Test p or test e


New Member
Hey guys I just want some input on a first cycle. I have friends who have said use a short ester like prop. What are people's opinion on this?
I love prop but if it's your first cycle you might want to consider how much you want to pin.Test C is normally once or twice a week I would recommend at least twice and test p is Eod ideally or ed if you wanna get technical.

Test P will mean more frequent pinning, so from that point of view running long acting esters for a first cycle might be more favorable, but either one is fine - your choice, more frequent pinning and (usually) more pip vs less frequent pinning.

Just plan your PCT start date accordingly depending on how long it takes for levels to drop down (depending on what ester you chose).
Running a long ester test like C or E is gonna take some time to build up.
I normally start to see it about 4-6 weeks in,so a 12 week cycle at 500mg a week with a good clean diet would be great for your first time you will be blown away bye the gains.
Make sure to have a Ai on hand and pct all lined up before you start.
I always run Aromasin at 20mg Eod and have know issues with bloat,Bp and other estrogen related sides.
Have fun!

Agree with above suggestions. Pinning less frequently will provide some relief, particularly the first time into virgin muscle.

And for a reference, a typical beginners cycle looks like this,

Wk 1-12 500mg Test Enth 2/wk @ 250mg
Wk 1-12 Arimidex @ .25mg EOD

Wk3-14.5 hCG 250iu 2/wk

Wk15-19 pct
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
I love prop, but i don't mind pinning every day. I use a six muscle rotation, I used to do just glutes, but took some advice and started rotating. It's not bad if you are only doing it 2x a week. But i've gotten off topic. First cycle, test e or test c 500/wk. Test is test, and Cyp and are virtually the same substance. Some people say that get way more bloat from one or the other, but it really does'nt make alot of sense. Some people also get alot of pip from short esters, like prop. One main thing i like about prop, is you can start your PCT alot sooner.
well im gonna go against the grain and say give test prop a run for your first time. yes its more frequent pinning but eod is not that bad for 8 weeks, doing it 2x a week for 12 almost comes out to the same amount of pinning if you think about it...

and on the plus you wont retain as much water (I know people will dispute this and ive seen evidence both ways, im just going off of personal experience), it will kick in faster and you can change the doseage if needed because of estrogen sides ect.. with prop you can start at 350-400mg and work your way up to 500 while gauging your sensitivity and maximizing your gains while minimizing sides. also pct will start a lot sooner, instead of your boys being shut off for 14 (+2 after last injection) weeks it will have only been 8. IMO its always better for recovery and gains to do shorter duration test based cycles.

for those of us not on trt that is. Primo is another story
also meant to add- ive never had too big of an issue with PIP, and im a pussy. it depends on your source, ive been using sources that use either mct or coconut oil and its very smooth.

my pinning spots for eod rotation
left glute
right glute
left quad (only up to 1.5 ml)
rightt quad (only up to 1.5 ml)
Left shoulder(only up to 1.5 ml)
right shoulder (only up to 1.5ml)
left hip
right hip
well im gonna go against the grain and say give test prop a run for your first time. yes its more frequent pinning but eod is not that bad for 8 weeks, doing it 2x a week for 12 almost comes out to the same amount of pinning if you think about it...

and on the plus you wont retain as much water (I know people will dispute this and ive seen evidence both ways, im just going off of personal experience), it will kick in faster and you can change the doseage if needed because of estrogen sides ect.. with prop you can start at 350-400mg and work your way up to 500 while gauging your sensitivity and maximizing your gains while minimizing sides. also pct will start a lot sooner, instead of your boys being shut off for 14 (+2 after last injection) weeks it will have only been 8. IMO its always better for recovery and gains to do shorter duration test based cycles.

for those of us not on trt that is. Primo is another story
I agree with everything you said but i say still go with the e or c. This is the guy's first one and you want it to be a possitive experience. The only real reason i would suggest is the PCT factor. Im not going to say the op would have a bad experience, just easier for a first cycle. two pins a week and you are good. Some people have reactions to the short esters and pain. (i have a theory on that, but another time) also most prop contains Ethyl Oleate, another group has reactions to that. First cycle you are going to get your best gains, so you want things to go as smooth as possible.
I agree with everything you said but i say still go with the e or c. This is the guy's first one and you want it to be a possitive experience. The only real reason i would suggest is the PCT factor. Im not going to say the op would have a bad experience, just easier for a first cycle. two pins a week and you are good. Some people have reactions to the short esters and pain. (i have a theory on that, but another time) also most prop contains Ethyl Oleate, another group has reactions to that. First cycle you are going to get your best gains, so you want things to go as smooth as possible.

I got ya. in fact these reasons are exactly why I did test e by itself my first cycle. now after doing a couple more knowing what I know I would have done things this way with prop. But yes pinning was much scarier the first cycle but once you start like anything else you become adapted and used to it. it all comes down to your ability to deal with the pinning IMO.
Yeah, once you get that down, it's not a problem to pin ed or eo. I jut like to keep it simple for new guys because i fucked my first one up awhile ago. Most new guys have done very little to no research before starting.
My first cycle was prop. EOD was just fine. I do think mine was prepared well and wasn't very painful, and that helps.

Now that I'm using test e, it almost feels weird like I'm missing out on some pins, hehe
Do you feel a difference in bloat? I did big time from test e to prop

Different sources also tho
Hey thanks guys for the input. I was thinking of trying prop just because it is available to me. What are your opinions on pct to go along with a prop only cycle?