Test-Mast Ratio

Fresh cells??? So when an old guy builds muscles, the growth is old decrepit half-dead cells, even though the old guys body just made them? They are brand new cells but not “fresh”. That’s interesting.

I know what you’re trying to say and for the most part you’re right. I’m not arguing with that. I just want you to explain it better so that some dumb 19 year old who may be lurking doesn’t mistake what you’re saying as a “cool, I’m good to blast.” You and I and everyone here has a responsibility really, if we ever want to hope to break the false stigma attached to what we do.

And what I’m always saying about young guys waiting until they are 26 is because their brains haven’t fully developed. They can’t be making responsible decisions that may have long-term consequences later on. Also, a lot of young guys look at steroids before they are really fully developed from training. The guy that’s been “in the gym for a year and wants to take it to the next level”. It’s not beneficial for him and he’s be better off just training naturally.

There are a few exceptions and you very well may be one of those exceptions so don’t take what I post personally. I get it if you’ve been training and you know your diet is right and you really are taking it to the next level. You know your stuff for sure but that’s an exception to most guys in their early 20s. Remember this is a harm reduction board so I’m just making sure these young guys fully understand what they are doing before they do something stupid.

Again, not arguing with you specifically, just “in general” guys under 26 shouldn’t blast.

Okay, I get you, you are being responsible with the world, I support that, I don´t want either people doing dumb stuff with AAS, these are serious compounds.

I am curious about that thing of the brain not being fully developed till 26 when the hardest courses (University) are taken from 18-24, in other words, when the toughest learning is done, and also for a fact, there are crazy strong chess players that are kids.

Decisions and consequences? Well, that´s more of a character/personality thing than brain chemistry don´t you think?
Okay, I get you, you are being responsible with the world, I support that, I don´t want either people doing dumb stuff with AAS, these are serious compounds.

I am curious about that thing of the brain not being fully developed till 26 when the hardest courses (University) are taken from 18-24, in other words, when the toughest learning is done, and also for a fact, there are crazy strong chess players that are kids.

Decisions and consequences? Well, that´s more of a character/personality thing than brain chemistry don´t you think?

I don’t know how they determined it’s not fully developed under 26 and I’m sure like everything else it’s variable - some earlier and some later. I’d have no idea what they are measuring there either.

I would say it has more to do with how younger people tend to make rash decisions. I don’t know though. It’s what I’ve always heard for everything, not just steroid use.

Clearly guys that don’t know what they’re doing have no business doing this, no matter what their age. We chew out those guys too.
Independently of those "other factors", you cannot deny what I said about the cells being fresher and with more reversibility capacity, so It is accurate. Otherwise, show evidence about it not aligning with the biology, sounds more like you just want to be contrary.

And secondly, no, the older you are, the higher the chance of a permanent shutdown, brain chemistry¿? don´t make up things.

True. IME I have been cycling one time per year, no 19-nor, 10 weeks max, hcg all the way and pct, and still sitting at 800-1000 of total test natty. I hope to keep it this way.
I don’t deny anything. The science that has been collected over the past several hundred years concerning the human body refutes what you say. I’m just regurgitating it. As such, your claim is invalid whether I say it or not. Your ““ cells theory is ridiculous.

In terms of learning, “the hardest courses at University”, or anything else, you are equating ability to learn with the brain being fully developed. You are also comparing a college course level of difficulty with the difficulty of real life. Take this the wrong way if you want to but, I have never heard a more 22 year old statement made in the entirety of my life. I took major sciences at 35 in prep for med school and sailed through the “hardest courses” more easily than anything I’d ever done. Perhaps you take those courses at University when you’re younger because that’s when it’s easier to convince you that the education with which they provide you is actually worth you borrowing that money…

By the way, when you say “independently of those other factors, I’m right“, it is identical to saying “if everything you said wasn’t true I would be right“. Just go easy killer. One day you’re going to look back on some of this and wish you had listened. This is the voice of experience speaking, not a biological theory.
I don’t deny anything. The science that has been collected over the past several hundred years concerning the human body refutes what you say. I’m just regurgitating it. As such, your claim is invalid whether I say it or not. Your ““ cells theory is ridiculous.

In terms of learning, “the hardest courses at University”, or anything else, you are equating ability to learn with the brain being fully developed. You are also comparing a college course level of difficulty with the difficulty of real life. Take this the wrong way if you want to but, I have never heard a more 22 year old statement made in the entirety of my life. I took major sciences at 35 in prep for med school and sailed through the “hardest courses” more easily than anything I’d ever done. Perhaps you take those courses at University when you’re younger because that’s when it’s easier to convince you that the education with which they provide you is actually worth you borrowing that money…

By the way, when you say “independently of those other factors, I’m right“, it is identical to saying “if everything you said wasn’t true I would be right“. Just go easy killer. One day you’re going to look back on some of this and wish you had listened. This is the voice of experience speaking, not a biological theory.

Bro seriously, this is not a competition to be the smartest, I see you are good at refuting points, but please give your own.

You seem to be so sure about the science "that has been collected" as you said, still not giving any specific reflection, not really adding any value to the discussion, putting me down by saying my theory is ridiculous is not any value, in fact, I wasn´t giving any theory, it was just a statement.

Secondly, it´s true there are studies that show how the brain makes changes till the mid-20s, ok, there is evidence about that. About what there is NO evidence is if AAS would fuck up this process, go find some study about it, good luck. And my reflection about this is, we humans know very little about the brain, and we know our body is constantly changing, so I am not giving too much importance to those mid-20s changes when in fact, we all change all the time in all senses.

About equating the ability to learn with brain development, true, that´s a very complex topic to get into, and unless you are into the field, it´s hard to be precise, oh forgive me that Mr. smartest ;)
What I can tell you about this, is that the productivity peak of a human being is supposed to be into the 20s, but life often doesn´t let you get all the shit together until later, that´s how it actually happens, not how it ideally would have to happen.
@kosp @MisterSuperGod maybe I exaggerated to write "E2 killer", but I wanted to be a bit “incisive” in my previous comment, because the AI action of the masteron is too underestimated, in my opinion.

we must not forget that the masteron was born exclusively to treat breast cancer (caused by estrogen) in women. therefore the best cure for breast cancer, before the new generation AI, was masteron.

If you try masteron stand alone you will see that around 2/3 week you will note all the side from low E2: joint pain, weight loss, loss of strength, decreased libido ... and if you go to do a bloodwork you will notice that the E2 value will be close to zero pg/ml. for this reason, run masteron without testosterone is one of the worst mistakes that can be made in the world of chemistry.

I remember the first time that I tried masteron, I was on 100 mg test p eod (so 350 mg week) and 2,5 mg/week letrozole (1.25 mg, 2 times a week), when I added Masteron prop (300 mg/week) , after 2 weeks I had lost almost 2 kg of weight (and I was over 3000 calories),decreasing in strength especially on the basic exercises, joint pain everywhere, and libido like a eunuch... so I removed the letrozole, and one week later I had to add also some testosterone (125 mg test c), so I continued with 350 test p , 125 test c and 300 mast. It was like being born again, all the sides are gone and I have recovered the lost kilograms.
Hi…….just reading this and I am two weeks into a test cyp/ mast e/ Deca cycle first time with mast and I’m running 450/420/240 test/mast/Deca. I kinda aromatise a bit so was running 0.25 when I jab which is mon/wed/fri also to manage help E2. Are u suggesting I stop my Adex? Or maybe start Monday at just once a week and see how I get on.