Time for some size!

Making some notes

20- Tren E
24- Bold Cyp
3- Test Cyp
33- Test U
14- DHB
17- Aromasin
65- Ralox
57- Letrozole
15- Anadrol
41- Epistanse
Today did legs

Glute and hammy focus

Energy drink….

Hip thrust machine
One leg kick back
Hammy curls

Went a bit heavier and added an extra set to each. 4 sets of each exercise

Then did my PT for my torn pec muscle
Glute push back
Hip thrusts
Split squat on padding
Hammy curl sitting

PT for arm

I really started cooking and eating rice and chicken alot, no more junk,

I mean bagels and waffles preworkout for extra carbs but after that rice or tortilla wraps.

Pinning TRT today, it is def almost fully in system at 4 weeks today
PT at gym for arm
Yoga and stretching

Readlly having a hard time with losing all this size from injury, holy crap, my right arms is smaller then left now
Legs today

Quad focused
Adductor 4 sets
Abductor4 sets
Leg press 8 sets
Leg extensions 5 sets

All of these were heavier
And did extra sets on each

No idea why i only did 4 exercises, but i went much heavier then i was before.
Started BPC and TB today

I pinned 2.5 mg of each locally sub Q as a front load.

I now realize each vial is 5 mg.

What would be a good protocol to use?
50 iu for each 5 mg vial
Holy crap, cant remember, i did 2 fills for each syringe, will have to take the time to figure it out tomorrow, i added such little water for these. Didnt realize how small increments one takes. 5 mg vials filling with 50 iu, is small amount. But will do math tomorow when not tired, my brain feels going to pop. Lol each iu should be 100 mcg.
Glute focused
Leg kick back
Hip thrusts
One leg split squat
One leg standing kick machine
Pinned 1/2 syringe TB and Half BPC. My memory being bad forgot how much i used. But it was an amount.

Will make sure to correct tomorrow, and write down instantly
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Will be pinning TB and BPC ED for ease of use. Doing the same amount of each 5 iueach, or 500 mcg for a total of 3500 mcg a week of each. 3.5 mg each a week. 1 vial lasting 1.5 weeks, so ill have 10 weeks of bpc and tb
Warm up squat
Squats with safety bar
Leg press close and together
Leg ext

PT for arm

Eating much healthier at the moment. No junk food. Or any excess cals over what i am striving for