Testosterone application for HRT no better than DHEA?


10+ Year Member
Sorry in advance, You may have to print this one....

I said HRT, not TRT...

So short of a set of testicles not working, should TRT even be practiced? I did say "not working", and I assume that 95% of middle age "Low T" cases are not testicular failure. In fact, the testicles are working fine and doing exactly what the brain told them to do. Lower production.

Consider that "male menopause" is possibly indeed the body's response to circulating Estrogens as a bottle neck to T production. Some have referred to DHEA as a "Master Hormone" with unknown futures/derivatives. But in fact testosterone is exactly that as well, only a step or two up down the chain to Male Mecca. The real world application of testosterone is absolutely as ineffective for Male Menopause. It has to be. Horseshoes, hand granades, and blind dart throwing is STILL ALL IT IS. So why should it be considered at all? It should not, at least for the general condition of Low T that is being recognized so acceptably today. Something everyone seems to omit is the fact that men are suffering from LOW ANDROGENS, NOT Low T. I believe I have even heard TRT referred to as "Androgen Therapy". Be certain that in many cases it is the furthest from that. While you have now circumvented the body's directive to lower TT supplies, and now have access to excess TT for androgen production (that is if you still have to means/demand to create them), you have also opened up the flood gates to produce the estrogens that your body was trying to prevent in the first place. Yes we are again heading back to that place that the only real solution is health and balance:(. And yes, while steroid users of days past were very primitive in their knowledge of the working concepts of hormone application, they always knew to make the blind statement that testosterone as a steroid is worthless in a body with fat concentrations to excess levels. Funny how anecdote and experience supercede the informative knowledge clould we falsely float on these days. Aint it:rolleyes:.

Testosterone is the perfect example that debunks itselt as worthless every time. ProoF:
1) Testosterone as a steroid/BB application, only works in those younger and already fit.
2) More times than not, you will only hear TRT patients complaining that Testosterone Supplementation has only harmed their sex like if anything, and most of the time looking to tie in other bullshit (ai's, hcg, etc..) to save the process.
3) So many older guys like me only realize minimal physical response short of megadosing. And then still the E's produced outweight the benefits derived, if not physically neutralize them.

Technically, the measurement of Blood Serum Counts for TT, E2, etc..., are merely SNAPSHOTS of current conditions indicating physical activity that could be 100% correct, or 100% incorrect, and must be further QUALIFIED. Take the condition of Diabetes for example. This has been seriously acknkowledged by the medical community for decades and yet still there is no dosing regimen standardized. In fact, the proper dosing of insulin for a diabetic IS IN FACT COMPLETELY ANECDOTAL, and per individual. It is ever changing with unknown causes for fluctuation. It is DEMAND BASED. The point is, testosterone counts in blood serum are simply TT available for SHBG action to bind them(or allow free) for use upon the body's physical demand. This does give us a leg up on a diabetic even, as we will not go into a coma if the levels are too high. In fact, SHBG will simply downregulate in action to mitigate the excess, AND ALL STILL INCALCULABLE. It shows as downregulated, however, realistically more heavily used thus realizing the lower count.

Simply put, the acknowledgement of a TT serum count of 250 as low, or 1200 as high, is INSANITY. This number makes no indication as to how MANY testosterone molecules the body is processing per hour/day/whatever, and ONLY shows what is currently available in the blood. Which further means NOTHING as we have an AVG 47 billionths of a gram curculating at any one time, that is further metabolized ON A DIME/INSTANTLY. And the further question is metabolized into what? We wont even go there for now, because the general focus on the MASTER HORMONE, Testosterone, will suffice and can be relatively modeled down the road.

Life is a Zero Zum Game. Your boys are no different. We start out at 13yrs old with a big sack blazin with only DHT levels realized to throttle by. In this beginning Andrgens must be the primary HPTA regulator/bottleneck. So as we age the fight soon becomes the quest to keep hormones in healthy balance, and thus deay the end road, level zero. Fat accumulation & Sedentism soon cause estrogens to generate excessively thus beginning the fork in the road to the end, as they cut off TT production in efforts to stave off the damage from the excess E's, all along Androgen demands are now becomming unsatisfied. Sedentism leads to further E's, even lower A's, which in turn provide further fuel to sit on ones arse while sitting around gobbling emotional BonBons. A vicious cycle INDEED....

The question that continues to emerge, "Is Testosterone Burned?" can be simply answered as, "of course it is". The correct wording would be more like metabolized.

1) Do you think a 300lb professional BB uses the same amount of TT as a 200lb BB? Of course not. If you extracted all the hormones from each of their muscle cellular and blood structures, you would have a much bigger pile sitting next to the 300lb corpse.[:eek:)] Consider this would occur at any singular moment. So lets do the math and based on that 47 Billionths of a gram circulating that is metabolized basically on an instant.:
- .00000000047grams per second /x 60 seconds = .
.0000000282 grams metobolized per minute/x 60 mins =
.000001692 grams per hour =/x24 hours =
.000040608 grams per day total Testosterone metabolized in a day =
.000285 grams metabolized total PER WEEK...........

***These numbers are avg and dont even consider the different size bodies.
*** That calculation was based on the ENTIRE TT volume present in blood at any time COMPETELY METABOLIZED in (1) Second ( thats a pretty short half-life)
*** So just because your blood serum count was 250ng/DL(ng=1 billionth of a gram & DL is "Deciliter" or 1/10th of a liter). There are AVERAGE, again not specifying body mass totals, 5 liters of b lood in the body, OR 50 Deciliters. So again 50x.1 billionth of a gram is 50 billionths of a gram total circulating at any serum count measurement. Even processing that entire load in one second only uses about .00005 grams a day!! No, thats not half a gram. Its half, of a half, of a half, of a half of a gram. And I might have missed one on that last calculation. AND YOU PIN HOW MUCH TESTOSTERONE FOR TRT????!!!!!!! At that rate you have used a sum total of (7 x .00005) = .00035 grams at the end of a week... Not even close to half a gram right? That was based on the whole blood load being "burned" in 1 second. Well lets say its more instantaneous than that. Go another step to 1/60 of a second per entire blood load burned and you are starting to get warm. Thats would be all the TT in your blood stream, used up in 1/60th of a second, and still you only burned .018 (or ~ 3%) of a gram in a week.!!
*** You may have just pinned 125.00mgs or .125 grams for the weeks supply applied exogenously. The above weekly figure has another zero in front of it, and that is considering a total metabolism rate of a 1/60th of a second FULL METABOLISM LIFESPAN for testosterone in circulation. Even after all that math, and consideration of a pretty damn fast burn rate, THATS STILL 10 TIMES the biologically required amount. Does anyone here know the true rate of free testosterone metabolism as demanded? Surely the data is out there. One could only determine this with baseline serum samples taken and then applying FREE testosterone to the body with interval sampling/counts taken. And given that true and pure demand is present with no binding factors present. So here we are presented with a more impractical scenario to qauntify in real life, as compare to diabetic/insulin application. And they cant even standardize that one.

So whats a little extra Syn T (Cyp) gonna do? Considering esters, bonding, fat solubility, inventory shrinkage like bound and pissed out, perhaps the dose will work, but I have digressed from the point, AT WHAT COST? Come to think of it. Have you ever read the physicians prescibing info. It does not say anything about percentages metabolized(or not),excretion paths(urine, feces) of both unmetabolized and metabolized. Why could that be? Your guess is getting better now, hopefully.....:popcorn:

As a youngster in this field, I used to think society would never realize the mainstream prescribing of testosterone simply due to social reasons AT A MINIMUM. After all, testosterone is indeed male reproductive control, the same as estrogen for a woman. However this is denied due to the prehistoric notions that testosterone would then be too widely accepted, and then become an option for anyone, including criminals. Our society is well controlled on levels. FEAR is the only thing that can produce the closest effect of absolute control. Thats scary. We are so bent on population control that we poison our women with hormones equally or more harmful, yet FEAR of folks with no fear has outweigher the option for testosterone as birth control. THE TRUTH IS that it would only have the desired androgenic supraphysiological effects in those young enough to still lack the body fat and both possess the physiological demand factors (muscle content, etc). So still the considerable risk is there when considering that most crime is committed by young individuals with high testosterone levels. But, wait a minute you say? You just said TT counts dont mean shit. No, I said they dont mean shit unless you qualify a time period as it relates to the physical specifics. Perhaps high TT counts in prison populations is not indicative of high androgen levels. Maybe that stat is derived from the fact that these individuals converted a lot of TT to androgens while on the streets, and now that they are lock up with lessened androgen demand, there is now excess TT present. Could it be? There sure ain no body fat there to turn TT to estrogen. It has to be. They are in fact as dangerous and fully loaded with ANDROGEN BURNING CAPABILITY as ever, THEY ARE JUST NOT USING IT AT THE SAME RATE AS WHEN ON THE LOOSE. Considering those factors it would be amazing the body could even rev production down that far. This also proves there must be a factor unknown in the excretion of deactivated/unutilized TT. Take a two year BB out of the gym for to months and what do you have? My guess would be TT levels around 1000, and up from the 700 they were at while working out naturally. You would also find SHBG at rock botton as it is all being utilized for TT control/binding. Thats Right. I see James23 posting a quibble about SHBG as it relates to HRT success. Again what I am proposing is the magic factor missed is DEMAND. You are correct, just looking from the wrong side. THE WHOLE REASON SHBG IS LOW IN THE FIRST PLACE IS BECAUSE THE BODY IS SPENDING IT ALL TRYING TO LIMIT TT METABOLIZATION, and usually due to effects to prevent further Estrogen conversion.!!!!! A valuable point made here in the last couple of sentences is this. Taking a "blood level role call" is FAR from an indication of a failure or lack thereof, it should be considered as a reflection of application success, or the fact that plenty is being produced, it is just all in action and no longer measurable in the sense we are looking for it. THIS IS ALSO A MAJOR DOWNFALL OF MODERN MEDICINE. Medicine today looks at the forrest, it also looks at the trees, but what it still fails to do qualify or quantify that trees CHANGE with seasons, and therefore can no longer be accounted for in their natural sense. While science DOES understand this, Medicine does not, or even attempt to apply it due to the cost assocaited with attempted applilcation at our current understanding. So whats all this crap about. Blood Serum Count TT levels mean JACK SHIT...

Given that we does 10 times the required amount of T for TRT. OR 30, 50, or even 100 times for BB purposes, and considering esters, SHBG, and real biological demands. You think appplication might be important? I thought so. But another real question is does excess dosing harmlessly leave the body unmetabolized, or does it store to body fat AND I MEAN LONG TERM. SO long, that esterase enzymes forgot where the DEPOT utimately wound up. Thus creating complicating factors like excess estrogens, unmerited symptoms/side effects well post application, PCT Failures (or would PCT even EVER be necessary if this were not possible?). It is commonly thought that testosterone cypionate, in a depot injection, can not wind up elsewhere in the body. I would propose this notion false. You dont think fat and oil surge through your entire circulatory system? You dont think Fat gets deposited around the body? Think again. Wait, this testosterone in this oil with an ester attached to it cant get in the blood and survive still esterfied...!?!?! Why not, it requires an esterase enzyme to provide for the removal of the Cypionate ester. The body can only make so many of them at a time. Do you really belive that at least 20% of a depot injection does not go into the blood upon IM Injection? Why not, If you injected the oil alone, 100% of it would be in the blood by midnight!! Again, I return to the incredible value of PROPER APPLICATION ( site variance and correct dosage per location muscle mass pricipled and with the depot going as much to central muscle only with no leakage to surrounding non-muscle tissue. The fact that any of this is discounted is absurd. I digress again.

Back to the premise. So why, if testosterone is so potentially harmful in the ongoing medically recognized "Low T" epidemic, is TRT being promoted. $imple. Look at the drugs adverti$ed on TV today. And they flat out tell you the may kill your ass, and possibly fast! Many are not even drugs of necessity. They are Psych meds and birth control, etc. Go figure. They both serve societ on many levels, and the intended principle has the most common demand/need. These are roman times indeed. Low T has now made television mainstream. The only difference is it wont kill you for 40 years. The others will possibly maime you in 2 years. Why so long? POWER, CONTROL, FEAR.

You want proof testosterone is a total crap shoot most likely serving nothing more than a platform for excess Estrogen levels outweighing any possible positive androgen effects. Look at DHEA. What is it stated to metabolize mostly into with regard to males? Estrogen. This is because the demand is there, and probably 5-10 times moreso that the demand for androgens in a mid-forties male who is overweight and has not see action of any kind for 10 or 20 years. How do they measure that increase in estrogen? Blood Serum Counts. This is a snapshot in time reflecting the now higher Estrogen levels operational withing the body as these naturally suppressed demands are now met again. What happens with DHEA after a little while of application. Serum counts return to NORMAL. Why? DHEA is not esterfied testosterone. It has an instantaneous metabolism rate as well. Once demands are being met by DHEA Supplementation, excess metabolism of DHEA to Estrogens (or whatever) cease,. Status quo is now achieved in lieu of the brain's attemp to lower TT thus preventing high estrogen. Remember how fast TT metabolizes, now figure the rate of the metabolites (androgens & Estrogens). With continued application of DHEA, as time normalizes, there is nothing left to see. Excess exogenous DHEA is harmlessly removed. And I'll be you can find data on metabolism/excretion paths of DHEA more readily than testosterone. The hormone is further removed as a parent molecule, there are no esters involved, and its an oral path straight in. Whats left to see. However, I am betting in the end, and for the mid forties LowT patient, the result is EXCESSIVE Estrogen demands now well satisfied, and who is the wiser. After all, in the Low T patient, the bottleneck is estrogen, not androgens. Further, in the middle aged male, not only are androgens capped by the limiting of TT production, the human condition has now rendered the male less in demand for androgens, than his fat gut is for estrogens. So there is no adrogen demain. This is the result cirlce of doom impending to day Zero that is so hard to fight. So you have arrived at a fat, worthless age of 45 with estrogen demands unmet, with the brain limiting TT production, which has now resulted in no need for androgens. At least no more than the brains currently allowed TT production have resulted in. Estrogen is so powerful, it just converted you to a woman, and by preponderance of demand and supercedence of influence. In efforts to protect its self, the body has not rendered its self with less mucsle, more fat, and even HIGHER estrogen demands. Are you seeing the viscousness of this circle yet. Imagine an exponential curve not unlike population curves. The line when one moves toward death occures SUDDENLY & QUICKLY. Ever seen an old dog neutered at an old age.? And how long he lasts after that? So both sides of this curve are moving in deadly directions. How far are you along? Ever wonder why guys that live forever do. Next imagine that the day you incurred changes and when it was. How much damage did it do at that time? And how much further did it put you to the next level of further expedited destruction?

What kind of balancing act does it take to benefit for exogenous TT.? The reduction of Estrogen demand factors and the increase of Androgen demand factors all at once? Thats a SLOW proposition depending on where you are. Add just enough testosterone to fuel new androgen demands now created, yet you still have to convince your body not to steal this minimal amount for the estrogen production the brain has been applying the reigns to for so long now. Hmmm.

The real truth about HRT is that TRT is a poor solution for the majority of men with ANDROGEN DEFICIENCY. The Doc measured serum counts of 250ng/dl?? Your tesicles a bit small and squishy? Of course they are. Thats what happens when your brain shuts them down. There is NOTHING WRONG except for the fact that you are a sedentary sloth looking again for instant gratification. The body did what it is supposed to. And could return to days of past just the same, given the proper environment, stimulus, and demands.

The real fix for HRT / LOW T patients is clearly straight up ANDROGENS, and with healthy diet and excercise with be a road back to days of youth 10 times faster than TRT. I remember when hormones would turn to androgens for me. When I had the body with the natural demand in place to stimulate the metabolism of testosterone into adrogens. Androgens are EMPOWERING. They make you feel like STEEL and BULLET PROOF. Your scalp with tingle with hair loss occurring, and your heart will ache with physical pain in excessive doses. BP is off the charts, and yet your cock gets hard enogh to cut diamonds, and often! This is the picture of a steroid abuser exceeding healthy androgen doses. Scale that back and remember your healthy youth. Will society ever see the legalization of Androgens. HELL NO. Is it the optimal road to restoring youth? Probably with proper application which would prove impossible to anyone encourgeable. This is the definition of Steroids as they related to BB. This is the definition of FEAR of those not on board. This is the pandora's box truely of Roman Times. But hey guys, Testosterone is now widely accepted by those that make $$ from it. Enjoy your slow death and feed those pockets. But dont feel bad. We all do it with many products out there and on all sorts of levels. Its nothing new. The delay was the fact that its a GATEWAY We are at the end now you see as this empire now services all and produces nothing. Time to take some profit and float down to hell on out Golden Parachutes, Huh. The Only problem is there will never be enough money to keep you COOL. Because that,,,,, IS FREE.....
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Sorry in advance, You may have to print this one....

I said HRT, not TRT...

So short of a set of testicles not working, should TRT even be practiced? I did say "not working", and I assume that 95% of middle age "Low T" cases are not testicular failure. In fact, the testicles are working fine and doing exactly what the brain told them to do. Lower production.

Consider that "male menopause" is possibly indeed the body's response to circulating Estrogens as a bottle neck to T production. Some have referred to DHEA as a "Master Hormone" with unknown futures/derivatives. But in fact testosterone is exactly that as well, only a step or two up down the chain to Male Mecca. The real world application of testosterone is absolutely as ineffective for Male Menopause. It has to be. Horseshoes, hand granades, and blind dart throwing is STILL ALL IT IS. So why should it be considered at all? It should not, at least for the general condition of Low T that is being recognized so acceptably today. Something everyone seems to omit is the fact that men are suffering from LOW ANDROGENS, NOT Low T. I believe I have even heard TRT referred to as "Androgen Therapy". Be certain that in many cases it is the furthest from that. While you have now circumvented the body's directive to lower TT supplies, and now have access to excess TT for androgen production (that is if you still have to means/demand to create them), you have also opened up the flood gates to produce the estrogens that your body was trying to prevent in the first place. Yes we are again heading back to that place that the only real solution is health and balance:(. And yes, while steroid users of days past were very primitive in their knowledge of the working concepts of hormone application, they always knew to make the blind statement that testosterone as a steroid is worthless in a body with fat concentrations to excess levels. Funny how anecdote and experience supercede the informative knowledge clould we falsely float on these days. Aint it:rolleyes:.

Testosterone is the perfect example that debunks itselt as worthless every time. ProoF:
1) Testosterone as a steroid/BB application, only works in those younger and already fit.
2) More times than not, you will only hear TRT patients complaining that Testosterone Supplementation has only harmed their sex like if anything, and most of the time looking to tie in other bullshit (ai's, hcg, etc..) to save the process.
3) So many older guys like me only realize minimal physical response short of megadosing. And then still the E's produced outweight the benefits derived, if not physically neutralize them.

Technically, the measurement of Blood Serum Counts for TT, E2, etc..., are merely SNAPSHOTS of current conditions indicating physical activity that could be 100% correct, or 100% incorrect, and must be further QUALIFIED. Take the condition of Diabetes for example. This has been seriously acknkowledged by the medical community for decades and yet still there is no dosing regimen standardized. In fact, the proper dosing of insulin for a diabetic IS IN FACT COMPLETELY ANECDOTAL, and per individual. It is ever changing with unknown causes for fluctuation. It is DEMAND BASED. The point is, testosterone counts in blood serum are simply TT available for SHBG action to free them for use upon the body's physical demand. This does give us a leg up on a diabetic even, as we will not go into a coma if the levels are too high. In fact, SHBG will simply downregulate in action to mitigate the excess, AND ALL STILL INCALCULABLE.

Simply put, the acknowledgement of a TT serum count of 250 as low, or 1200 as high, is INSANITY. This number makes no indication as to how MANY testosterone molecules the body is processing per hour/day/whatever, and ONLY shows what is currently available in the blood. Which further means NOTHING as we have an AVG 47 billionths of a gram curculating at any one time, that is further metabolized ON A DIME/INSTANTLY. And the further question is metabolized into what? We wont even go there for now, because the general focus on the MASTER HORMONE, Testosterone, will suffice and can be relatively modeled down the road.

Life is a Zero Zum Game. Your boys are no different. We start out at 13yrs old with a big sack blazin with only DHT levels realized to throttle by. In this beginning Andrgens must be the primary HPTA regulator/bottleneck. So as we age the fight soon becomes the quest to keep hormones in healthy balance, and thus deay the end road, level zero. Fat accumulation & Sedentism soon cause estrogens to generate excessively thus beginning the fork in the road to the end, as they cut off TT production in efforts to stave off the damage from the excess E's, all along Androgen demands are now becomming unsatisfied. Sedentism leads to further E's, even lower A's, which in turn provide further fuel to sit on ones arse while sitting around gobbling emotional BonBons. A vicious cycle INDEED....

The question that continues to emerge, "Is Testosterone Burned?" can be simply answered as, "of course it is". The correct wording would be more like metabolized.

1) Do you think a 300lb professional BB uses the same amount of TT as a 200lb BB? Of course not. If you extracted all the hormones from each of their muscle cellular and blood structures, you would have a much bigger pile sitting next to the 300lb corpse.[:eek:)] Consider this would occur at any singular moment. So lets do the math and based on that 47 Billionths of a gram circulating that is metabolized basically on an instant.:
- .00000000047grams per second /x 60 seconds = .
.0000000282 grams metobolized per minute/x 60 mins =
.000001692 grams per hour =/x24 hours =
.000040608 grams per day total Testosterone metabolized in a day =
.000285 grams metabolized total PER WEEK...........

***These numbers are avg and dont even consider the different size bodies.
*** That calculation was based on the ENTIRE TT volume present in blood at any time COMPETELY METABOLIZED in (1) Second ( thats a pretty short half-life)
*** So just because your blood serum count was 250ng/DL(ng=1 billionth of a gram & DL is "Deciliter" or 1/10th of a liter). There are AVERAGE, again not specifying body mass totals, 5 liters of b lood in the body, OR 50 Deciliters. So again 50x.1 billionth of a gram is 50 billionths of a gram total circulating at any serum count measurement. Even processing that entire load in one second only uses about .00005 grams a day!! No, thats not half a gram. Its half, of a half, of a half, of a half of a gram. And I might have missed one on that last calculation. AND YOU PIN HOW MUCH TESTOSTERONE FOR TRT????!!!!!!! At that rate you have used a sum total of (7 x .00005) = .00035 grams at the end of a week... Not even close to half a gram right? That was based on the whole blood load being "burned" in 1 second. Well lets say its more instantaneous than that. Go another step to 1/60 of a second per entire blood load burned and you are starting to get warm. Thats would be all the TT in your blood stream, used up in 1/60th of a second, and still you only burned .018 (or ~ 3%) of a gram in a week.!!
*** You may have just pinned 125.00mgs or .125 grams for the weeks supply applied exogenously. The above weekly figure has another zero in front of it, and that is considering a total metabolism rate of a 1/60th of a second FULL METABOLISM LIFESPAN for testosterone in circulation. Even after all that math, and consideration of a pretty damn fast burn rate, THATS STILL 10 TIMES the biologically required amount. Does anyone here know the true rate of free testosterone metabolism as demanded? Surely the data is out there. One could only determine this with baseline serum samples taken and then applying FREE testosterone to the body with interval sampling/counts taken. And given that true and pure demand is present with no binding factors present. So here we are presented with a more impractical scenario to qauntify in real life, as compare to diabetic/insulin application. And they cant even standardize that one.

So whats a little extra Syn T (Cyp) gonna do? Considering esters, bonding, fat solubility, inventory shrinkage like bound and pissed out, perhaps the dose will work, but I have digressed from the point, AT WHAT COST? Come to think of it. Have you ever read the physicians prescibing info. It does not say anything about percentages metabolized(or not),excretion paths(urine, feces) of both unmetabolized and metabolized. Why could that be? Your guess is getting better now, hopefully.....:popcorn:

As a youngster in this field, I used to think society would never realize the mainstream prescribing of testosterone simply due to social reasons AT A MINIMUM. After all, testosterone is indeed male reproductive control, the same as estrogen for a woman. However this is denied due to the prehistoric notions that testosterone would then be too widely accepted, and then become an option for anyone, including criminals. Our society is well controlled on levels. FEAR is the only thing that can produce the closest effect of absolute control. Thats scary. We are so bent on population control that we poison our women with hormones equally or more harmful, yet FEAR of folks with no fear has outweigher the option for testosterone as birth control. THE TRUTH IS that it would only have the desired androgenic supraphysiological effects in those young enough to still lack the body fat and both possess the physiological demand factors (muscle content, etc). So still the considerable risk is there when considering that most crime is committed by young individuals with high testosterone levels. But, wait a minute you say? You just said TT counts dont mean shit. No, I said they dont mean shit unless you qualify a time period as it relates to the physical specifics. Perhaps high TT counts in prison populations is not indicative of high androgen levels. Maybe that stat is derived from the fact that these individuals converted a lot of TT to androgens while on the streets, and now that they are lock up with lessened androgen demand, there is now excess TT present. Could it be? There sure ain no body fat there to turn TT to estrogen. It has to be. They are in fact as dangerous and fully loaded with ANDROGEN BURNING CAPABILITY as ever, THEY ARE JUST NOT USING IT AT THE SAME RATE AS WHEN ON THE LOOSE. Considering those factors it would be amazing the body could even rev production down that far. This also proves there must be a factor unknown in the excretion of deactivated/unutilized TT. Take a two year BB out of the gym for to months and what do you have? My guess would be TT levels around 1000, and up from the 700 they were at while working out naturally. You would also find SHBG at rock botton as it is all being utilized for TT control/binding. Thats Right. I see James23 posting a quibble about SHBG as it relates to HRT success. Again what I am proposing is the magic factor missed is DEMAND. You are correct, just looking from the wrong side. THE WHOLE REASON SHBG IS LOW IN THE FIRST PLACE IS BECAUSE THE BODY IS SPENDING IT ALL TRYING TO LIMIT TT METABOLIZATION, and usually due to effects to prevent further Estrogen conversion.!!!!! A valuable point made here in the last couple of sentences is this. Taking a "blood level role call" is FAR from an indication of a failure or lack thereof, it should be considered as a reflection of application success, or the fact that plenty is being produced, it is just all in action and no longer measurable in the sense we are looking for it. THIS IS ALSO A MAJOR DOWNFALL OF MODERN MEDICINE. Medicine today looks at the forrest, it also looks at the trees, but what it still fails to do qualify or quantify that trees CHANGE with seasons, and therefore can no longer be accounted for in their natural sense. While science DOES understand this, Medicine does not, or even attempt to apply it due to the cost assocaited with attempted applilcation at our current understanding. So whats all this crap about. Blood Serum Count TT levels mean JACK SHIT...

Given that we does 10 times the required amount of T for TRT. OR 30, 50, or even 100 times for BB purposes, and considering esters, SHBG, and real biological demands. You think appplication might be important? I thought so. But another real question is does excess dosing harmlessly leave the body unmetabolized, or does it store to body fat AND I MEAN LONG TERM. SO long, that esterase enzymes forgot where the DEPOT utimately wound up. Thus creating complicating factors like excess estrogens, unmerited symptoms/side effects well post application, PCT Failures (or would PCT even EVER be necessary if this were not possible?). It is commonly thought that testosterone cypionate, in a depot injection, can not wind up elsewhere in the body. I would propose this notion false. You dont think fat and oil surge through your entire circulatory system? You dont think Fat gets deposited around the body? Think again. Wait, this testosterone in this oil with an ester attached to it cant get in the blood and survive still esterfied...!?!?! Why not, it requires an esterase enzyme to provide for the removal of the Cypionate ester. The body can only make so many of them at a time. Do you really belive that at least 20% of a depot injection does not go into the blood upon IM Injection? Why not, If you injected the oil alone, 100% of it would be in the blood by midnight!! Again, I return to the incredible value of PROPER APPLICATION ( site variance and correct dosage per location muscle mass pricipled and with the depot going as much to central muscle only with no leakage to surrounding non-muscle tissue. The fact that any of this is discounted is absurd. I digress again.

Back to the premise. So why, if testosterone is so potentially harmful in the ongoing medically recognized "Low T" epidemic, is TRT being promoted. $imple. Look at the drugs adverti$ed on TV today. And they flat out tell you the may kill your ass, and possibly fast! Many are not even drugs of necessity. They are Psych meds and birth control, etc. Go figure. They both serve societ on many levels, and the intended principle has the most common demand/need. These are roman times indeed. Low T has now made television mainstream. The only difference is it wont kill you for 40 years. The others will possibly maime you in 2 years. Why so long? POWER, CONTROL, FEAR.

You want proof testosterone is a total crap shoot most likely serving nothing more than a platform for excess Estrogen levels outweighing any possible positive androgen effects. Look at DHEA. What is it stated to metabolize mostly into with regard to males? Estrogen. This is because the demand is there, and probably 5-10 times moreso that the demand for androgens in a mid-forties male who is overweight and has not see action of any kind for 10 or 20 years. How do they measure that increase in estrogen? Blood Serum Counts. This is a snapshot in time reflecting the now higher Estrogen levels operational withing the body as these naturally suppressed demands are now met again. What happens with DHEA after a little while of application. Serum counts return to NORMAL. Why? DHEA is not esterfied testosterone. It has an instantaneous metabolism rate as well. Once demands are being met by DHEA Supplementation, excess metabolism of DHEA to Estrogens (or whatever) cease,. Status quo is now achieved in lieu of the brain's attemp to lower TT thus preventing high estrogen. Remember how fast TT metabolizes, now figure the rate of the metabolites (androgens & Estrogens). With continued application of DHEA, as time normalizes, there is nothing left to see. Excess exogenous DHEA is harmlessly removed. And I'll be you can find data on metabolism/excretion paths of DHEA more readily than testosterone. The hormone is further removed as a parent molecule, there are no esters involved, and its an oral path straight in. Whats left to see. However, I am betting in the end, and for the mid forties LowT patient, the result is EXCESSIVE Estrogen demands now well satisfied, and who is the wiser. After all, in the Low T patient, the bottleneck is estrogen, not androgens. Further, in the middle aged male, not only are androgens capped by the limiting of TT production, the human condition has now rendered the male less in demand for androgens, than his fat gut is for estrogens. So there is no adrogen demain. This is the result cirlce of doom impending to day Zero that is so hard to fight. So you have arrived at a fat, worthless age of 45 with estrogen demands unmet, with the brain limiting TT production, which has now resulted in no need for androgens. At least no more than the brains currently allowed TT production have resulted in. Estrogen is so powerful, it just converted you to a woman, and by preponderance of demand and supercedence of influence. In efforts to protect its self, the body has not rendered its self with less mucsle, more fat, and even HIGHER estrogen demands. Are you seeing the viscousness of this circle yet. Imagine an exponential curve not unlike population curves. The line when one moves toward death occures SUDDENLY & QUICKLY. Ever seen an old dog neutered at an old age.? And how long he lasts after that? So both sides of this curve are moving in deadly directions. How far are you along? Ever wonder why guys that live forever do. Next imagine that the day you incurred changes and when it was. How much damage did it do at that time? And how much further did it put you to the next level of further expedited destruction?

What kind of balancing act does it take to benefit for exogenous TT.? The reduction of Estrogen demand factors and the increase of Androgen demand factors all at once? Thats a SLOW proposition depending on where you are. Add just enough testosterone to fuel new androgen demands now created, yet you still have to convince your body not to steal this minimal amount for the estrogen production the brain has been applying the reigns to for so long now. Hmmm.

The real truth about HRT is that TRT is a poor solution for the majority of men with ANDROGEN DEFICIENCY. The Doc measured serum counts of 250ng/dl?? Your tesicles a bit small and squishy? Of course they are. Thats what happens when your brain shuts them down. There is NOTHING WRONG except for the fact that you are a sedentary sloth looking again for instant gratification. The body did what it is supposed to. And could return to days of past just the same, given the proper environment, stimulus, and demands.

The real fix for HRT / LOW T patients is clearly straight up ANDROGENS, and with healthy diet and excercise with be a road back to days of youth 10 times faster than TRT. I remember when hormones would turn to androgens for me. When I had the body with the natural demand in place to stimulate the metabolism of testosterone into adrogens. Androgens are EMPOWERING. They make you feel like STEEL and BULLET PROOF. Your scalp with tingle with hair loss occurring, and your heart will ache with physical pain in excessive doses. BP is off the charts, and yet your cock gets hard enogh to cut diamonds, and often! This is the picture of a steroid abuser exceeding healthy androgen doses. Scale that back and remember your healthy youth. Will society ever see the legalization of Androgens. HELL NO. Is it the optimal road to restoring youth? Probably with proper application which would prove impossible to anyone encourgeable. This is the definition of Steroids as they related to BB. This is the definition of FEAR of those not on board. This is the pandora's box truely of Roman Times. But hey guys, Testosterone is now widely accepted by those that make $$ from it. Enjoy your slow death and feed those pockets. But dont feel bad. We all do it with many products out there and on all sorts of levels. Its nothing new. The delay was the fact that its a GATEWAY We are at the end now you see as this empire now services all and produces nothing. Time to take some profit and float down to hell on out Golden Parachutes, Huh. The Only problem is there will never be enough money to keep you COOL. Because that,,,,, IS FREE.....

wish i could put a wire in my ear and download it.
probable didnt have to quote you either. its rather lenghty.
Please note slight mathmatical errors with decimals and lack there of explaination of higher ranges beyond 250ng/dL blood count levels. But also keep in mind that actual metabolism rate IS undocumented due to incalculable factors. You get the point so save that agrument please.