The Tren-shroom Chronicles: Expanded Universe Edition

Alright, forum fam, strap in for the director's cut of our low-dose odyssey!

So, I ran Tren E a while back, but I did it differently than most. I went with a super low dose, like 100mg a week. Why? I wanted the benefits without feeling like a sweaty, angry mess.​

Here's what happened:
My mind felt razor-sharp. I was focused and driven like never before.
Muscles? They were growing even when I looked at weights.
But here's the kicker - I didn't turn into a raging lunatic. No random aggression, no weird sexual urges. Just felt like a better version of myself

Chapter 1: The Micro-Tren Experiment Deluxe​

  • Dose: A conservative 100mg/week of Tren E (aka "Tren for Beginners")
  • Result: Mental drive sharper than a samurai sword, muscles popping like bubble wrap
  • Unexpected Perk: Clarity of mind that'd make a Zen master jealous
  • Plot twist: Didn't turn into a sweaty, paranoid, tranny-chasing maniac. Who knew?

Chapter 2: Mushroom Kingdom Adventures​

Now, this is where it gets interesting. During that Tren run, I also dabbled with some magic mushrooms. Not at the same time, mind you, but in the same period.
The combo was wild:
I felt connected to everything and everyone. Like, empathy through the roof.
Yeah, I was horny, but not in that crazy Tren way. More like, in love with life and my girlfriend.
My whole outlook on life changed. It was like seeing the world in HD for the first time.
  • Magic Ingredient: Psilocybin (because why not add some spiritual gainz?)
  • Side effects:
    • Empathy levels: Through the roof
    • Horniness: For life, love, and my girlfriend (sorry, Craigslist missed connections)
    • Worldview: Expanded faster than my chest on bench day
  • Bonus: Discovered the meaning of life (it's gains, obviously)

Chapter 3: The Homebrew Hustle - Tren Ace Edition​

Fast forward to now. I've gotten into homebrewing (yeah, I know, playing with fire), and I'm thinking of giving Tren another go. This time, it's Tren Ace in castor oil.
The plan:
Keep the dose low, just like before.
See if I can recreate that mental clarity and drive without the shrooms.
I'll be tracking everything - mood, body changes, the works.

  • New Quest: Brewing Tren Ace in castor oil (because I like my hormones like I like my coffee - homemade and potentially life-threatening)
  • Goal: Recreate the magic, minus the actual magic (mushrooms... for now)
  • Expected Results: All the mental clarity, none of the dragon-chasing hallucinations

Chapter 4: The Year-Long Enlightenment Afterglow​

The craziest part of my last Tren+Shroom adventure? The effects lasted for over a year. Not the full intensity, but the positive outlook stuck around.
What I learned:
The present moment is all we've got. Sounds cliché, but it hit different.
To make shit happen, you gotta take action now. No more waiting for the "perfect time".
  • Duration: Over 365 days of feeling like Aristotle on anabolics
  • Life Lessons:
    1. The present moment is all we've got (so make it swole)
    2. Grab life by the balls (gently, and with consent)
    3. Success is just a mindset away (and maybe a few CCs of Tren)

Coming Soon: Return of the Tren-Jedi - Ace in the Hole​

Stay tuned for the next installment of our hero's journey. Will the homebrew Tren Ace live up to its Enanthate predecessor? Will our protagonist resist the temptation to microdose shrooms with his morning pin? Will his girlfriend notice the difference between "life-horny" and "Tren-horny"?Key Takeaways:
  1. Low-dose Tren can be a game-changer (but still probably terrible for you)
  2. Mushrooms + Tren = Philosophical Gainz (results may vary, don't sue me)
  3. Homebrew at your own risk (seriously, have you seen what Tren can do to a carpet?)
  4. The best moment to seize life is now (preferably while on Tren)
Psilocybin is a very interesting substance on its own.....who knows where, the combination with tren, might lead to...only the sky it's the limit....

Anyway it's a very interesting tread, at least for me, I hope there are others with experiences to jump on...
Psilocybin is a very interesting substance on its own.....who knows where, the combination with tren, might lead to...only the sky it's the limit....

Anyway it's a very interesting tread, at least for me, I hope there are others with experiences to jump on...
Yes and my research has came to conclusion due to trens cortisol bluting effects, in combo of Psilocybins mind altering rewiring trauma reducing life improving qualities. It's a killer combo. High cortisol going into a trip = anxiety panic attacks and a bad trip. Low cortisol = nothing but the best. It truly seems to be one of the stronger benefits of tren as a whole if anything else isn't worth it. That cortisol one is.
Imma trying 200mg tren E to see where is a threshold where the side start coming in at full swing.

I'm not sensitive to Tren (as an idiot in the past I have run up to 700mg and except for the sweating I was ok) so my personal experience will not be really useful probably to other ppl, mostly only to me.

Adding some nice LSD trip during this test to see if it can enhance the whole thing :)

Sadly can't do micro dosing
Alright, forum fam, strap in for the director's cut of our low-dose odyssey!

So, I ran Tren E a while back, but I did it differently than most. I went with a super low dose, like 100mg a week. Why? I wanted the benefits without feeling like a sweaty, angry mess.​

Here's what happened:
My mind felt razor-sharp. I was focused and driven like never before.
Muscles? They were growing even when I looked at weights.
But here's the kicker - I didn't turn into a raging lunatic. No random aggression, no weird sexual urges. Just felt like a better version of myself

Chapter 1: The Micro-Tren Experiment Deluxe​

  • Dose: A conservative 100mg/week of Tren E (aka "Tren for Beginners")
  • Result: Mental drive sharper than a samurai sword, muscles popping like bubble wrap
  • Unexpected Perk: Clarity of mind that'd make a Zen master jealous
  • Plot twist: Didn't turn into a sweaty, paranoid, tranny-chasing maniac. Who knew?

Chapter 2: Mushroom Kingdom Adventures​

Now, this is where it gets interesting. During that Tren run, I also dabbled with some magic mushrooms. Not at the same time, mind you, but in the same period.
The combo was wild:
I felt connected to everything and everyone. Like, empathy through the roof.
Yeah, I was horny, but not in that crazy Tren way. More like, in love with life and my girlfriend.
My whole outlook on life changed. It was like seeing the world in HD for the first time.
  • Magic Ingredient: Psilocybin (because why not add some spiritual gainz?)
  • Side effects:
    • Empathy levels: Through the roof
    • Horniness: For life, love, and my girlfriend (sorry, Craigslist missed connections)
    • Worldview: Expanded faster than my chest on bench day
  • Bonus: Discovered the meaning of life (it's gains, obviously)

Chapter 3: The Homebrew Hustle - Tren Ace Edition​

Fast forward to now. I've gotten into homebrewing (yeah, I know, playing with fire), and I'm thinking of giving Tren another go. This time, it's Tren Ace in castor oil.
The plan:
Keep the dose low, just like before.
See if I can recreate that mental clarity and drive without the shrooms.
I'll be tracking everything - mood, body changes, the works.

  • New Quest: Brewing Tren Ace in castor oil (because I like my hormones like I like my coffee - homemade and potentially life-threatening)
  • Goal: Recreate the magic, minus the actual magic (mushrooms... for now)
  • Expected Results: All the mental clarity, none of the dragon-chasing hallucinations

Chapter 4: The Year-Long Enlightenment Afterglow​

The craziest part of my last Tren+Shroom adventure? The effects lasted for over a year. Not the full intensity, but the positive outlook stuck around.
What I learned:
The present moment is all we've got. Sounds cliché, but it hit different.
To make shit happen, you gotta take action now. No more waiting for the "perfect time".
  • Duration: Over 365 days of feeling like Aristotle on anabolics
  • Life Lessons:
    1. The present moment is all we've got (so make it swole)
    2. Grab life by the balls (gently, and with consent)
    3. Success is just a mindset away (and maybe a few CCs of Tren)

Coming Soon: Return of the Tren-Jedi - Ace in the Hole​

Stay tuned for the next installment of our hero's journey. Will the homebrew Tren Ace live up to its Enanthate predecessor? Will our protagonist resist the temptation to microdose shrooms with his morning pin? Will his girlfriend notice the difference between "life-horny" and "Tren-horny"?Key Takeaways:
  1. Low-dose Tren can be a game-changer (but still probably terrible for you)
  2. Mushrooms + Tren = Philosophical Gainz (results may vary, don't sue me)
  3. Homebrew at your own risk (seriously, have you seen what Tren can do to a carpet?)
  4. The best moment to seize life is now (preferably while on Tren)
awesome post !
I don't think many here experiment with shrooms and other rec drugs that much.
me and my buddies used to buy 200-300 sheetsof LSD at a time and this was in high school so our summers were a "wild ride" !, but i've never "tripped" as hard as with gooood mushrooms(we used to raise our own) very beautiful adventures on mushrooms, ive even taken dmt to the "extreme" talk about vivid hallucinations my god, very spiritual also ,,,,
I think you're playing with fire. AAS that is known to have strong psychological effects combined with psychedelics can turn into a bad situation, real quick. Tread lightly. For anyone else reading this, I would highly recommend that you do not do what this guy is doing. This combination sounds like a good way to end up in jail or ruin something in your life.
I think you're playing with fire. AAS that is known to have strong psychological effects combined with psychedelics can turn into a bad situation, real quick. Tread lightly. For anyone else reading this, I would highly recommend that you do not do what this guy is doing. This combination sounds like a good way to end up in jail or ruin something in your life.
He is microdosing he is not having a full trip it's a very different thing.

Of course you need experience with both compounds before trying stuff like this.
He is microdosing he is not having a full trip it's a very different thing.

Of course you need experience with both compounds before trying stuff like this.
Doesn't matter in my opinion. AAS, especially TREN, Is known to bloat your ego. Psychedelics with a bloated ego tend to not be a great combination. Personally, I wouldn't use any psychedelics unless I was down at legitimate TRT. Also, the psychosis-like side effects that can occur from tren could be exacerbated by psychedelics.

A few times I've seen people get really into psychedelics. They get really excited and think they found the secret to opening their mind or connecting with God or whatever. When I look back at watching what happened to those people they were definitely peaking in a kind of manic state. They seem to hold it together for a while but seem a little off. The ones that continued tended to increase dosage and frequency and eventually blow a fuse. Overtime most people would recover from this but it can take a while. I know two people who have not recovered fully.

Psychedelics are very interesting but they are not a magic bullet to healing yourself or spiritual enlightenment. They definitely have a time and a place and I don't think they're bad, but I do think they get abused more than used correctly.
I think having a rapid acting antipsychotic on hand like risperidone probably makes sense with this experiment.

All the same, I always found I got the best results with lower doses of tren vs higher ones. It just kills your stamina above 150mg or so.
We're in a crazy time. When I took drugs as a teen it was regularly assumed to act a bit different from the norm. You're delving into a steroid and taking a drug, legal or not its a mind altering substance.

Taking the one steroid that arguably has the worst effects and taking a drug on top and thinking it possibly crosses over to others? I get anixety from weed now, others have a great time. My next post will be I drink and have a better time on test....