Fresh cells??? So when an old guy builds muscles, the growth is old decrepit half-dead cells, even though the old guys body just made them? They are brand new cells but not “fresh”. That’s interesting.
I know what you’re trying to say and for the most part you’re right. I’m not arguing with that. I just want you to explain it better so that some dumb 19 year old who may be lurking doesn’t mistake what you’re saying as a “cool, I’m good to blast.” You and I and everyone here has a responsibility really, if we ever want to hope to break the false stigma attached to what we do.
And what I’m always saying about young guys waiting until they are 26 is because their brains haven’t fully developed. They can’t be making responsible decisions that may have long-term consequences later on. Also, a lot of young guys look at steroids before they are really fully developed from training. The guy that’s been “in the gym for a year and wants to take it to the next level”. It’s not beneficial for him and he’s be better off just training naturally.
There are a few exceptions and you very well may be one of those exceptions so don’t take what I post personally. I get it if you’ve been training and you know your diet is right and you really are taking it to the next level. You know your stuff for sure but that’s an exception to most guys in their early 20s. Remember this is a harm reduction board so I’m just making sure these young guys fully understand what they are doing before they do something stupid.
Again, not arguing with you specifically, just “in general” guys under 26 shouldn’t blast.
Okay, I get you, you are being responsible with the world, I support that, I don´t want either people doing dumb stuff with AAS, these are serious compounds.
I am curious about that thing of the brain not being fully developed till 26 when the hardest courses (University) are taken from 18-24, in other words, when the toughest learning is done, and also for a fact, there are crazy strong chess players that are kids.
Decisions and consequences? Well, that´s more of a character/personality thing than brain chemistry don´t you think?