Test-Mast Ratio

According to Anabolic Doc on Youtube the anti-estrogenic effect of Masteron loses its effect over time. But he doesn't provide more informations than that claim(not after what time it loses its effect etc.).

Video - timestamp is set to the part of the video where he talks about it, 8:35 min :

Does someone have experience with that?

Would be bad if your keep your e2 in range with it and your e2 increases slowly when you don't expect it
According to Anabolic Doc on Youtube the anti-estrogenic effect of Masteron loses its effect over time. But he doesn't provide more informations than that claim(not after what time it loses its effect etc.).

Video - timestamp is set to the part of the video where he talks about it, 8:35 min :

Does someone have experience with that?

Would be bad if your keep your e2 in range with it and your e2 increases slowly when you don't expect it

Man, Mast doesn't convert to estrogen. It is not anti-estrogenic. If you are taking test/mast, then get blood work and make changes if you're seeing negative estrogen sides. Keep it simple.
According to Anabolic Doc on Youtube the anti-estrogenic effect of Masteron loses its effect over time. But he doesn't provide more informations than that claim(not after what time it loses its effect etc.).

Video - timestamp is set to the part of the video where he talks about it, 8:35 min :

Does someone have experience with that?

Would be bad if your keep your e2 in range with it and your e2 increases slowly when you don't expect it

What @rugerjitsu said! You may still need an AI while running Test with Mast.
What @rugerjitsu said! You may still need an AI while running Test with Mast.
True, if you’re one of those unlucky guys. I would also say it’s dose dependant. One thing to keep in mind with masteron is that it is a drug that was designed to combat breast cancer issues in women (i.e. reduce estrogen). Obviously it is not as strong as an AI but its anti-estrogenic properties cannot be overlooked. @MuscleFreak @Silentlemon1011
Real world results seem to point to its effectiveness. You need at least 400mg per week minimum on cycle to realize its potential.
True, if you’re one of those unlucky guys. I would also say it’s dose dependant. One thing to keep in mind with masteron is that it is a drug that was designed to combat breast cancer issues in women (i.e. reduce estrogen). Obviously it is not as strong as an AI but its anti-estrogenic properties cannot be overlooked. @MuscleFreak @Silentlemon1011
Real world results seem to point to its effectiveness. You need at least 400mg per week minimum on cycle to realize its potential.

For sure bro.
Running 400 on my next cycle with Drca and Test.
Looking forward to it.
Love the gainz/Feelz ratio lol.
True, if you’re one of those unlucky guys. I would also say it’s dose dependant. One thing to keep in mind with masteron is that it is a drug that was designed to combat breast cancer issues in women (i.e. reduce estrogen). Obviously it is not as strong as an AI but its anti-estrogenic properties cannot be overlooked. @MuscleFreak @Silentlemon1011
Real world results seem to point to its effectiveness. You need at least 400mg per week minimum on cycle to realize its potential.
400mg is just to feel some effect,200mg EOD is ideal
What @rugerjitsu said! You may still need an AI while running Test with Mast.
I'm already doing it that way, i use exemestane(got e2 checked with a bloodtest and my dosage was perfect - but i will take my dosage e2d now instead of ed so that my e2 doesn't get too low). Btw I only use a small amount of mast(250mg a mast e a week), therefore the ai effect won't be so much.

For Future cycles i will probably just watch out for high estrogen sides in case the ai effect stops working like @rugerjitsu wrote. In my current cycle the AI effect won't wear off i guess, only will use it for about eight weeks
I'm already doing it that way, i use exemestane(got e2 checked with a bloodtest and my dosage was perfect - but i will take my dosage e2d now instead of ed so that my e2 doesn't get too low). Btw I only use a small amount of mast(250mg a mast e a week), therefore the ai effect won't be so much.

For Future cycles i will probably just watch out for high estrogen sides in case the ai effect stops working like @rugerjitsu wrote. In my current cycle the AI effect won't wear off i guess, only will use it for about eight weeks

Are you really only 22 years old?
Are you really only 22 years old?
They keep getting younger and younger. Probably still in high school and isn’t even 22. Lol
I'm really 22 and from europe(mentioning it because you wrote high school). I finished school with 18(did more than the required school years by going to a school where i'm learning a job, education system is a lot different here than in the us - but i have to say that i definitely prefer it that way). I work in an office job since about three years now. Don't want to get too much offtopic but i guess you guys wanted some informations

I'm young for sure but i know the risks very well this decisions bring with them. It definitely isn't normal to start so early and usually people start later but i also think that i'm doing a lot more things to make sure my health is fine than a lot of people do(especially at my age, i mean i spent hundreds of euros for health supplements and blood work the last months, i already have a very nice health supplement stack(i even already take omega 3 and some other basic things for years) My HDL was almost 90 before i started as an example and i don't use things that absolutely crash it, blood pressure, heart rate, psa - everything perfect).

There are many things i won't touch because i rather take safer options(like deca, clen, eq, winnny, dbol...). I will stick to moderate test and dht, cycling orals and i also take it serious to give the body some time off by going to a really mild cruise(no trt+ cruise)

To also get a bit back to the topic:
I really like the nice boost i get from mast. I replaced 50mg proviron with 250mg mast and i definitely feel better with the mast(not even talking about the better workouts, because of course proviron doesn't really do much except the feeling/well being and the lower shbg).

Definitely will use test/mast for my upcoming plans. I will see if i notice an increase in e2 over time due to the ai effects of mast that don't work anymore after some time. And i will share my experiences when this is the case.

At what dosages did people here get problems with sleep because of the cns overstimulation? Or isn't that such a problem? I'm not planning on using more than 500 in the near future but still would like to know if someone had such problems
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Loving the info on this board, even if it’s a bit old. How many of you feel like Superman and can train 7 days a week and recover well on just mast and test?
Loving the info on this board, even if it’s a bit old. How many of you feel like Superman and can train 7 days a week and recover well on just mast and test?
Test / Mast is quite possibly my all time favourite cycle. Feel great on it overall. Theoretically you can train 7 days per week, depending on training, rest and nutrition factors, not just the AAS substances being utilized. They are all legs of the pod. If one is lacking there will be an effect on other performance factors as well. You can’t out train a bad diet and using huge quantities of gear will not make up for lack of proper training or nutrition. At the end of the day you likely will need days off to mentally and physically recharge. As good a Test and masteron are, they can’t replace the main pillars of a bodybuilding life style.
You still don't get it grumpy daddy, the younger you are, higher is the chance to enjoy full reversibility of AAS use, because the cells are fresher and the system is more robust, 20s are ideal for AAS use. Being in early 20s doesn't necessarily mean brainless, so don't go that way.

Where did I go with it? Stop antagonizing for no reason. We get it. You’re a youngin that knows it all already.

You can predict the future and your nuts are gonna be fine. You’ll have no problems making those kids of the future. That’s all I’m ever referring to with you younger guys.

Your overall health will be totally fine - I agree with you on that. Just hope you can be virile and fertile is all. Have good kids. That was more important to me at that age which is why I waited.
You still don't get it grumpy daddy, the younger you are, higher is the chance to enjoy full reversibility of AAS use, because the cells are fresher and the system is more robust, 20s are ideal for AAS use. Being in early 20s doesn't necessarily mean brainless, so don't go that way.
That’s a generalization that doesn’t align with the biology. So many other factors to consider, it’s really not accurate in any way. Not trying to throw education/pedigrees around but, I know for a fact your statement is not accurate as a general rule.

However, permanent changes in your brain chemistry are MUCH more likely when you do gear when you’re younger.

As a general rule, that which is done to a body which is still developing can rarely be undone completely. Humans just compensate.

I don’t think you’re “brainless”, to use your words. Lots of IFBB guys start gear before they can buy beer. Your body, your choice.

That said, don’t lull yourself into a false sense of security with urban legends or bro-science. Study up on biological function and read the data that’s available. You’re taking the chance of making a lifelong commitment with EVERY CYCLE, whether you use proper PCT or not.
That’s a generalization that doesn’t align with the biology. So many other factors to consider, it’s really not accurate in any way. Not trying to throw education/pedigrees around but, I know for a fact your statement is not accurate as a general rule.

However, permanent changes in your brain chemistry are MUCH more likely when you do gear when you’re younger.

Independently of those "other factors", you cannot deny what I said about the cells being fresher and with more reversibility capacity, so It is accurate. Otherwise, show evidence about it not aligning with the biology, sounds more like you just want to be contrary.

And secondly, no, the older you are, the higher the chance of a permanent shutdown, brain chemistry¿? don´t make up things.

You’re taking the chance of making a lifelong commitment with EVERY CYCLE, whether you use proper PCT or not.

True. IME I have been cycling one time per year, no 19-nor, 10 weeks max, hcg all the way and pct, and still sitting at 800-1000 of total test natty. I hope to keep it this way.
Independently of those "other factors", you cannot deny what I said about the cells being fresher and with more reversibility capacity, so It is accurate. Otherwise, show evidence about it not aligning with the biology, sounds more like you just want to be contrary.

Fresh cells??? So when an old guy builds muscles, the growth is old decrepit half-dead cells, even though the old guys body just made them? They are brand new cells but not “fresh”. That’s interesting.

I know what you’re trying to say and for the most part you’re right. I’m not arguing with that. I just want you to explain it better so that some dumb 19 year old who may be lurking doesn’t mistake what you’re saying as a “cool, I’m good to blast.” You and I and everyone here has a responsibility really, if we ever want to hope to break the false stigma attached to what we do.

And what I’m always saying about young guys waiting until they are 26 is because their brains haven’t fully developed. They can’t be making responsible decisions that may have long-term consequences later on. Also, a lot of young guys look at steroids before they are really fully developed from training. The guy that’s been “in the gym for a year and wants to take it to the next level”. It’s not beneficial for him and he’s be better off just training naturally.

There are a few exceptions and you very well may be one of those exceptions so don’t take what I post personally. I get it if you’ve been training and you know your diet is right and you really are taking it to the next level. You know your stuff for sure but that’s an exception to most guys in their early 20s. Remember this is a harm reduction board so I’m just making sure these young guys fully understand what they are doing before they do something stupid.

Again, not arguing with you specifically, just “in general” guys under 26 shouldn’t blast.