Test / EQ questions


New Member
Intermediate lifter here looking for some input on Test / EQ cycle dosing. Plan to run this for 16-20 months. Currently running year test 200mg year round, have done cycles of test/primo fairly low doses 500/500 as well as some orals anavar/winny in the past. I am planning on running higher volume and wanted some input from you guys on a test/eq dose, thinking 750 test and 500 eq.
Well EQ doesn’t really lower E2 it has a different type of aromatization towards E1 so basically what happens is higher E1 lower E2 and BAM anxiety fucks you up just gotta find the correct dosage other than that it’s great both for cutting and bulking gives a really unique shape to the muscles.
EQ lowers e2 in most people. Masteron doesn’t. It just blocks it in the breast tissue.
Which is why I use aromasin. But would be nice to remove it if EQ could do the job instead. It seems to be individual based though. I'm more wondering about if he finds it to be more anabolic than masteron or drier, or fuller muscles, etc.
I was on 500/500 test/EQ. We raised to 750 test because my e2 got low. It's been great for growth so far. My only suggestion is see how it effects you. Be vigilant with your blood work until find how it works with you.
What do you get out of eq? I'm considering swapping masteron for EQ my next blast.
Lots of endurance. Like getting done with deadlifts, eating, and feeling like running 5k.

Eating huge bulking calories becomes a breeze.

Past 3:2 test to eq my anxiety was one of the strangest things I've experienced. Just keep it in mind.
1000 test, 500 EQ had my E2 at 9 pg/ml
1500 test, 400 EQ had my E2 at 17 pg/ml

EQ has a potent AI effect for me, will take trial and error for you to dial in your dose based on how you personally react. Personal AI response seems to be all over the board…
Test/EQ/trest E has been one of my best combinations. Good energy, great mood, I could eat everything insight or add a glp for cutting. Sex drive was different also, I could take it or leave it but everything works on command.

Next time I will back off on the trest or add NPP. I think my dopamine was too high from the trest.
Test E 550 mg/wk
Trest E 236 mg/wk
Bold cyp 350mg/wk

E2 was 37 and E1 was 35

Looking back at my notes, I was having high E2 symptoms. About 10 days before the bloodwork I took an AI and 60mg of primo. The estrogen from the trest doesn’t show up on bloodwork so there is more E2 in my system. I will probably leave the trest out next time.