
I was going to post my pic, but I am glad I didn't now
I would have had to move mine over to the kiddie section

My abs look good though :rolleyes:

Haha, yeah right. My abs are alright, women love abs. Abs and arms. I just enjoy their cleft. Was this one girl at my gym who had this banging body she was on the stairmaster. I was talking to her but never got her number. I was tired and figured I would see her again. Some are just genetically gifted so they accumulate the fat in the right regions. She is gifted, and I am in love.
Sworder = BEAST
you said something about your arms being small? dont see it lmao. hows the hamstring tear doing?
My hamstring is doing ok. Just feels kind of weird. Been working it out but not nearly as hard as I should. I think it is a mental thing, "scar tissue", "rubbery", "easy to tear again" are things that go through my head when I work my hamstrings so I am impeding my own progress. I don't want to go too hard though so I re-injury it.
Haha, yeah right. My abs are alright, women love abs. Abs and arms. I just enjoy their cleft. Was this one girl at my gym who had this banging body she was on the stairmaster. I was talking to her but never got her number. I was tired and figured I would see her again. Some are just genetically gifted so they accumulate the fat in the right regions. She is gifted, and I am in love.

These are the stories I like to hear... see
Now get out there and bang her
My hamstring is doing ok. Just feels kind of weird. Been working it out but not nearly as hard as I should. I think it is a mental thing, "scar tissue", "rubbery", "easy to tear again" are things that go through my head when I work my hamstrings so I am impeding my own progress. I don't want to go too hard though so I re-injury it.

What are hamstrings? O, here it is... Part of the leg?
Who trains legs?

I'm just kiddin. I walk alot, but they just won't grow
Pussy (for not doing legs)... you are what you eat. wish i had abs =[. but i just like food too much
Pussy (for not doing legs)... you are what you eat. wish i had abs =[. but i just like food too much

I don't eat pussy much. I just like to go
down and smell it before I pork it.

I don't do anything to build my ab muscles, so they are not
very deep, but I think I like them this way better.

My legs are very skinny though.
Sweatpants are a must for me
I don't eat pussy much. I just like to go
down and smell it before I pork it.

I don't do anything to build my ab muscles, so they are not
very deep, but I think I like them this way better.

My legs are very skinny though.
Sweatpants are a must for me

I have stopped doing mine now because they are getting too big it looks stupid honestly. My calves need to grow, girls usually have very nice calves. I think it's the heels they wear or something.. Maybe I should get those toe shoes I wonder if they would help. The ones with individual toes that looks super stupid.
I have stopped doing mine now because they are getting too big it looks stupid honestly. My calves need to grow, girls usually have very nice calves. I think it's the heels they wear or something.. Maybe I should get those toe shoes I wonder if they would help. The ones with individual toes that looks super stupid.

Arnold wore heels, I heard... Also, walked on his balls of this feet alot.
I do very slow calf raises on the stairs so I get a good stretch every rep
and I make it burn alot.
I do about 4 sets of these every week. Yea, I know that's alot, but I'm HardCore

It would be a waist for me to try to get anything
much bigger, cause I don't eat alot....
Did you see that one? :) OK, back to twitter
Even at 800mg/Tren I typically stay pretty calm. Get the occasional mind races where it feels like I am going light speed. Other than that I am good :) I do notice that my mental processing isn't as clear with high levels of androgens. I play chess online sometimes and I always go down in rating on cycle.
Now that's interesting...

I don't believe it actually lessens mental acuity since I've done some pretty good writing while running plenty of androgens, but it sure demands more concentration. Want to move! The mind is distracted by the drives of the body, I'd guess.:rolleyes:

Now that's interesting...

I don't believe it actually lessens mental acuity since I've done some pretty good writing while running plenty of androgens, but it sure demands more concentration. Want to move! The mind is distracted by the drives of the body, I'd guess.:rolleyes:


I have done a lot of MENSA testing too while off-cycle and on-cycle. I score much differently between the two. I am not saying it lessens mental acuity just saying I score a lot less :)

There is a game called Dual 2-Back, you can download it for free online or just find it online and play it. Try playing it off-cycle and get to a challenging level, then try playing it on-cycle! I am sure you will find it amusing.

Cycle all done! Just gonna let the long esters run out instead of transposing to short. Will try to take more pictures for reference. Wish I could take pics of my back in a simple fashion, it is looking great!!
tell the girl at the gym to take a pic of your back! just tell her you cant see it and that you think it might be wimpy =P
I have done a lot of MENSA testing too while off-cycle and on-cycle. I score much differently between the two. I am not saying it lessens mental acuity just saying I score a lot less :)

There is a game called Dual 2-Back, you can download it for free online or just find it online and play it. Try playing it off-cycle and get to a challenging level, then try playing it on-cycle! I am sure you will find it amusing.

So do excessive androgens lower the general intelligence factor (formerly known as IQ), even temporarily? Sounds like the stuped ape-brute stereotype, but I have read some vague stats supporting this (as least in adolescent development). Say it ain't so!:eek:

So do excessive androgens lower the general intelligence factor (formerly known as IQ), even temporarily? Sounds like the stuped ape-brute stereotype, but I have read some vague stats supporting this (as least in adolescent development). Say it ain't so!:eek:


My personal opinion would be yes it lowers it temporarily dunno about the long term, androgens have an effect on the brain as well. Which is why male brains are 15% longer based on neuron length. I have read similar studies.

I don't notice it much in everyday life like "UGH I am stupid" but when playing chess, Dual 2-Back and the IQ tests I like to take I do notice a difference. The game Dual 2-Back is supposed to help fluid intelligence and has been proven to help people increase their IQ scores as well.

It's kind of confusing at first how to play:
Dual N-Back Training - Proven to Raise IQ
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No, I wasn't planning on keeping a cycle log. I will take pics before next time around though :)

Let's hope I don't lose too much.
Starting weight was around 194ish I think finish 208 never got higher :(

If I can start next one at 200 I would be happy.
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