Test levels 3 days into PCT after Epistane

Jay Be

New Member
Hi guys,
Recently completed 5 week epi cycle @40mg per day. That was 1 week ago, and I started my pct day after. Planned 20/20/10/10 nolva and DAA. 3 days after I started my pct, 3days of nolva 20mg per day, my test levels were taken (in the evening, not morning) and it read 0.6 which is extremely low obviously. This is my 3rd epi cycle, last one was a few years back. I never had my test taken straight after finishing epi before going into my PCT so my question is, even though I am shutdown (and rightly so) is 0.6 a reading expected for someone shutdown or should it be a little higher? I am not too concerned at the moment as I guess it should be pretty low lol but just after some piece of mind really. At least it is not reading 0.0 so there is some production there already! I am assuming If I complete my PCT correctly then this should be at an OK level by the end of week 4 of PCT(or at least creeping up)? I don't actually feel too bad, I am training hard, eating loads and my strength levels are still up there from what they were on cycle. My sex drive has gone to pot but that is expected for a short while I guess.

Any input is most appreciated!
If you are not going to contribute anything constructive to my post then please do not comment.

And yes, I put on 10lbs lean muscle and dropped 2%bf - not bad in in 5 weeks.

You don't get to control what people post on your thread this is uncensored. Why would you use a prohoromome when there are FOR sure anabolics out there? And you shut yourself down, awesome. Wait until after you pct by a few weeks if your test levels are still tanked go and research dr.scallys power PCT program. Are you at least using pharmaceutical grade PCT?
You don't get to control what people post on your thread this is uncensored. Why would you use a prohoromome when there are FOR sure anabolics out there? And you shut yourself down, awesome. Wait until after you pct by a few weeks if your test levels are still tanked go and research dr.scallys power PCT program. Are you at least using pharmaceutical grade PCT?

Yes I am using pharmaceutical grade Nolva from a great source. I am not debating the whole PH subject right now, I was just asking an opinion. I know I am going to be shutdown, it happens when using ALL steroids, not just PH's. Any synthetic hormones will shut you down when your body realises it doesn't need to produce it's own.
You don't get to control what people post on your thread this is uncensored. Why would you use a prohoromome when there are FOR sure anabolics out there? And you shut yourself down, awesome. Wait until after you pct by a few weeks if your test levels are still tanked go and research dr.scallys power PCT program. Are you at least using pharmaceutical grade PCT?

Didn't mean to sound like I'm starting an argument there by the way lol, just letting you know that I do know my stuff etc. Was just questioning the such low test level even when shutdown.
Didn't mean to sound like I'm starting an argument there by the way lol, just letting you know that I do know my stuff etc. Was just questioning the such low test level even when shutdown.
Ok, stop being a dick. You gotta wait man, it's not gonna come back over night do your pct plan, wait a few weeks pull bloods and see where you're at.
Ok, stop being a dick. You gotta wait man, it's not gonna come back over night do your pct plan, wait a few weeks pull bloods and see where you're at.
Like I said, I wasn't starting an argument...or being a dick. Thanks for your input anyway. I know my test levels won't return overnight, it was more educational for me to ask the question to check whether shutdown is usually that low. Cheers
Dude I wasn't trying to be negative or shitty. I honestly wanted to know. Thank you for the response, and good luck with your PCT. I would seriously consider running a low test dose instead of PH. We know the sides and effects of testosterone, but PH and all this new shit... Who knows.

No disrespect. This is just my opinion. Good luck

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Dude I wasn't trying to be negative or shitty. I honestly wanted to know. Thank you for the response, and good luck with your PCT. I would seriously consider running a low test dose instead of PH. We know the sides and effects of testosterone, but PH and all this new shit... Who knows.

No disrespect. This is just my opinion. Good luck

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No offence taken mate its fine honestly. I think comments on forums etc can get misconstrued. Thanks for your input though. I've had success with my last two epistane (RPN Havoc) cycles so I am sure I will recover from this one. Ive never had bloods taken when starting PCT before so the result just shocked me a bit. Maybe I was that shutdown on the last two cycles but just didn't know. Fingers crossed I will be OK, hopefully I can bounce back eventually. 3 days into PCT isn't a long time and who knows, It might have even been creeping up since the test which was 5 days ago.

I will be doing a test cycle next though rather than PH. Thats if I recover from this haha!

Hi guys,
Recently completed 5 week epi cycle @40mg per day. That was 1 week ago, and I started my pct day after. Planned 20/20/10/10 nolva and DAA. 3 days after I started my pct, 3days of nolva 20mg per day, my test levels were taken (in the evening, not morning) and it read 0.6 which is extremely low obviously. This is my 3rd epi cycle, last one was a few years back. I never had my test taken straight after finishing epi before going into my PCT so my question is, even though I am shutdown (and rightly so) is 0.6 a reading expected for someone shutdown or should it be a little higher? I am not too concerned at the moment as I guess it should be pretty low lol but just after some piece of mind really. At least it is not reading 0.0 so there is some production there already! I am assuming If I complete my PCT correctly then this should be at an OK level by the end of week 4 of PCT(or at least creeping up)? I don't actually feel too bad, I am training hard, eating loads and my strength levels are still up there from what they were on cycle. My sex drive has gone to pot but that is expected for a short while I guess.

Any input is most appreciated!

Bc Epistane is another "prohormone" with limited evidence supporting its effectiveness as an anabolic agent you NEED precycle labs to compare existing results to.

I can't say much more fella bc I don't know what I'm treating and why.

That being said, posting a COMPLETE COPY (to include units and reference ranges) might be of some help.

Incidentally, the error most folk make with regard to PCT labs is NOT conducting the appropriate tests AFTER PCT "is completed".

Why? Bc the net effect of the latter is
incomplete HTPA recovery! This then leads to cycle stacking which can markedly prolong FUTURE HTPA restoration.

Don't want to conduct post-PCT labs fine then the dictum is TIME ON EQUALS TIME OFF AAS, period.

So folk should believe those who cycle some 10-16 weeks of AAS are NOT fully recovered, with few exceptions, after only "4-5 weeks" of PCT!
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Epistane is not a prohormone!
Epistane is methylated epitiostanol which is an active anabolic steroid...
There is no conversion necessary.


2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol or 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-etioallocholan-17b-ol

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

1100:91 vs. methyl test by oral administration

I just finished running Epi @ 50 mg Ed for six weeks stacked with Tren ace, Mast P and Test phenyl prop.
I used it in place of anavar as a finisher.
It really leaned me out and got me vascular as fuck even though I was eating 800-1000 cals over maintenance.
Tren ace bloats me and makes me carb crazy but the epistane still helped me stay dry and lean.
Fucking epic cycle!!
Your pct is actually kind of weak.
If your libido is already tanked at week1
It's only going to get worse!!
Imo clomid will get your natty test levels up faster than Nolva.
Though Nolva will work just not as well.
Epistane is not a prohormone!
Epistane is methylated epitiostanol which is an active anabolic steroid...
There is no conversion necessary.


2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol or 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-etioallocholan-17b-ol

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

1100:91 vs. methyl test by oral administration

I just finished running Epi @ 50 mg Ed for six weeks stacked with Tren ace, Mast P and Test phenyl prop.
I used it in place of anavar as a finisher.
It really leaned me out and got me vascular as fuck even though I was eating 800-1000 cals over maintenance.
Tren ace bloats me and makes me carb crazy but the epistane still helped me stay dry and lean.
Fucking epic cycle!!
Your pct is actually kind of weak.
If your libido is already tanked at week1
It's only going to get worse!!
Imo clomid will get your natty test levels up faster than Nolva.
Though Nolva will work just not as well.

It's listed as a prohormone on several sites but the point is NOT whether it's a prohormone, prehormone, designer AAS or an active androgen with heaps of anabolic benefit, but the fact there are NO PUBLISHED HUMAN STUDIES on this compound.

Oh and the fact you ran this compound with SEVERAL other AAS proves what exactly?

It's a great leaner outer. Really and the logic is based on your experience with Tren Ace bc T-A usually bloats you out but when combined with Epi no bloating occurred!

GREAT anecdote for the pages of Bro-science!

Oh and the existing A/A standard (Heinstein assay) compares the PARENTERAL administration of a given anabolic agent to TESTOSTERONE
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It's listed as a prohormone on several sites but the point is NOT whether it's a prohormone, prehormone, designer AAS or an active androgen with heaps of anabolic benefit, but the fact there are NO PUBLISHED HUMAN STUDIES on this compound.

Oh and the fact you ran this compound with SEVERAL other AAS proves what exactly?

It's a great leaner outer. Really and the logic is based on your experience with Tren Ace bc T-A usually bloats you out but when combined with Epi no bloating occurred! GREAT for the pages of Bro-science!
True that @Dr JIM there are no human studies. I believe it's the methylated version of Mepitiostane which was some sort of anti estrogen drug synthesized in Japan in 70's. Yes it was only studied on rats. It's also one of the best selling Designer steroids in history.
Whether a product sells and such sales are determined for a unregistered drug in the absence of evidence supporting their use says one of two things: monkey see monkey do OR perhaps it's worth using.

For me personally in the absence of studies that evaluate a substances efficacy and/or safety, why purchase a substitute product when evidence of such import remains in dispute or is simply unavailable!

Oh I know, some using PEDAAS like to experiment.

Yup and those are the type who more often than not end up in the Doctors or Endos office needing "fixing", IME