Tren forever

Viewing another thread where someone was running tren for years; I was wondering how feasible is running tren at low doses forever? I’m talking like trt+
@Michael Scally MD sent me a research study on this very topic. I wrote a summary of it here in 2011:

The study is attached.

I'm not sure if any researchers picked up on this with further investigation.

Unrelatedly, I know some doctors were prosecuted in part for prescribing trenbolone as TRT.



  • Yarrow et al. - 2011 - 17β-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone) e.pdf
    387 KB · Views: 6
Who are these people you are referring to? Our fellow broscientists here? Yeah, I think I can afford to disagree with them. Are these neurological health problems speculated from animal studies? For some reason when one's hypothesis is supported by animal studies they are fine, but when they go against your beliefs, they can go to trashcan.

I feel like you are trying to put words in my mouth, I only discussed the hepatoxic aspect and the proofs which have been provided for it. But now since I'm not completely convinced by that, I have to have an opinion on the neurological aspect as well? How are these even related? What is the argument you are trying to construct?

And yes, I believe personal health is best indicator for what works for you. There are million things to worry in life and inventing new ones just out of fear is quite useless.

In my experience, your body adjusts. Month or two starting Tren it felt like maybe the side effects are not worth it, but they mainly went away (still have night sweats and varying insomnia).

For night sweats I don't use blanket, I have fan if I need it and sleep most nights with windows open (welcome mosquito season).

For insomnia I take weed, 5-HTP and long books. Also naps sometimes.

For cramps I used multivitamins and tried to adjust diet so it had everything. For crazy pumps at the start I don't have anything, just train more and be careful not to pull muscles when they are pumped. Same goes for the feeling of having aerobic capability reduced (out of breath), just train more and see it go away.
holy mother of all crazy shit, are you actually saying that tren is safe to take at any dosage for long term?
Is androgen induced invincibility that much of a thing?
you do realise that even cows, which tren is meant for, get fucked up in a few short ye
ars on tiny doses?? You might be built like BULL and have no immediate side effects to your cardiovascular and neurological system but don't go around telling others its safe.... they may not be so lucky...
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1- Recreational users have no need to use tren.

2- Running tren year round is stupid, don't do it kids.

You only have one life, don't waste it permablasting Tren like a fool, lift hard, eat properly and enjoy your physique.
holy mother of all crazy shit, are you actually saying that tren is safe to take at any dosage for long term?
Is androgen induced invincibility that much of a thing?
you do realise that even cows, which tren is meant for, get fucked up in a few short ye
ars on tiny doses?? You might be built like BULL and have no immediate side effects to your cardiovascular and neurological system but don't go around telling others its safe.... they may not be so lucky...
I feel like you are still trying to put words in my mouth. Also you sound so obnoxious that you are clearly wanting me to disagree with you. Have fun, I'll just use Tren until I feel like it is time not to and I will not stop sharing my experience with it. Use Tren, not fear.
I feel like you are still trying to put words in my mouth. Also you sound so obnoxious that you are clearly wanting me to disagree with you. Have fun, I'll just use Tren until I feel like it is time not to and I will not stop sharing my experience with it. Use Tren, not fear.
didn't mean to sound like a dick, and by no means I was thinking you should stop sharing your experience, it might prove very valuable who knows.
I was just saying that maybe we should all have a more didactic way of expressing our experiences instead of make it sound like advice.. as what might be ok for me might give you bad results.
I've read of individuals getting good mental effects from tren and can see that being very addictive but they are a minority I would guess.
I just came off of a blast using Tren A @ 200mg/Week and Sust @ 600mg/Week and the initial sides are pretty shitty but i would agree that they do become more managable with a little time.

The worste thing for me was Cardio in the tank that shit is awful i think its probably the worste thing if you are training for hypertrophy.

While the strength gains are nice the trade off for lower intensity isnt worth it in my opinion.

After coming off i had a 3 day long migrane not sure if directly connected but i also dont think its a coisidence.

I see the appeal but dont think its worth it. Ive always wondered if it would even be worth using a super low dose myself but i cant see how it would really do anything at such a small dose that couldnt be accomplished with a different compound.
I just came off of a blast using Tren A @ 200mg/Week and Sust @ 600mg/Week and the initial sides are pretty shitty but i would agree that they do become more managable with a little time.

The worste thing for me was Cardio in the tank that shit is awful i think its probably the worste thing if you are training for hypertrophy.

While the strength gains are nice the trade off for lower intensity isnt worth it in my opinion.

After coming off i had a 3 day long migrane not sure if directly connected but i also dont think its a coisidence.

I see the appeal but dont think its worth it. Ive always wondered if it would even be worth using a super low dose myself but i cant see how it would really do anything at such a small dose that couldnt be accomplished with a different compound.
from what I’m seeing from this thread tren is really not worth it unless you’re cutting or doing a contest prep. There seems to be much safer compounds to use like primo or deca.
@Michael Scally MD sent me a research study on this very topic. I wrote a summary of it here in 2011:

The study is attached.

I'm not sure if any researchers picked up on this with further investigation.

Unrelatedly, I know some doctors were prosecuted in part for prescribing trenbolone as TRT.

Good stuff, as always, Millard.