Test P First Cycle, opinions and advice welcome.


New Member
Hey hey people,

I'm 39,175 pounds, 12% BF.

I've considered enhancement many times in my 20's / 30's but didn't want to fuck up my hormone profile for life, that and I always wanted to hit my natty peak before getting on gear. Genetically I've never been built for strength (sad little wrists), I prefer strength training but always had the body and build more for endurance and cardio. Well fuck that, I want to pack on some strength and muscle, which is why I'm getting on ye old town cycle for a ride.

I'm old enough and without major health problems so what the hell am I waiting for. Going to try out this FAT STACK of :

= Test P 100mgs EoD for 8 - 10 weeks = depending on how I feel.

Just in case I'm going to grab some Aromasin, and from what I've been reading I probably won't even need it, but better to have it on hand if I start to feel puffy nips.

PCT seems to have fallen out of favor for shorter, less intense Test only cycles, so instead of Nova/Clomid I was going to run HCG after as my only PCT- Test P is a shorter ester so I was going to start a few days after instead of the two weeks.

Test P has the advantage that if I do have an unfortunately bad reaction it will leave my system faster if I have to bail on the bike, and a shorter cycle start to finish overall, the only disadvantages I can see are the pinning, pain, and cost, all of which I can manage.

I've had a lot of bloodwork done in the past so I'm not afraid of the frequent pinning (and hormone panels always came back within average range) my diet is clean and I'm pretty low BF. TBH I'm fucking stoked, any advice or opinions would be most welcome.

I wouldn't mind some opinions on HCG as my only PCT, or if I need it at all.

I did Test p for a first cycle and blast and cruised with it over a year. Get ready for pain hahaha. What kind of “bad reaction” is there to 300mg testosterone.? Your body having a “bad reaction” will be regarding PIP . Get another ester ready just in case, seriously if your body doesn’t get used to the pins fast, you’re in for a bumpy ride.
I did Test p for a first cycle and blast and cruised with it over a year. Get ready for pain hahaha. What kind of “bad reaction” is there to 300mg testosterone.? Your body having a “bad reaction” will be regarding PIP . Get another ester ready just in case, seriously if your body doesn’t get used to the pins fast, you’re in for a bumpy ride.
Could have a reaction to the oil substrate I suppose, possibly other impurities from the lab. I've been living with test in my system my whole life, just not enough of it.

But thanks I'll pick up another ester too just in case I puss out lol
Your a brave man my brother. Most people do not want to pin that much (myself included) especially when they first start. Test P tends to give PIP, it is nothing to serious but can be alarming and painful especially your first time experiencing it.

As far as PCT, do you plan on quitting the Test cold turkey, tapering down your dose and when do you plan on using the HCG?

Enjoy the ride and gains.
Your a brave man my brother. Most people do not want to pin that much (myself included) especially when they first start. Test P tends to give PIP, it is nothing to serious but can be alarming and painful especially your first time experiencing it.

As far as PCT, do you plan on quitting the Test cold turkey, tapering down your dose and when do you plan on using the HCG?

Enjoy the ride and gains.

I wasn't going to taper, just start HCG four days after my last pin.

Hormones aren't drugs I know, but in my earlier life I went through a few substances, sometimes for years at a time, and never had too much of a problem (psychologically) coming off them.

Would it be easier to kickstart my natural test and recover if I taper to half the week before stopping ?

This kind of research is all over the place, PCT / HCG / what's best for restarting natural test in the user is all kinds of dependent on the genetics of the individual far as I can tell.
Would it be easier to kickstart my natural test and recover if I taper to half the week before stopping ?
That's what I used to do when I used to PCT. At the same time I would start the HCG at 350iu every other day until the bottle was gone. To be honest, I have also just stopped and never felt like shit, until I did that after trying 1 gram of Test in my mid 40s. That was the only time I felt like trash after a cycle.
Hormones aren't drugs I know, but in my earlier life I went through a few substances, sometimes for years at a time, and never had too much of a problem (psychologically) coming off them.

I've come off before fine but just know there's a reason everyone says "you never truly come off"
Giving up weed or coke is a lot different than hopping off the juice. But if you can make solid gains and stick through the PCT you will feel fine getting off. 8-10 weeks may not be long enough to make substantial gains. You'll probably gain a solid 15lbs but 11 of that is going to be water and glycogen. That's why coming off sucks because the fullness goes away and it "looks" like you lost all the gains but they weren't actually lean muscle gains to begin with.

I second the advice of having some Test E on the side just in case. Pinning ED or EOD is no big deal for the first few weeks but after 2 months it gets kinda old.

Overall though have fun with it man. If the diet and routine are in check it makes the gym feel like heaven.
I did Test p for a first cycle and blast and cruised with it over a year. Get ready for pain hahaha. What kind of “bad reaction” is there to 300mg testosterone.? Your body having a “bad reaction” will be regarding PIP . Get another ester ready just in case, seriously if your body doesn’t get used to the pins fast, you’re in for a bumpy ride.
Pour ma part, je n'ai jamais eu de problème de douleur avec la source de driada shop. J'ai des très résultats et je ne suis pas obliger d'attendre 2 semaine avant relance.
Other than some sore injection sites I think you’ll love it. I didn’t need an ai on prop where as anything over 250mg a week or entente or cypionate I would always have to use an ai to combat estrogen and gyno sides. I developed gyno in my right nipple when I went through puberty and it eventually shrunk to where it wasn’t noticeable until I did my first test e cycle and I fought that gyro every cycle there after until I started using prop.

Unfortunately I stayed away from short esters for years out of fear of the injection frequency. I wish I had started with short esters now because of responses so much better to short esters both physically and mentally especially prop. Prop is the golden goose for me. I love the effects, the results, the mental well being and libido and after a few cycles the pip is no worse than any other testosterone I’ve injected.
Other than some sore injection sites I think you’ll love it. I didn’t need an ai on prop where as anything over 250mg a week or entente or cypionate I would always have to use an ai to combat estrogen and gyno sides. I developed gyno in my right nipple when I went through puberty and it eventually shrunk to where it wasn’t noticeable until I did my first test e cycle and I fought that gyro every cycle there after until I started using prop.

Unfortunately I stayed away from short esters for years out of fear of the injection frequency. I wish I had started with short esters now because of responses so much better to short esters both physically and mentally especially prop. Prop is the golden goose for me. I love the effects, the results, the mental well being and libido and after a few cycles the pip is no worse than any other testosterone I’ve injected.
Thanks bruz, yeah same.Got an ai just in case, didn't need it.

Loving it, can't believe I'm 2/3'rds of the way through the cycle. Haven't felt this good physically since highschool, incredible recovery and basically no DOMs.

The pip is basically non existent to the point where I just cycle cheeks and don't bother with shoulders.
Thanks bruz, yeah same.Got an ai just in case, didn't need it.

Loving it, can't believe I'm 2/3'rds of the way through the cycle. Haven't felt this good physically since highschool, incredible recovery and basically no DOMs.

The pip is basically non existent to the point where I just cycle cheeks and don't bother with shoulders.
Yeah I'm not sure where all this PIP is, granted I'm on a much smaller dose of prop but I get no pain at all. Mines in mct oil with a little BA and BB. Maybe it's the oils people were getting, or maybe everyone reacts differently.

Congrats on a successful cycle, sounds like you had a great time.
I would use the HCG through the entire cycle. The less suppression of your testicles and the less time they are suppressed the easier it is to get them firing again. At your age and because the length of the cycle is not too long, you'll probably be fine though. Let us know how post cycle goes. Hopefully it's Cruiser.