Early Tangent / *** Epiphany Alert *** (
and the context of the post will connote to this)...
I circled back for this one....
I have harped for years the useless value of serum counts short of Long or extremely SHORT interval testing. But I Ponder the following...:
(1) Has the premise of blood testing for serums as
ARTERIAL vs. VEIN been considered or tried...?
(2) Has location of Blood draw been considered. For example(
as vein only)...:
(a) Left arm vs right arm?
(b) Ankle vs. upper arm?
(c) Arm most out of path vs. a deeper vein more in path to organ considered.?
** Is there an "IN/OUT Factor...?! WHAT IS the "Safe Margin" of available Supply?!" Are there blood components of this nature intended to last "several passes", and to WHAT DEGREE of WHAT??
Yes- You heard it here FIRST @ MESO (I'm all out of Emoticons - Sad face here../ after the Grin...)
- But the POINT being a PARADIGM SHIFT as not necessarily pertaining to the HEART as the principle measured, but now focusing on the organ (testicles or pituitary) as the prime directive with reference to BLOOD FLOW -
It would ration that ALL tissue has a technical "IN OR OUT FACTOR" - even tissue receptors... THE POINT BEING That while you can not isolate this at the point of a skin receptor per say, YOU CAN at the testicles or even easier - the brain..
OR if for the sake of experiment and the accounting of TESTOSTERONE - and say if a subject were to buildup the muscular components of the RIGHT ARM alone for 10 years, and even DIMINISH the left are INTENTIONALLY - What would the testosterone count look like on the IN & OUT. The lungs are not the ONLY ORGAN that does it. They are just "Organs"... And really the same..
** Beause it occurs to me that a blood draw
from a vein at the neck AND VERSES a blood draw
from an Artery at the neck would quickly prove the POSSIBILITY of a Variance in actual
supply / usage as metabolism actual related to LH (for example). In turn we have effectively placed my hypothetical Spigot on the brain to capture a measurement of production via an Effective Mathematical Accounting....:
(1) This would quickly prove whether the body is producing very little LH and simply NOT being used at the testicles (
in vs. out ='s Same)
(2) It proves if the body is producing a shitpile of LH and not being used EFFECTIVELY. (
Small in/returned vs. Large amounts out ='s Healthy & Verile or Mystery)
( * the real mythological beast being a bunch of LH being metabolized at the testicles (or somewhere), but no testosterone produced in presentation of symptoms).. OR EVEN Healthy Testosterone production by Physical presentation of Testicles by No Receptor performance around the body (Nightmare to medical science NOT diagnosable short of DIVINE INTERVENTION).
(3) It proves conditions like a good deal being returned and a good deal being produced too (status healthy Quo in say 4.5 vs. a potential 9.5 OUT

!!) -
(4) It proves
HOW MUCH is coming out of the brain, and in order to determine PRECISELY
HOW MUCH is being uptaked by receptors in the Testicles.
(a) Does LH EVEN metabolize to some structure no longer identified as "LH" or does it REMAIN LH just with "No Punch"?!?!? What are we measuring? Does LH get ELIMINATED
and by what organ and as what component structure?
(5) You could then develop a pretty precise way to correlate testosterone metabolism with relation to Ng/dl VS. However LH is accounted. At least developing models of "more precise possibility"..
(6) You could develop "working known GENETIC Predisposed NORMS" of HEALTHY LH Turnover. As "in vs. out" which MAY INDEED generate a Precise Number EVEN which applies to all ages as "healthy active", or at least a Percentage spread for age related accountability as "healthy"..
(7) NONE-THE-LESS - - -
You could WITH CERTAINTY determine whether LH is being PRODUCED and HOW MUCH / OR / WHETHER
little is being produced and just same is recirculating thus determining whether the testicles REQUIRE LH and @ what rate.
(8) While this still DOES NOT determine whether LH is required for the SAKE OF REAL TESTOSTERONE DEMAND/USAGE at receptors systemic - it would allow for statistical "RANGES" for populous profile segments further QUALIFYING by factors like "Testosterone Stress Testing" which review PHYSICAL CRITERIA on a matrix of (a)Treadmill, strength test, and Vs. (b) BMI, & (c) diet.
But the one thing it WOULD TELL beyond a doubt is WHAT AMOUNT OF LH THE BRAIN IS PRODUCING. The
WHY, still being subjective - just not as much..
(10) OR - Is LH also being uptaked by the body in places other than the testicles?? Could this even potentially prove this? And could this be a VIABLE REASON for a shortage of LH at the testicles as some sort of whacked out CONCOMITANT CONDITION ONGOING which is hindering, OR EVEN REGULATING LH to a desired amount received at the testicles and by another unknown physical "safety mechanism"...!
(11) This can help demonstrate notions as pertaining to "Casual Interactional Stimulus" - factors in the blod which TRIGGER but as INDIRECT or "on a skirt/pass" VS a testosterone molecule locking up with a Receptor To Generate an Estrogen.
(12) It might shed light on HOW MANY ESTROGENS Can a SINGLE Testosterone MAKE?? Does a testosterone involved with a receptor site which spins of an estrogen do this by the release of a CARBON BOND as "Aromatizing" , OR can testosterones simply coming into proximity with the dance of another two get trigger to MORPH IN BLOOD via "the site" of it alone??
(13) It might shed light as to HOW overall blood population INVOLVES and potentially INTERFERES with production and transference, AKA - do certain Estrogen profile PROHIBIT new LH from entering the blood based on "Cram Factor" alone (only so much on the elevator so to speak) or "is the blood too full of a certain component"??
Back on Track to my original thoughts....
I don't see it like that at all (as being an obstacle to widespread prescribing around the corner). I suspect its just another step as "prudent responsible care and caution". Protective LEGAL Cannon Fodder at best, but relative.... Just another POINT in the curve to market actualization & realization of the final outcome, which ='s T-Therapy for $ale /GIT-IT-WHIL-ITS-A-"HIT".
1. Pharma is in the business of making $$. Looks like a way to jack up COST to generate more REVENUE at best, and by true BU$INE$$ Intent.
2. While the medical science business is fully capable of noting the potential downfalls of exogenously dosing the masses with hormones, as they MUST BE Appeased... if Allowed be.....
3. Classically the "side effects" of TESTOSTERONE present NO HARM as "NO OVERDOSE DEATHS ARE RECORDED.." At least the HISTORY CLASSIC Available FORMS... (Still you can DENOTE you do NOT and WILL NEVER see a three-day ester in common medical use, and they would cite do to "application issues" - Right...)
4. The PRIME TRT Candidate
in the real world is STILL FORMALLY the middle aged couch potato who is IN FACT
the LAST person who should be given. And this is EVERYONE ='s
A good market...
5. The REAL TRT Candidate is the middle aged (
or any age for that matter as proof of mass paradigm failure) male who has
a REAL MEDICAL necessity for TRT, and based on
"SCience FICTION" And to ADMIT Brain failure WIDESPREAD would be to connote of a MASSIVE SOCIAL PROBLEM
6. The TECHNICAL two types of TRT Candidates being
brain or testicle failure Direct. The second of which (Type II/Brain) IMPOSSIBLE TO PROVE leaving the above #5 remaining.
**NOTE AS EXAMPLE** The TANGENT analogy being Sleep Apnea as Obstructive in throat OR CNS Related as pertaining to failed brain signalling... Which is logically DEBUNKED via consideration that IT IS THE BRAIN's Job to Hold the airway open - SO its the Brain ALWAYS/RIght?? (Chicken or Egg
) - And the ONLY WAY to TRULY further qualify being really expensive diagnostic and still SOMEONE has to DEFINE - what is the REASONABLE MINIMAL ACTIVITY a human brain should be required to elicit in order to to hold the airway open AND under WHAT Physical (throat) criteria?! ...... This ='s EXPENSE and (debunked by) that IT IS SUBJECTIVE and the FAILURE is to Preclude the BENEFIT of NOT taking the Expense - as someone will claim different... Without Fail.... Subjective ='s A BIG "MAGIC" WORD... Thus while the CHICKEN And EGG existing in REAL NATURE,
THE BLIND FACT is that there is no chicken as the brain is failing every time RIGHT??? But WRONG because the brain has to REST some time.
But the IN-Between BEING the accounting of the REST in between vs. holding that airway open. The HOW-TO, the EXPENSE in MEASURING
how much RESPONSIBILITY a person's brain must be burdened and
under WHAT conditions. Now weighing in variables like Daily stress/work load, hours of sleep, distractions, INTERVALS between, AGE, General and other health criteria - Like Testosterone Prescriptions/ Per say.... The latter being the MAGIC UNACCOUNTABLE, and an ENIGMA onto ITS SELF. E.G. "
testosterone supplementation MAY increase the likelihood of the occurrence of SLEEP APNEA" - BUT NO ONE SEEMS TO BE ABLE TO SAY HOW MUCH..!! And WHY??? See above again if you are asking... So the answer in the SLEEP APNEA Analogy is simply debunked by "does the subject when
PROPERLY RESTED FAIL to have an open airway..!?? Is there ANY amount of "SLEEPING BRAIN POWER" which will hold this particular throat open?!?? HOWEVER - It still all fails AGAIN, IF, Short of a fat man on the analysed end of the stick, as PERHAPS this persons brain is simply shutting down too deep or failing NOW during the NORMAL act of sleep to remember the throat...! But again all further convoluted by the potential DIAGNOSIS of an adult skinny man whose throat happens to have amassed TISSUE DEVELOPMENT over the years...!
FINALLY - NOW WAIT - Is deepening of the voice, or the DEVELOPMENT Of the LARYNX NOW the SOLE factor in determining SLEEP APNEA!!!!!!!!
? Is this the ONE SINGLE COMMON DENOMINATOR???? Is it a simple Catch-22 of our now LENGTHENED Life span where a deep powerful voice may have been required as early as possible to scare off a PROWLING LION, but now not necessary and combined with the same FACTORS which have exponentially increased our life spans with relation TO TIME.!!! Are we having to "genetically re-sissyfy" to live longer...?!
** And on a side note. As mathematical as the UNIVERSE seems to be the more I look. DOES medical science EVEN think in terms of MATH and NUMBERS. And would it behoove them if SO. Does medical science LOOK for COMMON DENOMINATORS.. More importantly - ARE THEY looking in the right Place. EVEN MORE importantly - DO THEY WANT TOO?/ - WHAT are the INCENTIVE$!?!?!?!?!?
Back on track...
7. So that leads back to #4 and the actual CAUSES of
Testicular Failure which are now precisely QUALIFIED as Physical Trauma by..:
Physical accident (car wreck, eg...),
Disease(by contagion or Genetic inclination/E.G - Nut killing virus or Testicular cancer), or
Unknown but confirmed Failure by physical diagnosis *This one including AAS shutdown (as Dr Scally is so aware), or just any UNCLEAR means that is rendering the testicles to be PEANUT SIZED WORTHLESS APPENDAGES worth little more than an APPENDIX, and in the presence of LH... This SINGLE PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTE Thus ENABLING
#5 above into the game...
** Hence we have the mystical - "must be brain error"... + Oh wait I forgot the "nutz look pretty good, but for SOME REASON they are not quite working right".. So the OPTIONS are LEFT Open..
** Say "do what?!?!??"... Considering there is simply no way to COUNT A TURNOVER RATE (in serum) of actual testosterones OR LH's.
As SERUM COUNTS only take a SNAPSHOT and DON'T DEPICT Production vs. Elimination.. The viability of BRAIN MALFUNCTION is extremely SUBJECTIVE (with reference to LH) short of an MRI of the pituitary gland and still short of a TUMOR or VISIBLE SIZE INADEQUACY/ABNORMALITY, there is no way to prove concisely that the pituitary is not supplying ample hormone signalling. And WHO KNOWS - IF - the brain/CNS is even potentially failing elsewhere APART from the testicle and other than the brain, and by a Cross-interaction UNKNOWN...
PERSONALLY - I see NO REASON to assume the pituitary has failed short of measurable serums reading in a BELOW 1.0 for LH. And when you consider that even a count of
in the vein or "on the way out" EYES OPEN NOW) which EQUALS ENOUGH..
*** Why would a FAT MAN on a couch with sedentary lifestyle, Depleting Muscular composition, and a controlled diet NEED testosterone?
- Obviously to DEPOSIT CALORIES TO FAT as NORMAL Transfer as "Set Point Current"..
- Obviously as NORMAL Muscle and tissue maintenance.
- Obviously as NORMAL Bone, Brain, and
ANY Tissue that Metabolizes Calories as Maintenance in normal cell transaction OR fuel for energy load incurred...!
So more to the point, why would a fat man, WHO WAS ALREADY FAT, need LH?? And when testosterone needs at muscles are limited in work and maintenance, as well as stable populous fat cells may be at its most limited profile possible (the "starving dieter dilemma")?
So WHY on this green earth would anyone believe that a middle aged DECLINING FAT MAN on the COUCH Require a lot of testosterone, or any more that MINIMAL LH for that matter..?!?! It would occur to me that a 40 year old male who can barely get off the couch to mow the lawn, and is fighting every day just to avoid the next PIG OUT session - WOULD BE PERFECTLY NORMAL as Testosterone 250ng/dl and an LH count of 2.5...... NORMAL !!!!!
I have stated that I suspect a HIGH testosterone Blood count to STILL MEAN Little to Limited METABOLISM as PERTAINING to the subject at REST vs. Work. And that High TT Serums only indicate POTENTIAL ACTUAL METABOLISM PRODUCTION
to be Incurred. Either as At Work OR High Fat Storage Period.
But an INDICATION of ACTIVITY in PROXIMATE TIME/ Conditions related.... Two examples of this Being a young stout muscle packed male going to work on a pile of rocks. And NOT Saying that serums would decline THAT NIGHT, but would SHOULD he decide to take a month on the couch (and significantly other than the fact that he would then store the same cals to fat once his body was conviced it was at rest, but still not sure what to do with the Learned caloric transfer rate. In fact, IT HAS LEARNED. It learned that there is some serious work to be done, and therefore MUST USE SIGNIFICANT TESTOSTERONE TO STORE UP FAT, as conditions would be EVEN WORSE - IF- there were no ON DEMAND ENERGY Source when all that work RESUMED. Thus making the FAT Truly the DYNAMIC PRINCIPLE in the short run. So now testosterone finally only sluffy off as YEARS of inactivity FINALLY convincing the body its not going back to work. The net result being LOGICALLY - its on the way to DEATH. Hence lowered TT levels at last. Age ='s EXPERIENCE...
More like TIME....
In conclusion - I would suspect that UNLESS there is some odd possibility of an ESTER REACTION causing the above listed "POME and anaphylaxis"(which IS Possible), AS the only thing holding big pharma back from making MORE $$ in testosterone sales. Else- It will be available soon to ANY man over 40 on TRT, as IF JUST ONE Qualifies - then WE ALL DO...!
And there is no "safer route" to a faster SUBVERSIVE route to death (as by testosterone ONLY denoted over a 20-40 year span (
virtually undetectable)/ and Perfect for societies need to rid itself of senior "worthless" citizens, it might debunk ALL Syn-T sales as acceptable. The WWF Should have a GREAT RETIREMENT PLAN - cause no one would get to use it...!

The one SOCIAL KEY being keeping it out of the hands of YOUNG Criminals that might actually be able to utilize it to become "SuperCrooks"... Cause God Knows - We cant use it well at all...
But you have to remember that society still NEEDS illness to TEST ON.. The REAL TRIAL will be when Medical Science ADMITTEDLY Proves fixes for conditions, and then which direction will the $money$ flow..!? And WHO's Interest will be involved...
This kinda kills its marketability.