense. That being said, I dont mind helping with little questions here or there and most guys will go out of their way to help also, but you gotta put your own work in too.