The new guy, 37y


New Member
Hello guys,

I am 37 and new to the forum

Started roids at 34 for 1 year, had bad side effects couldnt pee, had kidney failure but recovered to nearly normal levels

Interested in hcg monotherapy and TRT+

95 kg, 16% bf

Also doing martial arts, so not after getting bigger any more

Ass me anything
Hello guys,

I am 37 and new to the forum

Started roids at 34 for 1 year, had bad side effects couldnt pee, had kidney failure but recovered to nearly normal levels

Interested in hcg monotherapy and TRT+

95 kg, 16% bf

Also doing martial arts, so not after getting bigger any more

Ass me anything
What were you doing to cause those sides? How much and what? Kidney failure and can't piss is a terrible result a year in.

I have to ass
What were you doing to cause those sides? How much and what? Kidney failure and can't piss is a terrible result a year in.

I have to ass
I also take psych med which made it hard to per for me in combination with gear. I cant explain why and dient care. It is my own fault