Test-tren And Masteron Cycle

I run these compounds almost exclusively. The generic term for this combo is a cut stack. I run them different than suggested above. About 1,2,3 comparison. I run low test (maybe 200mg prop a week) Tren is double the Test prop at about 400mg/wk and finally the Mast which is my favorite drug of all at about 600mg/wk. (If it's real Mast, not EQ)

Tren is 5x as anabolic as Test, so I let the Tren do all the hard work. The Test needs to be there as a base just to keep everything moving and keep you from losing all your libido. I just add enough Test to maintain my natural levels or maybe just a little higher. Mast gives that lean hardened look everyone wants. Plus Mast helps with estrogen control. I always run Proviron on these cycles as well at 50-100mg/day. (huge benefits.)

If you want to turn this cycle into a bulk, just raise the TEST, about 600-700 for me and the weight comes on huge. Hope this points of view helps.
I run these compounds almost exclusively. The generic term for this combo is a cut stack. I run them different than suggested above. About 1,2,3 comparison. I run low test (maybe 200mg prop a week) Tren is double the Test prop at about 400mg/wk and finally the Mast which is my favorite drug of all at about 600mg/wk. (If it's real Mast, not EQ)

Tren is 5x as anabolic as Test, so I let the Tren do all the hard work. The Test needs to be there as a base just to keep everything moving and keep you from losing all your libido. I just add enough Test to maintain my natural levels or maybe just a little higher. Mast gives that lean hardened look everyone wants. Plus Mast helps with estrogen control. I always run Proviron on these cycles as well at 50-100mg/day. (huge benefits.)

If you want to turn this cycle into a bulk, just raise the CALORIES, about 600-700 for me and the weight comes on huge. Hope this points of view helps.

Good post. I liked everything up to last part. I fixed it up for you. ;)
For bulking I run, weekly doses.
Test long ester, 600-1k
Tren E, 200-400
Mast E, 400-800

Test P or sust, 750 week sust, or 150mg EoD/ED of P
Tren A- 100 EoD or ED
Mast P- 100 EoD or ED
Hey caizier and northern, I am looking forward to running tren on my 2nd cycle with test and mast. I was hoping you can elaborate a little more on the proviron. From my understanding, it aids as an anti-estrogen, but so does mast. In addition, doesnt proviron act somewhat as an inhibitory to the HPTA? I would really appreciate if you can enlighten me. Thanks big guy.
Mmhhh interesting. I appreciate the feedback my man. I am going to post my next cycle breakdown in the near future as well as my 10th week bloods for my 1st cycle. :D thanks again northern.
Ive done this cycle three different times usings different amounts each time. Ive always run propionate mast and test and acetate tren. i ran the test at 300 per week (EOD injections) the mast was run at 350mg a week and tren was 400 a week. Im 6ft and naturally 180 pounds at about 12%. after 10 weeks of the cut mix i was 195 @ 7-9% and all lifts went through the roof. I had adex on hand and usually took .25 or .5 EOD during and did a simple nolva PCT. being naturally fairly thin and low bodyfat, i was extremely pleased with this stack, so much in fact i did it twice more. had some night sweats with the tren and a few extra pimples but other than that, the sides were very low and rare.
Hey caizier and northern, I am looking forward to running tren on my 2nd cycle with test and mast. I was hoping you can elaborate a little more on the proviron. From my understanding, it aids as an anti-estrogen, but so does mast. In addition, doesnt proviron act somewhat as an inhibitory to the HPTA? I would really appreciate if you can enlighten me. Thanks big guy.
I agree in part with Northern's post #26. I would never SUBSTITUTE it as an AI. However in my vast experience with Proviron I am able to reduce my Aromasin intake substantially. I agree with the raise in libido but in my experience again I see the positive effects with mental state and a better sense of well-being. My experience...
Good post. I liked everything up to last part. I fixed it up for you. ;)
Just read this and had to laugh. I obviously took for granted that some RELY on oils, rather than using them as one of many tools in their bag. I eat six meals a day and have been doing so for two years now. Calories are always 4.5-6K for me. Lower Test gets me vascular and hard but when it times to building my base I have to up the Test. DICK...;)
I'm personally running this cycle at the moment. Started off with 175mg/test, 525mg/tren, 350mg/mast; continued for the first 3 weeks at these dosages, but found it killed my sex drive. Decided to increase the test to 700mg and found I felt 100x better. Have stayed consistent with this dosage scheme now and am on my 8th week of cycle (recomp type cycle), going for 15weeks (but ending the tren as of week 12)