
Managed to squeeze down another 2 shakes after lunch. Well not really shakes, it's ABB Blue thunder 40gr carbs 30grams protein. Fruit punch tastes like shit but goes down pretty easy with a lot of ice. Just got home and am ready to eat, gonna pin some GHRP-6 and get some salmon going!!

Client whom I haven't seen since I started my cycle said
"you look like you have gotten more buff"
I replied nervously "Trembolone"
She said "What?"
Me being confused replied "What?"
And I used that moment of dual confusion to think of something to say. Was thinking in my head frontloaded test/tren/deca and water weight but instead I said "shake weight"
She said again "What?"
"You know from the infomercials, I bought one of those shake weights. 10 minutes a day and you will get great results provided your diet is on point."
She nodded "Ah" and seemed thoroughly convinced.

Jimmy, what do you think I should add?

Now that's funny. Shake-weight. I'm gonna use that. [:eek:)]
Man that real lots of compound ! I wonder how much you will gain with that .. actually using too much roids is not my type, i rather use simple roids and maintenance mood and mentality, but good luck !