Test-Mast Ratio

@kosp @MisterSuperGod maybe I exaggerated to write "E2 killer", but I wanted to be a bit “incisive” in my previous comment, because the AI action of the masteron is too underestimated, in my opinion.

we must not forget that the masteron was born exclusively to treat breast cancer (caused by estrogen) in women. therefore the best cure for breast cancer, before the new generation AI, was masteron.

If you try masteron stand alone you will see that around 2/3 week you will note all the side from low E2: joint pain, weight loss, loss of strength, decreased libido ... and if you go to do a bloodwork you will notice that the E2 value will be close to zero pg/ml. for this reason, run masteron without testosterone is one of the worst mistakes that can be made in the world of chemistry.

I remember the first time that I tried masteron, I was on 100 mg test p eod (so 350 mg week) and 2,5 mg/week letrozole (1.25 mg, 2 times a week), when I added Masteron prop (300 mg/week) , after 2 weeks I had lost almost 2 kg of weight (and I was over 3000 calories),decreasing in strength especially on the basic exercises, joint pain everywhere, and libido like a eunuch... so I removed the letrozole, and one week later I had to add also some testosterone (125 mg test c), so I continued with 350 test p , 125 test c and 300 mast. It was like being born again, all the sides are gone and I have recovered the lost kilograms.
Is that PSA oscilation reversible? I think that's all it takes the use of steroids. You fuck it up a bit, you wait enough time and recover and then back again.

not sure if reversible. I’d like to say yes. But it does raise it. I have done mast test multiple ways and have logs on it. Mast for my body is amazing. That’s just me tho. But it does mess with my psa. In my experience the high psa does reverse. But ask in 10 years if it still does.
not sure if reversible. I’d like to say yes. But it does raise it. I have done mast test multiple ways and have logs on it. Mast for my body is amazing. That’s just me tho. But it does mess with my psa. In my experience the high psa does reverse. But ask in 10 years if it still does.

In 10 years if you didn't stop using it... less chance to be reversible of course.

How did you feel PSA elevated?
@kosp @MisterSuperGod maybe I exaggerated to write "E2 killer", but I wanted to be a bit “incisive” in my previous comment, because the AI action of the masteron is too underestimated, in my opinion.

we must not forget that the masteron was born exclusively to treat breast cancer (caused by estrogen) in women. therefore the best cure for breast cancer, before the new generation AI, was masteron.

If you try masteron stand alone you will see that around 2/3 week you will note all the side from low E2: joint pain, weight loss, loss of strength, decreased libido ... and if you go to do a bloodwork you will notice that the E2 value will be close to zero pg/ml. for this reason, run masteron without testosterone is one of the worst mistakes that can be made in the world of chemistry.

I remember the first time that I tried masteron, I was on 100 mg test p eod (so 350 mg week) and 2,5 mg/week letrozole (1.25 mg, 2 times a week), when I added Masteron prop (300 mg/week) , after 2 weeks I had lost almost 2 kg of weight (and I was over 3000 calories),decreasing in strength especially on the basic exercises, joint pain everywhere, and libido like a eunuch... so I removed the letrozole, and one week later I had to add also some testosterone (125 mg test c), so I continued with 350 test p , 125 test c and 300 mast. It was like being born again, all the sides are gone and I have recovered the lost kilograms.

Why the hell would you run Letro as an AI? You were running mild doses that may not even need an AI, maybe low dose adex, but certainly not something that absolutely TANKS e2 like letro. For me letro is a last resort/emergency flare up eliminator. It's not a coincidence after dropping the letro you felt better..
Great thread. I’ll be running a 1:1 ratio of test c/mast e 400mg/week in a few months. I keep my e2 at 100 comfortably with no sides/AI when my test is at 3000+plus. I’ll post up a log and my baseline bloodwork when I start. I’d be interested to see if mast has any affect on my e2 this coming run during my mid 12 week blood pull.
Great thread. I’ll be running a 1:1 ratio of test c/mast e 400mg/week in a few months. I keep my e2 at 100 comfortably with no sides/AI when my test is at 3000+plus. I’ll post up a log and my baseline bloodwork when I start. I’d be interested to see if mast has any affect on my e2 this coming run during my mid 12 week blood pull.
Curious to see your bloodwork. I ended up running test and mast for 8 weeks I think. Run got cut short due to a hip that was acting up. Wasn’t really impressed but hopefully it treats you well. I was at too high bf to see it shine I suppose. Surely a feel good cycle. Mast and npp is the shit.
Excellent thread, good stuff. Here's a link explaining the connection between mast and Superdrol.
400mg/wk test prop 400mg/wk mast prop MWF for 8 weeks.
40mg var ED at end for last 4 weeks.
One of my favorite experiences, but I did 50mg daily. I always feel better pinning the prop esters daily. But 350 of each/wk was an excellent feel good and get strong cycle. Loved it.

Never used the anavar in that situation but I know many that have and also enjoyed it.
Test/Mast is an alpha male cycle. Easily my favorite combo. I think a 1:1 ratio is a good start, then after 4-5 weeks, get some blood work and adjust if needed.

IMO, unless you're a competitor, 500/400 should be relatively harmless...I've never needed an ai on that dosage. I also have never had bad estrogen sides.

Enjoy this cycle...best feeling ever. Strong and horny as fuck...all the time. For real.
One of my favorite experiences, but I did 50mg daily. I always feel better pinning the prop esters daily. But 350 of each/wk was an excellent feel good and get strong cycle. Loved it.

Never used the anavar in that situation but I know many that have and also enjoyed it.

Will definitely look into daily pinning with my next prop cycle. I started EOD on that cycle and then switched to MWF.
Test/Mast is an alpha male cycle. Easily my favorite combo. I think a 1:1 ratio is a good start, then after 4-5 weeks, get some blood work and adjust if needed.

IMO, unless you're a competitor, 500/400 should be relatively harmless...I've never needed an ai on that dosage. I also have never had bad estrogen sides.

Enjoy this cycle...best feeling ever. Strong and horny as fuck...all the time. For real.
Just remembered I didn’t reply to your pm awhile back. My apologies. You still willing to give me some advice?
Test/Mast is an alpha male cycle. Easily my favorite combo. I think a 1:1 ratio is a good start, then after 4-5 weeks, get some blood work and adjust if needed.

IMO, unless you're a competitor, 500/400 should be relatively harmless...I've never needed an ai on that dosage. I also have never had bad estrogen sides.

Enjoy this cycle...best feeling ever. Strong and horny as fuck...all the time. For real.
No doubt my favourite cycle ever.